Monday, March 31, 2008

Our First Blogoversary Is Coming Up Soon!

On April 15 we will have our first blogoversary - which of course we will be celebrating in style with our annual lizard BBQ - everybody is invited - more details later.
One of the things we are doing for the occasion is a raffle as a fundraiser for CFHF, Cat Friends Helping Friends. Mrs. OZ is showing you the Grand Prize here:

Aside of The Cat Realm's signature Cat Buddha Statue you will also get one of our books, a pair of funky sunglasses, and lots of little surprises.
A raffle ticket is $ 5, you may buy as many as you want and everybody can participate. The raffle ends April 14 at midnight Pacific Time. Emil will draw the winner on April 15.

The button to buy raffle tickets is in our post on top of the page.

Proceeds of the raffle will be donated to the
Cat Blogopshere. You may have heard that Cat Friends Helping Friends will be transformed into an official 501(3)(c) not-for-profit charity organization with Mom Trisha of The Cats Stephens volunteering to head this up for the first year. Getting CFHF registered as a legal charity entity will take some time and money of course, so hopefully with our donation we can help cover the fees. Any leftover money goes into the fund for helping cats in need.

Please keep Momo in your purrings - she is improving but we don't know yet if she maybe has sustained long term damage....
And Miral is still doing good - we now only have to find out what is wrong with her heart in the first place.... so we might need more purrings there too.
But thank you all so much for all your help and making the miracles happening!!!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

It's great to see both of the girls improving. We hope they both make a complete recovery.

The raffle is for a great cause.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

It's great to see Miral and Momo healing, we's sure all been purring fur them.
I loves tha raffle and it is fur a wonnerful cause.
Purrs, KC

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a wonderful idea to raise money.

We are glad our friends are doing better, and continue to purr and pray for all those in need.

Tigmut'hep said...

Ooh I'm so pleased for Miral, it seems that wish I gave Ruis is working! :) Time to celebrate with some primo 'nip... Ok, so I'm after 'nip again! ;)

Daisy said...

A lizard BBQ?!? I am there!

I am so happy that Miral and MoMo are doing better.

Parker said...

What a great idea, I am going to ask Mommy to buy a ticket for me this week!
We keep praying for our friends!

Sassy Kat said...

Glad to see that you are getting ready for your blog celebration, that tells me Miral is getting well enough that plans can be made. How wonderful that Miral and Momo are getting better. Count me in on the anniversary fun. Great prizes!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that everyone is doing better. That is a very good idea to raise some money.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea to help raise funds!

The Crew said...

Mmmmmm, lizard BBQ sounds good. Will Daisy be providing the lizards?

HRH Yao-Lin said...

what a wonderful thoughtful idea! The cat blogosphere needs selfless cats like you to balance out the selfish cats like me.

I will be purchasing my ticket once the human clears her credit card by the end of the week! x

Islay said...

That sounds like fun- I can hardly wait to have the BBQ! Nice prize, too. What with winter coming on here, and the floorboards so cold, I could use a felt bottom!
licks & slobbers

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

What a great idea! We love the Cat Realm statue. Did you cast these yourself? Momma bean loves doing lost wax castings! She's done bronze casting a few times but prefer silver.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Umm, I have to figure out how to pay for the raffle ticket because SS has had problems with her PayPal account and has since terminated it.

I am feeling better now and am crossed with SS and gran for not letting me out to the garden.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary! Very exciting stuff. I hope it is a great day for you.

P.S. I think it is time for another IDYA Challenge.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We entered da "raffle". Mostly ta support a good cause. That sure is a COOL statue, but the good werk matters more...

Motor Home Cats said...

We are going to have to see about stealing our mom's plastic card. She seems to buy lots of stuff with it.

We are glad everyone is getting better. We've always said that the CB can work miracles.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Anonymous said...

That is a furry good idea! Looking forward to the blogoversary!

L. Alida said...

Concatulations on you upcoming anniversary! We are still purring and praying for all of the kitties in need and we're happy that Miral and MoMo are feeling better. Mrs. Oz looks very lovely next to the kitty statue. :)
Hugs and Purrs,

CRIZ LAI said...

Well, this is a great way to raise funds to help those needy cats. I'm so happy to hear that Miral is finally eating and Momo is doing just great. I have my purrayers for them always :)

Jimmy Joe said...

What a great idear for a raffle, buddies! Those Cat Buddhas are awesome.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Christine and FAZ said...

What a great idea, we got 4. One for me, one for Fred, one for Ginger and one for the humans. FAZ

Lux said...

Sounds like a great idea!

Anonymous said...

We are with 10 kitties, that's 10 tickets, right!?
And the more we buy, the more leftovers... hahaha.

The whole Cat Blogosphere helped Miral, so we love to do something back.

Babs (Beetle) said...

We must get my mummy to buy one each for us. We're so glad the Momo is much better and that Miral is eating now.

Purrs Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X