Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mancat Monday

This Monday I will not just post the picture of a great mancat (me) but show you a story of one (me again).

Here in the desert we have deer but they are kind of nice. Not destructive, they pretty much leave us alone and we leave them alone.
Not so with the Javelina! Those are VISHUS!

They indiscriminately destroy everything, eat everything, rip apart everything, throw over everything.

When they've been
through the garden it looks like Baghdad afterwards.
We have to have our vegetable garden fenced in. We even put a sign on the door that says: "Unfortunately we have to stay outside." And so far they did. But the door is always closed!

So here in the desert the vishus Javelina play the part of the vishus deer.

The other morning I was minding my business, thinking of lizards, when all of a sudden some vishus Javelina made the mistake of crossing my path after I already had received "Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt"! I decided to try it out on them....

First I stalked them, getting closer in hiding so that the element of surprise worked to my advantage!
Then came the ATTACK:
I only had to attack one of them - as soon as the others saw what they had to deal with - like: AWESOME MANCAT - they ran for their lives....

I am Karl, Awesome Mancat, Famous Javelina Slayer!
Thank you,
Rocky, for the repellent!


Anonymous said...

I use to live in Tucson. I remember those Javelinas!! You did a good job chasing them away. I'm glad I don't have to watch out for them while strolling in CA. Keep up the good work!

Lux said...

DadBean says when we came to live here in New Mexico, someone tried to tell him that javalina would try to get inside your door to get your cats! He didn't know what to believe! (They were fooling him.)

You are super-brave!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Wow, dood, thanks fer the grate testymoniul for Mao & Rocky's Vishus Javelina Repelunt!!!! Yoo were vary brave to test it sinse it is a totally untested produkt! Way to go! We mite use yoo in owr informershul.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah my god Karl~!!!! You are really so so man~!!!!!!

Tara said...

Oh my gosh, you are so brave Karl! What a great, great mancat you are! WAY TO GO!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very impressive, Karl! Those javalina look mean! Dein Schild ist auf Deutsch! Sehr schön! Sprechen deinen Stab Deutsch?

Karen Jo said...

You are very brave, Karl. I'm glad the Vishus Javelina Repellent worked so well.

Ramses said...

Oh you're so cool Karl! You slayed the big bad vishus piggy thing! :) By the way, do they taste nice?! ;) We're always looking for new forms of food here, well Tigmut'hep is that's for sure... ;)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

HOLY SMOKE KARL! that is quite a story! Wonder if they are good to grill?
Today was a purrrrfect day to spend snoozing in the frying pan sick bay. A nice soft autumn rain fell all day long while I dreamed of all my sweet kitty friends like you who came to help watch over me. It is not how long you live your life that is most important, but the quality of your days is what really matters.

Parker said...

Very nice work Karl! I am impressed!

Christine and FAZ said...

yay Karl. You are my mancat hero, so brave and strong and not afraid of anything. FAZ

p.s. those javelinas look a bit like wild boar.

Mickey's Musings said...

Karl, you are THE Mancat!!!!
Brave & Victorious!!

Mosaic Cats said...

THAT is so impressive we hardly know what to say, Karl!
Good on ya!?

ASTOR CATS said...

Karl, you's are a great mancat. Such hunting skills! We are very impressed that you stalked and attached the vishus Javelina without regard to your own safety and saved your garden from destruction.

Midnite & Stray Kitty




YOU are so brave!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You are very brave Karl! I'm glad that Rocky and Tripper's vishus deer repellent worked so well.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

HAHAAH Excellent work!! My human says those vishus deer remind her of Pumba. They still look evil and you my friend are exceptionally talented to take them down by yourself. What do they taste like anyway? Are you going to have them barbequed or roasted??

Daisy said...

Hahahaha! I never saw a javelina before! They look very scairty. Karl, you are brave. I liked reading about how you defeated the whole herd of them.

And I even saw one of the vishus javelina posted a scairty comment somewhere today, too!

Anonymous said...

Those things are really ugly! I'm glad that you made them run away. Hopefully they never come back.

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! you are one tough Mancat. That is totally awesome Karl. They know better than to mess with you. I have got to get me some of the Vishus Deer repelunt. I hardly see them this time of year, but when it gets cold, they come in MY yard to get the critter food MY mommy (who is supposed to keep me safe) puts out.
You're one brave Mancat!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You are sooooper brave, Karl!

MaoMao said...

WOOT! Way to kick those Javelinas' butts, Karl! That's just too kool. You are such a brave and fierce mancat!

Thankies so much fur your purrs for my sistur Brainball -- she is doin' a lot bettur today, eatin' bettur and Brainballin' around and doin' her Alpha Cat patrols (YAY!); she's also gettin' in more naps, though, which is good. Momma thinks she still needs some more good bathroom trips before she feels 100%. But she's much bettur and Momma will keep an eye on her to make sure she keeps gettin' bettur or else she still might have to go to the v.e.t.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Furry Fighter said...

oh Karl! such a manly protective and brave cat! i have never seen javelina before, we donlt get them in the UK i think. all we get are foxes, rats, and pigeons it seems! i love the photo montage of your javelina slayig skillz! x

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - good job! Maybe you can collaborate wif Mao & Rocky and create a new division of their company!

Ivan from WMD said...

Excellent job, Karl!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow. That stuff packs a punch! You rock, Karl!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hi Karl, thank you for the German help! My humans speak passable German (my dad works in a German environment, since he's on exchange with the German military engineers) but there are just some things they didn't learn in their German language class, like most of the cat-related vocabulary! I am doing much better today - thank you for your purrs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow Karl, yoo are the bravest mancat we know. We have nefurr heard of Javelina but they look very furroshus. Well done furr chasing away the whole herd.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Karl, be careful! Dude, you are one kick-ass javelina slayer. We are very impressed. Plus, we never heard of javelinas. They are very disturbing!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Karl, you are such an interesting cat! And we thought that WE had some great adventures. One of these days you will have to visit us in Italy for an Italian adventure. We could take you to Rome, Florence or even Pompeii! What do ya think?

opus and roscoe
ps. You will fit right in here, EVERYONE wears sunglasses in Italy!

Anita said...

Muhahahahahahahahahahahaha! You are a great and brave fighter.