declare August 5 to be Noms Day.
You celebrate Noms Day however way you want but here are some guidelines of what you could do:
Find a nomss (not-of-my-species-special) friend if you don't have one yet.
Find more noms (not-of-my-species) friends. One can never have too may noms friends!
Have a party with your noms friends. Tell us about them!
Make a post about Noms Day to spread the word and most importantly to promote tolerance towards each and everyone!
Tell your humans about it and urge them to observe Noms Day also. You know that species stands for:
species, race, religion, culture, nationality, language, profession, political party, and so forth - right?
Here is the official Noms Day button to take, we do hope you'll celebrate with us!!!

Sounds like a great idea - I'll try to get my bean to help me ... she's so unreliable! :-/
That"S GREAT! Can Stellaluna be my NOMSS Friend, is becuz I don¿t has one :(
It will be the best NOMSS day ever!
PS: I"ll tell my spanish-talking friends so they can play too!
August 5 is my Gotcha Day and my blogoversary, too! What a great day to celebrate!
I will try and find a nice species to make friends with.
We missed NOMS day last year, so we will definately participate this year. We can't wait.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
PS - Tintin looks adorable
That's pawsome! NOMS Day is gonna be great! Thanks fur letting us know!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Please stop by our blog - we have given you three awards.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Oh, purrfect, we is haffing a noms over fur da day! Hey, Alfred da woofie is our cuzzin and a frend.
Ohhh, that sounds like fun!
Roxy & Lucky
A couple of times we've asked another species to be our noms friend and they each suddenly stopped blogging.
But it sounds like a fun day.
We are going to try to participate our bean is snowed (?) under, so we can't make any promises. We understand the late thing, we have no idea what day it is, much less month. ~Socks, S & C
Socks, Scylla & Charybdis asked us to be their noms friends. It's too late for the kitties to look for a doggy tonight. They can just have one noms friend?
NOMS day is a great idea. Now I just have to remember to participate.
I am a bit late catching up with this because my human stuck me in prison while she went off to enjoy herself in France. So at the moment I do not feel very friendly with not-of-my-species in general and her in particular - though I am following her round the house and sleeping on her chest at night just to make sure she doesn't leave me again.
However, it's a great idea. I will try to forgive her in time.
Yay! We Ballicai are gettin our postie ready right now! What a superduper idea.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Thank you for celebrating my Gotcha Day with me! Thanks to wonderful friends like you, it was my best Gotcha Day yet.
Love and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
What a cool thing - but we don't have an NOMS Friend, maybe we'll make one tomorrow?!
That is a great idea...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
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