Not so with the Javelina! Those are VISHUS!
They indiscriminately destroy everything, eat everything, rip apart everything, throw over everything.
When they've been through the garden it looks like Baghdad afterwards.
We have to have our vegetable garden fenced in. We even put a sign on the door that says: "Unfortunately we have to stay outside." And so far they did. But the door is always closed!
So here in the desert the vishus Javelina play the part of the vishus deer.

The other morning I was minding my business, thinking of lizards, when all of a sudden some vishus Javelina made the mistake of crossing my path after I already had received "Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt"! I decided to try it out on them....
First I stalked them, getting closer in hiding so that the element of surprise worked to my advantage!

I am Karl, Awesome Mancat, Famous Javelina Slayer!
Thank you, Rocky, for the repellent!