Saturday, July 5, 2008
House Trashing at Mr. Hendrix
Emil would not want us to sit around and mope so we decided to go to Mr. Hendrix's house trashing party this Sunday, July 6! We will take Emil's camera with us - maybe someone volunteers to try and catch Bendrix and/or anybody else who misbehaves - which should be pretty much anybody who comes, hahahahahahaha - on film. See you there!

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Ha, ha, we see that the two of you are going with plenty of refreshments!
Mindy & Moe
That's a great idea.
Thanks for coming to my blog.
It's hard for mom to visit here because for some reason losing Emil brings up the pain of losing Kali. She understands that when it's time, it's time, but still she misses the ones that were here before.
you cats have a BLAST
Moki calls the paper towels! He is so going to put the biety on them!!!
The raffle has started!
hehe, Karl -- you and Ms. OZ look ready fur the pawtay! It's gonna be great!
Thankies so much fur yur sweet komment. Me and Ariel will be furry happy to hear the thundur on our wedding day and know that Emil is lettin go a mighty burpie!
We haffen't set a date yet, but we'll be fixin to soon -- and absolootely yes, you are all invited and so is the entire kitty bloggiesphere! We hope you are all doin okeydokeys and bein comfurted by happy memories of Emil. We send you and yur fambly lots of love. You are in our thoughts!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Can't wait to see you later on today! Emil would be happy to know that someone will use his camera to catch the best part of the party. And you know, he will always be with us in spirit and in our hearts.
See you later!
Your bestest men
So glad that we stopped by today, checked with the mom of the house and we are on our way as soon as we get out of our fourth clothes. Don't even ask because we won't tell.
See you soon.
Sas & Momo
The best way to honor those who have gone from us is to live life to the fullest. House trashing par-tays are always good to bring a smile to your face.
I think a house trashing party is something that Emil would have approved of.
Ah house trashing. A fun fun hobby.
I'd better go check this out!
I think Emil would approve!
Good to see you guys having a gweat time!
I hope you had a great time at the house-trashing party and got some fun pictures. I'm sure Emil would approve. He would have been right in the middle of it. I hope you are doing OK without the little guy. He will always be there in your hearts and memories.
Ooh did you see any cute Aby mancats at the party?! ;)
Hi Karl and Ms. Oz,
If your staff want to drive to our BBQ, we would love to have them. Of course, you are welcome at the cat party we are having at our house at the same time.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Good for you guys - it's good to get out and about, Emil wouldn't want you moping! Hope you had fun!
Great seeing you and Ruis at the party. It sure was fun. Hope you two got home OK.
Sas & Momo
Karl, we are pugs. We are companion dogs. It is our job to sleep and look cute. That and the camera is still in police custody so mom couldn't get a video of me doing the Meezer 500 in the back yard.
We missed the trashin party ay Hendrix. We hope did plenny fer those of us who couldnt visit...
Hope you enjoyed the trashing... Emil would've LOVED it!! Hey, thanks for stopping by and sending your purrs our way following Kate's woofie's death last week. It's hard to lose a friend. Makes a difference to know that there are so many other friends out there!! Thanks so much.
Karl and Mrs. Oz, do you want to see what sort of nonsense we have on our cold and ice boxes? Visit our blog and see. We tagged you for this easy, fun meme.
Mindy & Moe
That is very neat both of you!
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