We are just overwhelmed with gratitude, thank you so much dear friends.
We invite all of you who met Emil, maybe got to know him a bit, or maybe just heard about him, saw his "Behind The Scenes" pictures or never even met him until now to participate in his wake.
Post your favorite Emil story, anecdote, or memory or just give your condolences.
Login: awakeforemil at gmail dot com
Password: inourhearts
Opus and Roscoe also made a picture of Emil arriving at the bridge, being welcomed by Anastasia, Miral and Ralph.

My fondest memory of Emil is when he captured that shot of Tigmut'hep in a right state at your wedding reception! Oh how we taunted Tigs for getting caught in the act of being a totally out of control 'niphead! ;)
The early passing of such a talented mancat is deeply sad, we hope you all have many, many wonderful memories of his time with you to treasure...
Oh my, we miss Emil so much! He was so cool and very creative! We have an Award for you at our Blog! Please stop by and pick it up!
Your FL furiends,
What a beautiful picture of Emil being greeted at the Bridge!
Words can not express how much I miss Emil. I will definitely go to his wake and drink a niptini or two in his honor. He was a special mancat.
What a wonderful idea! Emil is definitely missed.
We will miss Emil. We love that photo of the bridge as well.
What a wonderful thing Opus and
Roscoe is doing for Emil.
What a beautiful picture of
the bridge arrival - WOW!
What a great way of celebrating Emil. I am so sad that he had to go to the Bridge.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
It was a beautiful wake. I am going to miss Emil so much.
That is a lovely wake for Emil. Opus & Roscoe did a wonderful job on everything.
We imagine you are crying tears of joy over his life and tears of sorrow over his loss.
Thanks for the link to Emil's wake. Our faces are all leaky.
this picture made us very leaky. and smiley remembering our friends.
Bendrix is a little nervous about what he'll find over at Emil's. I wonder what Mrs Oz caught....I guess as long as mommy doesn't see it, we're safe!
That would be a wonderful wat to give Emil a send-off!!! I miss the little guy.
Thanks too,for the birthday wishes!!!
Purrs Mickey
That's just so lovely of the boys. I will never forget the feisty and cheeky one. Hope he has a great time over there taking candid photos and sends them back to us!!!!
What a wunnerful thing to do. Opus and Roscoe are great furriends! And we love that beeyootiful pickshure of Emil arrivin at the Bridgie. It made our Momma leaky-eyed.
Purrs and kittyhugs and love from MaoMao and the Ballicai.
*sniff*, what a wonderful idea, a wake for Emil. I miss my burp buddy. Love and cuddles and purrs to you and your family.
We just came from Emil wakes. It is clear from all of the comments and posts, that he was a cat who was loved by all.
We all knew that Emil was a special cat, but isn't it nice to hear it from his friends....
We will always miss Emil and happy that we had him as our friend.
Opus and Roscoe
It is a beatifully sweet touch to send Emil off to join his sisfurs and his brofurs at the rainbow bridge.
Many Hugs and Purrs,
This is one beautiful photo, it is comforting to know that Anastasia, Murial, and Ralph were waiting for Emil at The Rainbow Bridge. The celebration of his life was such a good idea and so nice of Opus and Roscoe to host it.
We think of Emil often, he will always be close to us never far from our thoughts.
Sassy & Momo
Hi everyone at The Cat Realm. I am so very sorry about Emil. I know it hurts Dear Ones. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Candle is lit too with thoughts for you.
I hope you are all saving the Emil blog for remembering. There are so many great posts!
We did not know Emil well, but he went ofer the Bridge too soon.
Our friends Opus & Roscoe are really the bestest men!!
I miss my younger brother-in-law a lot, but knowing his life is celebrated by so many friends and his journey continues at the Bridge makes it a bit easier...
Nose kisses and headbutts to you my love. I miss you...
Oh that is a lovely picture of Emil arriving to meet his friends. We will miss him.
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