Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Present!

You might remember that I, Karl, won Monte Q.'s "Who Do You Love" competition for Best Valentine to a Kitty with my proposal to Ruis?
And Thursday my prize arrived: A kitty tunnel!!! I supervise the action.

Mrs. OZ immediately went into the tunnel, while Emil immediately went into the packing bag.

The butler wanted to play too but unfortunately it turned out he was too big for the tunnel.

Emil finally went in but decided to rather have the entrance facing upwards.

And then I put my paw down and claimed my prize!!!

Thank you so much Monty, you made our day! And probably many more, hahahahahahahahahaha.


Gretchen said...

Oh, Karl, what a wonderful treat. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like you will definately have competion for it's use.

Mrs. OZ, you look maavulous in those pineapple glasses. They are perfect for you. And yes it was me, not Mike that wanted you to have them. I'm so glad you liked them.I'm glad I'm not the only scatterbrain around.


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Oh, Karl, what a nice tunnel.
My mommy laffed out loud at tha pickshure of tha butler trying to play wif tha tunnel. an you knows she be in lots of pain. but she laffed.
Congratulations on your prize, it is a cool tunnel.
Purrs, KC

Cecil the Cougar: said...

WOW what a cool tunnel! I bet it is lots of fun! It was good of you to put your paw down and claim your prize, you deserve it!

Karen Jo said...

That is a really cool tunnel. You could have tent wars with it.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

That prize looks FABULOUS! I have to say, I laughed and laughed and laughed at the obvious stupidity of the butler! I mean, he knows he isn't actually a cat, right? Oh dear me - I think the slave training may have got to him -perhaps he thinks he is turning into a feline! Fantastic prize anyway and keep up the good work training the butler!!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a fabulous prize you received! :) We have the same cat tent from IKEA. We need a new one, though, because Merlin keeps jumping on top of the tent and crushing it, so the top bar of the tent is permanently bent now. Silly kittens.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a great purrize furrom Monty, but you will haf to be careful that the butler duzn't try to claim it. We are glad you got it to yourself in the end.

ZOOLATRY said...

A good early morning laugh from this one... if the butler wore this on his head all the time, he wouldn't need sunglasses.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh that is a lovely prize. We haven't seen one of those but I use my mummies washing baskit. It the same stuff. I think my mummy has some photos to put up soon of me playing with it.

Purrs, Sukie X

Sassy Kat said...

That is such a cute tunnel to play in. I am thinking that we could use it for a camping trip and it can do double duty and be our tent, looks like we could get a few of us in there.
Hey I was thinking about those photo taken of me at the party, the ones where I have a black out time of remembering. I thought the rule of your parties was: What happens at Karl's stays at Karl's.

Parker said...

Man, that's a great tunnel. I don't think Mommy would fit into one of those either!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow that is the coolest tent ever!
You lucky lucky kitties!!

Unknown said...

Oh, that's a very cool kitty tunnel. You is gonna have lots of fun with that.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Congratulations, Karl. That looks like a great prize. Now if your butler just stays out of it, it will last longer.

Daisy said...

Monty knows how to pick great prizes! I think you should tell your butler he is only allowed in the tunnel when it needs cleaning up.


I love the kitty ears on the
tunnel so cute! You crawling in
the tunnel reminds me of my
kid putting a house-tunnel on her head and walking around the house
being silly.

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Karl!
That is so cool! Even if we're not kitties, that tunnel looks like fun!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Asta said...

What a tewwific pwesent..I think you will have vewy many days of fun in thewe..the butlew is way too big fow it, don't let him wuin it
smoochie kisses
Asta pee ess. thanks fow the good wishes fow Mommi , she is a little bettew

Anita said...

I have an equal haunt!

It´s sale in Ikea


MaoMao said...

Oh wowie, that's a superduper prize, Karl! Have a great time with it! And Momma laffed so hard she just about snarfed diet pop up her nose at the pickshure of the butlur with his head stuck inna kitty tunnel!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Team Tabby said...

That's a great looking tunnel, Karl.Heh, heh, but we think mom likes it better than us....she wouldn't fit in it either tho.

Mindy & Moe

Zinger said...

that is really cool Karl. man your butler isn't too bright though is he?!! Obviously it wasn't meant for him!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Those ears on the tunnel match yours purrfectly.

The Devil Dog said...

Yup, that looks like lots and lots and lots of fun!


meemsnyc said...

Oooh what a wonderful tunnel! Looks like so much fun!

Boy said...

What fun! A tunnel! Mine Mummy twied to do the same thing your butwer did with mine tunnel here and ended up the same way. Beans....sometimes you just can't understand them!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I would like to borrow Mrs. Oz pineapple sun glasses please because I am going to Hawaii and need them very bad.
I am also taking hula lessons from a beautiful legend on the island!! I think you know her.
I will miss you all so much while I am gone...all the fun things that you always do. You are amazing friends. Such a cool cat house...Dragonheart has one like that. I also noticed that you have a Schmidt Lebkucken Tin box:) A homey touch.
Love Miss Peach Mahalo<

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a great prize! I think your butler is strange though. He couldn't tell he was too way big for that cat tunnel :-P Maybe he needs glasses ;-)

Forty Paws said...

What a great cat tunnel!

Sorry we missed your party, Maw has been uncooperative about helping us blog. It looks like a really great time was had by all!

Luf, Us

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dat iz an amazin' prize. I tinks da Butler needz to gets hiz own tunnel. Dis doez not look like it fitz him furry well. KArl, you look likes you are in heaven. You should be so furry happy.

Lux said...

Oh how cool - that looks like so much fun! Your Butler is *confused! ;-)

Bogdan, the editor said...

That's an awesome tunnel. Monty Q has one just like that! All the cool guys have one... "Hey, Investor??? I need one of these tunnels!!!"

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a great tunnel! You are very lucky!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh what fun! That is a very nice prize indeed!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

WOW! That is one great tunnel! Too bad the Butler doesn't fit, you guys coulda chilled in there and had deep meaningful talks.

Motor Home Cats said...

That looks like a great tent. We have seen lots of kitties have those. We just have the regular cube kind, but those are great too.

Have fun playing with it.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Anonymous said...

You tell that butler of yours he better be careful or he might get stuck!

Anonymous said...

That's a great prize, sweetheart!! We too have the exactly same cat tent from Ikea (same color). :-)

Looks like the butler had too much of The Cat Realm house wine and is still suffering from a long hangover... humans.... hahahahaha

Your Ruis

ps - you can announce it!

The Crew said...

That looks like an IKEA tunnel and it's very cool!