And we got this award from Daisy Mae and da Katie Katz for attending their party! Good thing we don't get one for every party we attend - that could be kind of embarrassing and would also fill up our free quota of Picasa Web Album space fast.... Thank you guys!

Karl emailed from Africa and told me he will be on safari UNTIL AUGUST 20!!!
Mrs. OZ
Congratulations on such wonderful awards!
Skittles, The Huntress
w00f's Kittys, congrats on ur awards...dat hershey and kaci iz sum kool pups...
b safe,
concats on all your awards.
Congrats on the lovely awards!!!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Wonderful awards!!!!!!!!! WOOT !
I guess Karl & Ruis are having a relaxing good time!!! Cool!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Wow! That's a lot of awards. Congratulations!
Purrs, Sukie x
Congratulations on your awards!
I love your awards...congratulations on them.
I missed Noms day. I forgot to rimind my mom bean who lately wouldn't have remembered it anyway, she's such a ditz these days.
Hugs...Gretchen and Mike
So many faboolous awawds!! and you desewve them all!!!
I can't wait till Karl comes home and tells us evewything about theiw adventoowes..I hope you and tinTin awe having a lovely weekend
smoochie kisses
Congratulations on all your cool awardies!
Hi Mrs. Oz. Congrats on the awards. That is very nice. Lucky and I think you are doing a fantastic job blogging while Karl is away. Just remember, when he comes back you can still take over every now and then. It's only fair.
Congratulations on your new awards! Hope you cool cats are having a great weekend
licks & slobbers
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards. We haven't been able to blog or comment in a long time and we appreciate your concern about us.
Our last post is special. Come visit and guess why. You may win a prize.
Enjoy the safari!
Mrs. Oz we have another Brillante Weblog Award for you, we gave it to you specifically. ~S, S & C
PS: Hope Tintin is doing OK, we enjoyed playing with him at the NOMS party.
Oh, what a long safari, but if you're going to travel so far, might as well make the trip worthwhile.
Congratulations on your awards!
Congratulations on all those awards :-D
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