If you want to bring us gifts - please do so by helping Mom Laura!
Here is some of the food:

Lower left: Shashlik of beef and lizard. Lower right: Bugs on a Bed of Nip.
Mrs. OZ made her famous Shrimp-Lizard Salad - she is sampling it here to see if it is good enough for the party! You can even see her tongue!

Right: Lizquila Cuervo Especial - a potent liquor made from lizards.
And here is the entertainment, and they will bring dancers too!!!

All of you have made this past year exciting and wonderful. Your visits and comments and stories and pictures - there wouldn't be a 'Cat Realm' if not for you. As a token of our appreciation for your presence in our life we want to give everybody who comes and visits this award:

We hope to see you ALL tomorrow at the party! It will start bright and early and go on ALL day long and way into the night, hahahahahahahahaha......
And there is still time to get your raffle ticket!!!
We also thought we will give you a short history of The Cat Realm:
April 15, 2007 our first post. We had no idea at this point about the gazillions of blogging cats out there! We also had no idea about how to manage pictures, so a while later we "stored" some that we needed for links here and haven't cleared that up yet.....
In May the first cat to visit us was Victor Tabbycat, and the second Dragonheart! And then we found the Cat Blogosphere through Aloysius and from almost none our comments went up to 18 immediately!
May 30 first Wordless Wednesday
June 4 first ManCat Monday
June 5 first time tagged
June 7 first Thursday Thirteen
June 8 first Fashion Friday
June 16 first annual lizard BBQ (the second will be this April 15, our first blogoversary!)
We had 36 'cyber' guests at last year's BBQ - this year we have 33 'actual' guests who teleported over and our goal is to have 100 'cyber' guests - that is a lot, isn't it? You think we can do it? That will be a LOT of return visits...... hahahahahahahahah
July 8 first IDYA - the pink wig challenge.
August 5 second IDYA - the nomss friend challenge.
Then came our darkest hour, we still cry when we think about it:
August 21 Anastasia did not come back out of the desert.
But during those sad and horrible days I also met the love of my life: my fiance Ruis.
October 2 Mrs. OZ arrived.
October 9 Emil arrived.
November 9 third IDYA - the dress up your staff challenge.
December 14 to 17 CCSI 2. Karl wrote the script and became part of Little Productions.
January 28, 2008 Karl proposed to Ruis and Ruis accepted!!!
And since then the overall traveling and partying with various friends has considerably picked up and kept us busy! If this trend keeps on like this we will have to hire additional staff soon, hahahahahahahaha!
Anyways - come back tomorrow to see what the party has to offer in food, drinks and entertainment!!!
KC said...
Wow, this looks like it's gonna be big. Yum, those salads look delish.
An we's can really celebrate now cause Lilly Lu, Mu shue & Iris are home wif Mom Laura.
I'll be there wif tha rest of tha Sherwood Bunch an we'll bring Tazzie, our NOMSS friend.
This is a big week. First we have had birthdays on Sunday, then Zevo and my human and Beau's person have birthdays. We have some birthdays tomorrow and your blogoversary. How can anyone want to do taxes during this time?!
O wow, just look at those plates of food! I may have to come later in the day, but I will *be there! :)
Has it really been a year??? Time's going faster & faster, like my mom says.
Well, I am on my way!!!!
I snuck in and got one of those bugs on the catnip - and mom took it off me and carefully placed it outside!!
It was MINE!
Your menu is absolutely priceless !! I am laughing so much that I spit out my coffee !! I have to show this to my friends (humans) because the Belgians are the same concerning food and the menu is something to be put on the menu card of the best restaurant in Brussels !! I have to send your link immediately to my friend she is french, married to a Belgian !
Oh wowie kazowie, Happy Blogiversary! We Ballicai are so ecksited and we can't wait fur yur PAW-tay!! It's gonna be smashin. Efurrything looks like it's gonna be skrumpshus. It was great to read the reckap of yur year in bloggin, and we Ballicai want to thank you fur all the fun you have brought to the Kitty Bloggiesphere! It just wouldn't be as great without alla you.
Lots of lovies and kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai!
MaoMao's right; the Cat Blogosphere just wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you for all the light and fun and laughter and purrs and caring you have brought and for your wonderful friendship! I will be at your party with bells on!
Love and purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Well, who could refuse such an invitation? Sure sounds like it's going to be loads of fun and food. But since you live in the SW, we thought your menu would be more along the lines of tacos, burritos and margaritas with fried ice cream.
Mmmmmm. We just made ourselves hungry. We'll have to go raid the fridge now. See you tomorrow.
Mikah says,
Thank you for taking the time to invite me and my 64 furry friends in the "creature lover" shelter.
The food looks delicious, a welcome change of menu.
I was so busy with your menus that I didn't see the award, lol ! Thank you very much !!! Big purr !
Okay! We'll be there.
Gretchen and Mike
I will definitely be at the party. Thank you so much for the award and for being so much fun (for the most part) for the last year. I still think of Anastasia when the sun is particularly bright.
Wow, you guys are party animals!
All of that food looks fabulous! We will definitely be teleporting over to the party. :)
I cannot wait for the big bash! Congratulations on your almost one year blogiversary. It looks like you have a fabulous lizard-y feast planned! Thanks so much for the award, too.
Oh WOW, this is gonna be a great part! We will be there!!!
Thank you for the award!!!
What a superb party menu! Mitzi could bring a few wigglies for you, or would they lower the tone a bit?
Thanks for the award.
Sukie X
Hi Karl and Ruis. Your party looks like it is going to rawk!!!!!
I have never tried a lizard beofre and the band looks like a lot of fun.
We will come over for sure!
purrs, Goldie and Shade
Wowie, quite a year. Congrats to all. We look forward to the big parteeee.
Am I invited?
Happy Anniversary!!! Squee - sounds like it's gonna be a great party - thanks for the invite and the award - we can't wait to come!!!
archi ann and riena and zinger and lakota and even big dumb puppy ;-)
We still remember the day that we found your blog. There was this photo of a good looking cat in a wig and cool sun glasses! We knew from that moment that you were one fun guy! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your blog is one of our favorites!
Happy anniversary to you all! Thank you for the smiles and laughter that you bring into our lives!
Opus and Roscoe
ps. The problem with living in the future is that you are almost always the first to arrive at the party! Of course Momo kitty is living farther in future than we are and she almost always beats us! hehehhehee!
You have interesting colors on your lizards. I will have to sample them.
Wow it has really been a year? Our first bloggie anniversary is later this month. We will certainly be at the party! The food looks delicious and those drinks look very potent! It promises to be a wild one!
Oops we posted twice by accident, so that is our deleted post.
Can't wait to come to the party! We are one of your newer friends, so thank you humbly for the award! We think we'll leave the lizards to the kitties and bring a few carrots to share!
Happy Blogeversary! It was so great meeting and hanging out with you last week. I never thought I would be friends with kitties...I thought I only would chase them - hee hee hee! But you are the bestest! Thanks for the invite and the award! I can't wait to celebrate with you cats!!!!
Lots of Licks, ruby
Thanks for the invite, and the award. We love you guys, we think you are great. Is there going to have broccoli at the party
Wowie! We are so ready for your 1st Blogoversary!! Thanks for the award and the food looks yummy! It has been so much fun knowing you! We will see you tomorrow!!
Your FL Furiends,
How could we miss your party? It sounds like it will be great fun. We'll be there. Thanks furr the award.
Congrats! This is some party week!
happy zevo mas to all
Will be there bright and early. We have been working hard at my place and Momo's so we will be at our finest when we perform tomorrow for you.
congratulations on the anniversary. looks like it's gonna be quite the bash.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for the party invitation. The food looks especially delicious, especially the bug on the bed of catnip. Have you thought about starting a cat-ering business?
Your friend, Quasi
We are looking forward to your party tomorrow. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Oops. We are here a day early! Hehehehehe! How on earth did we do that? Okay, back to the past we go.... See you TOMORROW!
Opus and Roscoe
Gosh, has it been a year already? I think you'd better expect more than 33 friends...more like a few hundred!
This looks to be an all-out bash.
I must say, the bugs on a bed of 'nip looks especially enticing. Could you save a plate for the 4 of us to share? We'll be over ASAP.
Rehersals are going great!! Can hardly wait until tomorrow and party on.
We are so excited for the party! It's going to be so much fun and the food, drinks and entertainment look spectacular!
wow look at all the food and drinks and wow that band is fantastic...this is going to be wonderful ... so much to celebrate and now we can whoop it up because Lilly Lu and family are all back tog ether again...
and Gracie
Sorry...we've been takin' some lessons in CAT from Asta, but we ran outta vocab words after the first three!!!
We'd love to come...u guys sure do know how to party!!!
and we might be brinin' some takeout...perhaps a couple of steaks with garlic roasted taters....and shrimp...u'll eat shrimp won't ya??????????\
SurfNTurf....we get the turf!!!
Quiet non threatenin' barks...
The Lizquila looks yummy. I hope I don't get dizzy with the kick from it.. haha.
I'll be coming too and I'll bring some food but someone need to help me carry it there :P
Hi Cat Realm Kitties! Your blog is always the hopping party place! I will be thrilled to attend as will my three kitties. I just hope Cricket doesn't break anything...
hugs and soft puurs,
Thanks for inviting me! I'm so wooking forward to partying! Yay!xkor
Oh, a great big Happy Blogoversary to you! We'll all definitely be here to celebrate with you because you've brightened our lives so much this past year!
Rocky & staff
Mmm, good lookin food! I can't believe I was yur firstest cat comment! ::spin:: I'll be sure to come back tomorrow!
Concatulations! I'm really looking forward to the party and thank you for the award. I love your blog:) xxx
Mrs. Oz's shrimp salad looks delish!!! We can't wait for tomorrow! Gonna be a blast!
Wooohooo! PAWTY, PAWTY, PAWTY! Oh, we'll be der! Mmm, lizzerds, drink, music...FUN! Happy blogoversary a day early. Dad sez we cats do nothing but party but we nap too.
Partee, partee! Hooray! Congratsez on yer bloggo-versarry! I will triez & make it...dis soundz super egg-zitin!
Oh this is wonderful news!
I still remember the first comment that Anastasia left me. We were like two peas in pod really - both with huge amounts of catitude *sigh*. Isn't it wonderful news about Lilly Lu etc!!! I was so happy to hear !
And thank you for the invite, I will be stopping by tomorrow evening (UK time) x
whoo hoo!!! we can't wait! Bendrix and I will be there ready to pah-tay!
Thanks for the invitation, we're gonna come help you celebrate your First Blogoversary! It's a good time for us to say 'thanks' for all the visits you made to us since we got here. You guys rock!
Mindy & Moe
Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary. We can't wait to come to the party.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I wasn't around when you first started blogging. It was very interesting to read the links you gave, to see how you started out and developed over time.
Thank you very much for the invitation and the award. Sunny and Ollie will be attending tomorrow (Ollie says she'll be there will bells on). Rascal hasn't went to any recent parties, well, because she's just a big bitch and totally not socialable :-p
Muahahahahaha! Fantastic party and mariachi!!
Thank you very, very, very much for the Award!!!
"¡¡La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminarrrr, porque no tiene, porque le faltan, las dos patitas de atrás!!"
This is so exciting! We can't wait for the party!
Sounds like it's going to be a great party.Thanks for the sweet award...
Hugs Ariel
This is going to be the pawty of the cebtoowy!!1
I'm so happy I got to meet you and be fwiendz I'm weally looking fowawd to the pawty..I'm leaving Mommi in chawge of the pootew so she can keep posting my endless pictoowes of Italy...I've nevew tasted lizawd, but if you like it I'm suwe it has to be good
smoochie kisses
This has been a HUGE year for ya'll-I can't imagine that you could top it! Looking forward to the party, and especially the ENTERTAINMENT!!
Guess I better go to bed early. This is gonna be HUGE!!!!!!!
better tell my NOMSS friend Roxy.
Oh ,I am all excited!!
Purrs Mickey
Looks like a great party. Count us in!!!!!!!
Wow cool!
It's been a big yeer. It's hard to belieeve we've only known yoo a year tho. Wow!
we'll be there Karl - I am going to get blotto at your do, celebrating my year in remission :)
nip nip nip nip nip!!!!
Dearest Karl! this has been an event packed year that you have presented us all with. Some happy, some funny and some very very sad...
We love you all so much for the role you play in our life. You brought us together with your fun challenges that have opened up a wide world and made it seem small by bringing us closer to friends near and far. BRAVO for a job well done and many more years of fun friendship!!
We conCATulate you on your blogoversary!
Love Miss Peach
I am HERE - all ready to celebrate the first blogoversary of the first friend that I met in the Cat Blogosphere!
Wow. Dat's da way to celebrate a blogoversary! You've done so much it seems like so much longer than a year. Let's Partay!
Whooo hoooo
party party party and concats and thanks for a full year of fun and games and regretfully that little bit of sadness. I wish many more good times for all of you. and no more sadness.
This sounds pawsome! We'll be sure to come if we have time!! Our humans just don't understand how important this is fur us!!
And thanks fur the award! We'll display it on our bloggie fur sure!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PAWESOME! We'll be there an' we'll bring Stripy Pete, too!
DMM an' the FAs
Here's to another year of
Fabulous Fun in the Cat
Blogosphere! PURRS!
and Jewelgirl
Many purrs for the invite and
catnip friend award!
All goes a bit slowly with my typist (NOT with us!), but finally we are packing...
See you tomorrow, love! :-)
~your Ruis
I will try to stop in at some point tomorrow. Probably later in the day. If I don't make it Happy Blogoversary!
Congratulations to you all on your first blogoversary! To think, we knew you before you became really famous! It's been quite a year for you- some great highs and a depressing low. Things are looking great for you now.
Sorry we never visit and comment any more. Our secretary always seems to be "busy" now. The nerve of her!
Happy Anniversay and it looks like it is going to be a great party. Look at how may of my friends are already here!! Yippeee!! Pass me a niptini!
Oooh, the party looks like a lot of fun.
One year already! WOW! That's great. Since Mom is gone and Dad'll be at work the four of us should be able to teleport over for a quick nip and snack and not even be missed. Count on seeing us tomorrow.
My goodness, what a spread! Congratulations! You have been a great friend!
Party party. We missed our first birthday as we were too busy watching shooting stars and staring at the moon.
Amazing how many cats are out here blogging.
Have a good party day and love from all of us. We will catch you a mouse.
well it looks like it's been a great party. sorry i had to leave, mum hogged the computer all day to work
glad you are having such a great anniversary celebration!
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