As for us: on our third day in Ireland we finally visit a brewery! Although no longer the largest brewery in the world, it is still the largest brewer of stout in the world.
The beer was great! We drank a lot. We had to go and air our heads a little. And then we saw strange , very very strange things..... And all the leprechauns had Charlie's face... Very, very strange....
In the afternoon we visited Dublin Castle, there is sooooo much too see here....
With all these activities and sightseeing and beer sampling we decided we needed to cool off a little at the hotel pool:
And then on the evening news on TV we saw this and we think we might be off the hook now! We wonder if Cheysuli had a hand in covering for us? After all - she IS the prime minister of Italy...

The participants: Asta, Charlie, Charybdis, Scylla and Socks, Momo the cat, Momo the dog and Pinot, Opus and Roscoe, Ruis, Sassy, Stanley, Mrs. OZ, Emil and Karl
Neato! As long as it is fixed, we don't care who did it :)
We are fast becoming alcoholics!
wow those photos are brilliant. I do admire your thin and efficient looking human slave!
I love the photo of the tower of Pisa - it is well and truly fixed now!
Great pics as always - the brewery looks like my kind of place. x
Cool, a bandaid. All better.
You are very lucky to get to see those cute leprechauns. I have never seen even one before.
Dad sez that brewery mightn't be the biggest in the world, but it's still the best. We will tell the Beans that the Tower is mended so they can still go to Pisa.
A dip in the pool sounds nice, especially to our aching muscles. We haven't found the time so far. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
I think maybe you had a little too much free beer at the brewery, ha, ha, ha. Thank you so much for giving me the hair turban and cucumber glasses, I feel like a million dollars since I had some time to relax a little. So glad that your gang is with us on this trip, you all make it extra fun. Do you really think the tower is fixed? I will have to check out the news tonight and see what is being said about it.
What fun you're having! We love the charliechauns - and the lady is holding gourds! My mom does artwork on gourds, and we have a whole basement full of them. The little ones are so much fun to bat around the floor!
And you were still standing when you came out of the brewery ?? Amazing !
Imagine our surprise when we followed your link to Chey and found Crystal's photo staring back at us. We're honored he was chosen to represent our group today.
We can see you're all having a wonderful time on your trip. Enjoy your last couple days.
I would like to think so, but I am not certain that I was able to help that much about the Tower... My sources say Interpole is sniffing around.
You guys are just too funny. Honestly. The pictures are great and the stories are fabulous. As for the leaning tower of Pisa, we are suprised that duct tape wasn't used.
You are hazzin' entirely too much fun!!!! Iz dat ale green????
hehehe, yay for Chey in gettin the Leanin Towur of Pizza fixed! She'll make such a great Prezziednent of the United States, too.
Yur picshures are superduper! You're all having such a great time. YIPPEE YAHOOIE!!!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We are glad you are having such a great time in Ireland. You need to stop by the Hills of Tara - Tara, Princess Meezer and our Mom, Tara (not the cat) are both named after them.
We are glad everything is alright in Pisa now.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Souns like ya are hafin a great time!
Wow, you are having a fabulous trip! I am loving the pictures -- thank you so much for sharing! And what great news about the Tower. I just knew Chey would come through! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Another fun day in Ireland! We are happy to see that the tower is Pisa is fixed somewhat. Maybe we can go home when our trip is over if the incident is forgotten. See you tomorrow for the big parade.
I am so glad that towerl has been fixed, hehehehe~!! Well done~!!!
And you swim?? Wowww......
You really have great good fun!
It's easy to see that you are having the time of your life!!! Will you have green beer for St Paddy's Day ? Heeheehee
Thanks for sharing the pics. They are awesome :)
Purrs Mickey
What an exciting adventure!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
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