Detective Bucky Bun: Orlando Bun
Detective Harry Moe: Mickey
Papa Adam Ball: Mr. Hendrix
Mama Patti Ball: Marilyn Monreow
Cleoctra Ball: Charlotte
Tonto Ball: Pablo
Mika Ball: Eric
Rudy Ball: Merlin
Ling Ling: Jessica
Mr. Doogle: The Devil Dog - Roxy
Peachy Pitt: Miss Peach
Catherine Pitt: Ariel
Uncle Bill: Cameron
Paramedic #1: Tyler
Paramedic #2: Derby
Nurse #1: Tamra Maew
Nurse #2: Zippy
Dr. Kieran: Dr. Tweety
Policeman #1: Rocky
Policeman #2: Maya
Sassy (From Taylor Catsssss)
Aniwa, Xing-Xing, Goldie, Sukie, Faith Boo, Ayla, Queen Snickers, Billy, Fat Eddy.
This is so exciting! Cameron was so excited he couldn't sit still to get his picture taken.
We can't wait to see this next production.
"Yay" I'm so honored to be in the play:)
An all star cast!!!!
You have a very talented cast and crew!
We can't wait to see this. It sounds very exciting.
Purrs, Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X
We are so very excited about this!
Congwtulations to allthe wondewful new cast and cwew
smoochie kisses
The next step in the production of CCSI III is underway. All new talent are on the set and ready to go with the work. This promised to be another great show.
Woo Hoo! I am in the cast. That is so cool.
That is Miss Roxy Dragon Pebbles to you!
Hooray I am on the call back list!
(Dance Dance Purrs!!!)
Aniwa Scrat
that is so cool - hope it's as fun as the last one!
Congratulation to the cast - we can't wait to see the story unfold. Good luck with your rehearsals!
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Knock Knock joke rely so much on verbal cues that we can understand how someone who is a non-native speaker might not "get it" so to speak. We will count you as participating anyway.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oah Dear~!
New Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see!!!!
You really work very hard!!!
This is a star cast!
I'm so excited being the first bun on the show!
Oh, I am so excited! I can't wait to participate. I am doing verbal exercises as well as physical ones. I want to be in tip top shape.
Sasquatch "Sassy" Belle Taylor!
I'm also practicing my autograph!
hehehe, Brainball and Marilyn are furry ecksited! this will be so kool!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Congrats everyone in CCSI 3! I can't wait to see it! I'm also looking forward to trying out again for CCSI 4! ~Queen Snickers
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