Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Anastasia allowed me to do the next I Dare You All… because she was very intrigued by my proposal! And I am extremely excited!
Here are 13 reasons why you should accept the IDYA #2 challenge which will be posted this coming Sunday morning, August 5 at 9:30 EST:

1 - you do not have to wear a pink wig.

2 - you do do not have to wear ANYTHING if you don’t want to…

3 - it will still be fun.

4 - you do not need photoshop!

5 - you probably feel really good afterwards.

6 - you will receive another fabulous button to put on your blog.

7 - it might make the net a better place.

8 - it could be a lasting experience.

9 - I really poured my heart in it and would be crushed if not many participate…

10 - you might learn something.

11 - it is 1 great challenge, coming up in 3 days: 1 and 3 = 13!

12 - you can wear a pink wig while doing it…

13 - Anastasia made a bet that if I get more participants than she did for the pink wig dare she will post a picture of herself in Groucho Marx glasses and a party hat!

And that last point alone should be reason enough for everybody to attend!!!!



Anonymous said...

Ah, it's great to be labeled a "human with sense!"

Also, anything for Groucho glasses! Methinks it's time to rewatch Duck Soup.

Gattina said...

I don't know what IDYA #2 is but am ready to wear a pink wig !

Karen Jo said...

Your challenge sounds intriguing. I can hardly wait to find out what it is.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Ich kann es kaum erwarten und bin sehr gespannt!!
Come over and see my new furrrend tomorrow. She helped me with the earring photos. Do you think they look like Ana's eyes or not...
Wo in Deutschland ist die Zofe zuhause? Meine vermisst Leberwurst und Limberger Kase!!
I think those are probably really icky things?

Robin said...

Sounds intriguing!

Unknown said...

I can't wait! This sounds very very fun.

Ali & Fiona said...

Well do it Karl, we couldn't do the last one because we didn't know how to put on the wig.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm up for a challenge, bring it on! :D

Mosaic Cats said...

Well, you sort of had us with #1-#4 but until we see: AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RIDE INSIDE OF ANYTHING (LIKE A STROLLER, FOR INSTANCE), we are reluctant to commit.

Can you add this to our contract?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm looking forward to the challenge! :) It sounds like it will be fun. :)

The Meezers or Billy said...

ooooooooooooo we can't wait!!!

Tink said...

Hahaha, sound like great reasons to me!
My TT teaches some geography lessons this week. :-)

Anonymous said...

Now I'm eager to see. No pink wig, though--promise?

Anonymous said...

Put the cat in a pink wig and post it. Now that's a dare! But the prospect of putting on a pink wig and doing it makes me feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, that or Alias. Hmmmm....I have a shocking red devil wig, will that do?

The M's said...

MIssy and Munchkin are ready for the dare, however, I might be reluctant because I do not want Ana to be upset...Monte.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, intristing...3 days yoo say, well, now we will hafta see.

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the 'Thursday Thirteen' link and could not find it.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

can beans play?

smiles, bee

Christine and FAZ said...

We're waiting with baited breath or is it bated breath or maybe it's braided breath (whatever that means). Anyway, we can't wait. FAZ

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

I cannot find a link to mail you. I've stolen my mom's blog and I have reported on cat sites for the bloggers that will be by this Sunday. I reviewed your blog. You got four mice. Good job.

Nancy's true owner

Anonymous said...

I'll wear the pink wig!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

You can count me in! xx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I think Sockie~Pooh would look great in a pink wig.

He said Meout though.

I did a TT about August this week

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You better believe that I will take the challenge. I will take any challenge!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me :)

The M's said...

Ana, my Mom tried to order your magnet, but she does not have a credit card. :( She does have paypal though.

MaoMao said...

Oh, I'm ecksited! I can't wait to see what the next dare is -- I bet it's gonna be FUN!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Ruthie said...

I am very curious about being dared... ;-)

Karen said...

I have consulted with my 3 furry cohorts and they were wondering what IDYA is. They are all very well educated, so they were intrigued!!
Thanks for visiting and happy TT!

Samantha & Mom said...

Okay, we are ready!! Bring it on!
Your FL furiends,

Gattina said...

Thanks for the explanation I am sure my cats agree to dare EVERYTHING !

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i am cowntin da minitz an da secondz to yer noo dare!
i diden't yooz photo shop fer da pink wig dare ... i cut an pasted!

Karen said...

Thanks for explaining IDYA. If a bean can do it, I have a chance!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I can't wait for the challenge, I am also trying to figure out what will it be.

zevo hussein calamari said...

Can you believe that my pet human will not allow me to turn on the mac on sundays...
i am sorry i will have to wait until monday!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh me, oh my... Maggy & Zoey want to "sign up" for IDYA #2... we are anxious to SHARE... but having only teeny-tiny cat brains, for some reason -- we cannot figure out How To Sign Up? Please help us...

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh wow, we gotta do it!

Millie said...

I can't wait!