"... I miss you all! It's just that the humans have been occupied with other stuff lately that blogging is just kinda not on a priority list right now. But please don't think that I've forgotten about you... I'm doing very ok and healthy. "
And he sent some pictures along, too!

I forwarded the message to Karl on safari right away and he was very happy to hear from Lucas too!
Mrs. OZ
Youw fwiend looks supew nice..It's so good when old fwiends suwface..when is Kawl coming home???
THis is an endless safawi I miss him
give him and Ruis and TinTin my love
smoochie kisses
Lucas is looking great!
I am glad to learn that Lucas is doing well!
Wonderful to hear from old friends, NOMS or not. Neat pix too.
Mrs Oz, we love NOMS day! What a great idea, we have some NOMS pals in our neighbors back yard. Mom really wants to get a woofie herself just exactly like Lucas! He's such a pretty boy!
Thank you and Tintin so much for entering our blanket raffle! Good luck! Purrs, Percy
What a handsome doggie Lucas is!
Have a great weekend!
We are so glad that your friend Lucas is okay and that there is nothing wrong with him. Busy parents are the bain of us without the ability to type.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh, I love those pictures of Lucas!
(Hey, my word verification letters are: luxqlfui - how often does that happen?) :)
It's great that Lucas sent you a message to say that things were alright, and on NOMS day too! What great timing!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I've never seen such a stylish dog!
Lucas is a cutie and we are glad you heard from him. We also found a new NOMS furiend on NOMS Day we will blog about next week. Could you please email me a blank Badge so I can use it. Thanks. jcfloresinc (at) g mail (dot) com!
Your FL furiends,
Kyoot owtfit!
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