we raised $ 260.- for CFHF!!!!!
Thank you so much everybody who bought a ticket!!!!
Unfortunately we will only have one lucky winner....
So let's see who it will be.
First I thought Emil will draw the winning ticket.
I guess that didn't work out. He kept saying "No" and again "No!".
So I asked Mrs. OZ:
It seems she wasn't interested either...
So I had the butler do it and he obeyed dutifully, hahahahahaha:
Success!!! Congratulations Livvie, you are the lucky winner!

Butlers are there to do your bidding. Otherwsie why bother having one?
He'd be a furry poor butler if he did not do what you told him...concatulations to Livvie!
Congratulations to Livvie!
Congratulations to Livvie, Lucky Livvie. That is a cool statue.
Missy Blue Eyes
$ 260 WOW!! Congratulations to CFHF (Cat Friends Helping Friends) and congratulations to the winner Livvi!!!!
The party was a blast!! And so much money is raised with the raffle for our furriends, so they are the real winners...
Congrats Livvie! :) Ooh I fink I had about 6 or 10 too many niptinis at your party... Ooh my head...
You have the butler well trained. Congratulations to Livvie!
Concatulations to Livvie!
And wow, yall did grate wif the Raffle!
Alla Us
Concatyoolayshuns to Livvie and great job wiv the raffle.
That wuz a great party. I am still recuvvering furrom those lizquilas. Eric sez I need to apollerjise furr my behaviour, but he won't tell me what I did, but it must haf been fun.
Oooooh! yipppeeedoodle doooo! Livvie won the raffle! She is dancing about here coz she can't believe it! We've never won anything before. It's great news. Yipppeee!
Congrats to Livvie!
Yer raffle did well. Congratulations to Livvie.
Moe & Mindy
Hooray for Livvie! And congratulations on raising $260 for CFHF. That's a great accomplishment.
Great Butler! Congratulations to Livvie!
You all did a wonderful job of raising money!
I have missed out on so much fun, I can't believe it. The humans are working too hard and not helping me with my blog at all. Congratulations to Livvie on her bit win and I am mega disappointed I missed the big party. FAZ
Congrats to Livvie on winning the raffle. Maybe Emil & Mrs Oz didn't want to draw the winning tickets as there are union laws and they didn't want to take the butler's job away.
Sassy made a very good point, Karl. She's a smart kitty.
Congratultions to Livvie. And to you for raising so much money with your auction.
Good job, Butler!!
Congratulations to Livvie!
thank you for a wonderful party! Castle has only just recovered, and we must apologise for his greedy ways, what a pig! he is so fat, not good for a Meezer!
well done on the raffle, that is fantastic :)
Woohoo! Congratulations, Livvie! I'm so glad it was successful and raised so much money for CFHF!
That was some party, Karl. I think I have a headache . . .
Concatulations to you guys for raising so much money for CFHF and to Livvie for wining the prize!
I guess Emil and Mrs. Oz don't feel a need to earn their kibbles ;-)
hehe, conCATulashuns to Livvie! and you have a furry good butler.
Yup, I bet we will have to have earplugs at the next pawtay when Email and Dorydoo really get goin with the burpies!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Congratulations to Livvie, and you kitties are most fortunate to have such excellent staff!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
$260! That is just so wonderful!
Hi Karl! For the Fab job on your
site and making me laugh (ALOT).
I would like to give you an award
for excellent blog. You will need
to go to my jewelry blog to pick
it up - not necessary to do the meme. You deserve it!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Congratulations Livvie. And you cats are pretty! Next time I think you should try to draw the raffle tickets a little later, after the hangovers are over!
licks & slobbers
great job with the raffle :-) congrats Livvie
WOW that is many green papers for CFHF! Everyone is so generous! We must be the richest kitties on the planet!
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