+++Please purr for Jessica to come home!!! +++
This is the last thing I remember:

This is just a little earlier - but you can see - things have gotten out of hand already...:
The gang from Jan's Funny Farm was unstoppable!!!
The staff took this picture in the morning... I think some other guests were pretty worn out too...
Come back tomorrow for the drawing of the raffle winner!!!
wow....everycatz seem to pass out after hillarious party!
hmm...we're the 1st to commnet, while others seem to be very, very.....sleepy?
-Meaouwy Troops-
Coooooeeeee, I am glad I wasn't the only one who suffer the after effects! Thanks for a great party!
That was a really super-duper party! I'm not surprised that so many guests were napping by the end.
What a great time! Oh my head though.... too much it too much! Thanks for letting us crash on your lawn chairs. We will stick around today and help you guys clean up.
Roscoe wants to know if anyone has seen his hat and underpants?
Wow, that looks like a furry good party!
I am sorry that I could not make it, but my female human needed lots of extra love the last days because her belly and back are hurting a LOT.
I will post some pics the next days about how I cared for her (belly). :)
Yup, that's gonna' leave a mark...
Man...what a great party! Glad we could come for a while! We had a few too many niptinis!
Thanks for the party!
Oooooooh.... stop shouting!
Muuuuuum! why did I wake up under the chair and not in my bed?
Fantastic party! My three girlies had a ball and Sukie is still recovering :O)
I think this was the party of the year!
We had a great time at the party! Thanks for being such terrific hosts. :)
Great party!!!!!!! It will take us a while to recover!!!!! Heh,heh!
Thanks for an awesome time :)
Purrs Mickey
This was a terrific party! Thanks for the memories (what we can remember, anyway!) Good thing there are lots of pictures...er...evidence!
He he you guys seem to have had a rocking time and now you are all passed out...zzz....
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Hee hee!
We're pooped out too! But we had such a good time!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
happy blog aniversaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Owwwwwwe, our heads! Thanks fur da wunnerful party...happy blogoversary again. aaaah, more sleep.....
That was quite a PAR-TAY!
Thank you for having us.
What a rockin' party!
Glad to see we weren't the only ones who had a good time. We're headed over to post our photo (we hope Jan doesn't see it) now. She'll yell at us and oh, our aching heads.
It was an amazing party. I might have wander back through and pick up that last lizard...
hehehe what a party!
I think if I had had a better time than I did I would have used up all of my nine lives, ha, ha, ha. Oh, I don't think it is fair either that Ruis looks better in a dress than I do.Haaaaaaaaaaaha
I hope evefuwwyone's heads feel bettew soon..a long nap is in owdew..it was a wondewfu pawty.thank you so vewy much fow inviting me and putting me in the pictoowes..you and Ruis,and Mrs. Oz and Emil and the staff awe wondewful hosts
love and smoochie kisses
Karl, you sure know how to throw a very wild and fun party! Thanks for inviting us all over.
Mom often says Chicken noodle soup is good a day after the big pawty. :D
Karl, thanks again for this great pawty!
Momo & Pinot
That was one wild party... those lizards were especially delicious!
Thanks for the invite!
Your Friend,
That was an awesome party Karl - thanks for inviting us all!
We are so sorry we missed your wonderful party. Our DSL line decided to party by itself yesterday. It looks like it was a lot of fun.
Congratulations on a year of blogging!
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We won't forget your gracious
hospitality! Thank you for
inviting us for the grande party!
Meow Purr Purr.......... :)
Uh Oh, who is going to clean up that mess?!
Sunny and Ollie told me it was quite a wild party. Now that I've seen the pictures, oh my :-0
Thankies fur the bestest PAWtay efur! We Ballicai hadded so much funsies. We'll be passed out most of today, that's fur sure! hehe
And tell Emil Dorydoo said she'd be happy to work with him on burpin but that he's a mighty good burpur, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
haha what a great shindig! And look at the photos of the aftermath! Hilarious! x
wow, just looking at these pictures makes me feel very worn out! that is the sign of a super duper good party!
Sukie is beginning to revive a bit now, and says she had a really great time with everyone and to thank you for the invite. She hopes you will all come to her 1st birthday party next month.
do u need any help cleaning up? I could send the boyz back to assist...
It was a great party Karl - I have had a very good time, even if I don't remember everything! Sorry about the mix-up on my blog as to who had which site (I'll go fix it now!)
Loved the raw meat & lizards, too, and of course the Mariachis! Once again, a Very Happy Blogoversary, and here's to many more!
licks & slobbers
HA HA HA! That was a great party all the way around. Thanks again for the invite!
That was quite a pawty!! What was that stuff in the air? Something about cats and naps??? Whatever it was, I know it was not for me! Hehehe
Koobuss Kisses,
it was the best party ever :-)
Sorry I missed the party, but I sure enjoyed the pictures!
Dennis says you cats know how to live! and I'm stuck with that annoying Chedwick .... we never have parties .
wutta party ...
happee blogaversaree ...
yer da gratest!
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