Your energy seem to have catapulted the staff out of their utter despair onto the road of mourning.
Right after the prayers the maid actually said this to the butler:
It would be just like her to show up NOW, after all this grieve and effort and heartbreak and to just wonder why the maid lost weight, the butler has red eyes, Karl seems subdued and why the heck is there a "SHRINE" - yuk! - on my favorite place???
Yep. That is her, our beloved Anastasia, with a personality so big - it will always be with us!
She had unpublished posts prepared - I will post those in the next days.
She had a Dare prepared - I will execute that for her in the beginning of October.
She will always be a part of The Cat Realm!
My condolences go out to her loverboy Monte. It was so wonderful for me to watch your love for each other grow - she had a TT prepared about you - I will post that also. I know she would want you to know how she felt. I am so sorry, Monte. I miss her too!
I am forever in the debt of the Cat Blogosphere - your compassionate support just blew me away. I do not know how I would get though these hard times without you guys!
I will visit you all, please do not be upset if it'll take me some days, I am still feeling very exhausted and sad.
We know that her three years with us were the most happy a cat can hope for, she enjoyed every single day immensely, we hope this might give you the same comfort that it does give to us. I will write her whole story and post it sometime in the future too.
We will love her forever.
Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart!

wishing for you comfort as you can find it, peace as it happens, and finally, relief.
with love, purrs, hugs, and tears,
ben fuzz
lucy fur
mom toni
Her spirit will be with all of us. We can feel in through the cat blogosphere...
Tara, Kavan and Mom
Love never dies. Not ever. Hold onto that. And though I can't help but hold onto hope, my heart goes out to you, Karl, and your family.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We are still hopin' that purr-ecious Ana will come home. But no matter what her purrsonality and her spunky spirit will always be a part of you, my furriend Karl, and of your fambly, and of the Cat Bloggiesphere.
Love and kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
HAHA EXCELLENT SHRINE!! Exactly how it should be darlings!!
I am sure Anastasia is around, sprinkling scorn and contempt wherever she is!
I will miss her dreadfully, it is so sad! x
I will never, ever forget Anastasia. It will be so bittersweet to see her final posts and contests, but it will be a great tribute to her.
Her spirit stays with each of us. We still send love.
Keep your memories of dear Anastasia, they are very precious, and she will always be in your hearts.
It will be sad to read her future prepared posts, but we will make sure we do her that honour.
Purrrs and (((hugs))) to you all.
We are sooo sorry.
We know you are suffering.
We are here for all of you
Oh no! I am sooo sorry to read this very sad news. I just read your blog today and I was shocked. I feel sad, we all do. Lots of love from me and my human. - Lucas
Oh Karl, that is a beautiful shrine to Anatasia. I still hope and pray she will come home safely, but I understand that you need to move on. There will always be a special place in all our hearts for her. My thoughts and purrs are with you, Karl, and your humans.
Karl, mate, this is a very sad time. Even though we're scattered all around the world, our thoughts and prayers and love are with you and your family. Thanks for giving Anastasia such a great life! Not all cats are so blessed...
We love you all.
This is very sad but we will always hold her memory with us and have a special place in our hearts for the lovely lady.
Thank you for sharing a picture of Ana's shrine. It's beautiful Oh how I wish she had walked in after the Minute of Prayers wondering what all the fuss was. That would have been beautiful.
I agree with Marilyn when she says "Love never dies." In that way Ana will always be with us, in our hearts.
Please, please Karl make sure your maid and butler eat and drink lots of water. Be very good to yourselves.
Clyde and I will miss Anastasia always. Love you all!
we're still hoping she'll turn up. did you talk to the animal communicator? our Lady's heard of them, but never talked to one. she's very interested in it. love & purrs from us
We will never forget Ana! She was so special and will always be a part of us. We will still hope for her return! Our purrrrrrrrrrrrssss and purrayers go out to you Karl and the maid and the butler! We are here for you. Thank you for sharing her shrine with us.
Your Florida furiends,
Samantha, Tigger and Mom
WE are purraying for the Maid and Butler and also for you too Karl and especially for Ana...
I'm already there
Don't make a sound
I'm the beat in your heart
I'm the moonlight shining down
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there
We may be a thousand miles apart
But I'll be with you wherever you are
I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there
Oh I'm already
Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx, Gracie and Mom Debra
Purrs to all of you. We will miss Anastasia over here but certainly not so much as you miss her at home.
I will never forget Anastasia, I will still pray for her. It is the tough time for you, Karl, we will all stay with you peacefully and love.
We will miss hers too. Our momma had a kitty disappear and its was real hard for her to deal with the not knowing and the waiting and the hoping. The blogsphere of great peoples out there are a huge helps to those in need. We's purr for you and your family.
we're crying here too. she'll always be a part of the cat blogosphere. big hugs, loves, tears and purrs to all of you. she'll be missed. it will me nice to read her prepared posts.
we love you guys, Hendrix & Amy (mommy)
Tears are streaming down
my face, as I just have
learned of this. Love
to Karl, and the human
And Anastasia, wherever
you are, you are surrounded
by SO much love... thank
you for all you brought
to so many here. Journey
well, dear kitty.
I'm so sorry Anastasia has not come home. I know you love her very much. Purrs!
Spirit sez... We jus found out about Ana today. We're heartbroken. Momma has almost cried about it so many times today.
Ezra sez...Never give up hope. Miracles happen. Just comfort each ohter and find peace where you can.
We just found out about Ana being missing. We are sending our prayers and purrs that she finds her way home. We did not know her well but know she is a very special girl.
Love, hugs and purrs,
Sending prayers your way... we all hope that a miracle happens. She is with you no matter what form.
zevo, nubi and their pet humans
We're not giving up hope...She'll either come home or we'll meet her at the rainbow bridge. It would be good to know, one way or the other, I'm sure. We'd love to hear her story....
Hi, just stopping by to see if there is any word on the communicator? Or if that is why you are moving on?
No matter what, she is with us always. Look how many people shared the Minute of Prayer yesterday. I am still hoping she will show up, but I'm stubborn like that. No matter what, we will keep her memory alive.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrs to alla yoo.
And leaky eyes too, but lots more purrrrrrrrrrrs,
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
She will never be forgotten she lives in our hearts forever.
i lost my dog of 9 years this summer and know the time you are going thru is very heartbreaking. you are in my prayers. one thing that has helped me was putting together a photo album - pulling pics from his whole life - into one album - reminded me of all the joys - best dog i've ever had. hugs and prayers from the mum at archi's antics
carri ann
tucson to so. california transplant and archi's mum
My face has bin leeking a lot theeze past few days as I think abowt Anastasia and how hard it is on yoo, Karl. I don't know whut I'd do if sumthing happend to my big bruther Mao cuz even tho I git on his nervs, we are good buddies --- hek, we're FAMLY. I hope yoo find cumfert in knowing yoo are are wrapt in one giant hug frum cats arownd the werld.
Thanks for sharing fotos of yer shrine: it is just byootiful!
We have lots of leaky eyes and are sad. We will keep purrayin' for a miracle, however, we purray for you, Karl, Monte, and especially for the maid and butler. Your suffering we cannot know. All our hearts go out to you.
Alexi, Mallory, Annie, Evita, Veronica, Binky, and Cissy and their human staff.
I was afraid to come here since Sunday because I wanted to hear good news. I am very sad. I was just getting to know Anastasia. I read what the Cat commincator said, but I'm posting here. It's a good feeling knowing she's happy where she's at. I know you will always have tears of joy and sadness for her in your heart. I wish you well in healing and hope, Karl, you will continue to post.
Hugs to you all...Gretchen
I am so sorry Anastasia has not come back. Wherever she is, I hope she is running like the wind and feeling free!
Goober love,
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