I can understand if we never get an award again - we must come off as awfully non-appreciative.... But believe me: we are NOT! We treasure all our awards A LOT - if we could just remember which ones we got and from whom, of course, hahahahahahahaha. Sorry...
+++Breaking news: Ruis just told me that Momo gave me the award....Thank you, Momo!+++
If you have given us an award and we have not acknowledged it - or for that matter tagged us or asked us something and haven't gotten a response - be so kind to tell us and I, Karl, will make it up to you!
We all did get an award that we remember getting and from whom we got it! Gretchen was nice enough to give us and Brody and Dicky Duck the "You Are Toadally Awesome Award"! Thank you so much, Gretchen!

"It is given to cats, dogs or any animal or human bean that have lent a special helping paw/hand to another cat, dog, animal or human bean.
You may give this award to as many individuals as you want, to thank them for lending you a helping paw/hand. If you don't need it now, save it, and you can give it when needed."
We had a pretty scary weekend here at The Cat Realm because Saturday evening our post was hijacked by pop-up advertisements - we couldn't even get to it anymore!!!
My fiance Ruis came to the help right away, looking through all the script on my blog, trying to find the flaw! The Cat Blogopshere posted it and Robyn from Hot(m)BC and ML from Missy, KC and Bear rushed to the rescue also. I was overwhelmed by their immediate and fast reaction and help offering! And yes, they fixed the problem, it was some ranking gadgets from a site "rankwidget dot com" - so do not use any of their stuff!
For their efforts I want to give them all the Golden Paw Award, the least I can do! It was created by Ruis - but there is no law that says you can not be awarded your own award!!!!
Congratulations on you awards~~~
There are so many and I am happy for you!
Welcome back! Hope you are all relaxed and refreshed from the spa.
Wow, all those awards and a blog widget hijacker as well. Exciting times at the Cats Realm. Purrs FAZ
I am glad that you got the trouble fixed! The Spa sounded wonderful!
Congrats on the award-hope you find out soon where it came from! :)
Concatyoolayshuns on your award.
We don't know if we should tell you or not, but while you were at the spa, Mrs.Oz wuz using your blog.mebbe she put the popups there and didn't know they would cause trubble.
Congratulations on your awards. We are glad to find you back.
Congratulations on your award. I am wondering if there is a I Left My Head At The Spa Award, ha, ha, ha. You are such a cutie and I know how much you appreciate all of the awards that you get. We have all had forgotten moments in our time. Good choice on those awards you handed out too.
A spa vacation is the very best! I hope you are still feeling relaxed.
I heard that many blogger blogs were having a problem with pop-ups.
Concatulations on all your awards!
Thx a lot buddies furr ur kind help, I was being hijacked also:( & managed to get rid off those annoying things.
Wow, those award are cool, congratz!
They were great to help you out! Congratulations on getting your blog back again!
Congratulations on your awards. I'm sorry you got hijacked...I was trying to access your sight that night and my computer didn't like me going there at all. It was blocking pop-up ads right and left. I'm so glad you got it fixed.
And I'm glad you had a very relaxing time at the spa.
Yeah, after wearing that pink hat, I decided that I like it.
Thanks for asking after my mom bean. She seems to be doing pretty good at the moment. Her new medicine is holding things steady. So far, so good. She's writing again so that's good news.
Dear, dear cat realm. Your awards are well deserved.
I have takena leaf from your blog and adorned your cucumber glasses today.
I can't find my turban? Have you seen it? x
Yay congratulations on these fantastic awardies!
I am so happy you are back!!
Isn't the cat blogosphere just he best??!!
hi guys, please accept the Golden Paw Award (again;)) from all of us here furr your kind help!
Congrats on the awards. Mom understands about forgetting things. She has been very busy and has forgotten one or two things, lately.
I get my paw back! ;-) Thank you so much, sweetheart. Of course I help you when I can, and I am very, very happy the pop-ups are gone. You site loads a lot faster now, too.
Congratulations with the awards, love! You deserve them both!!
your Ruis
Congrats on your awards. i am sure everyone knows you appreciate them a ton.
Love the idea of the golden paw. Au is sweet to Target but he's not so nice to the dog next door or across the street. He's not an inter-species ambassador! And Target is too young to think of such things.
We are so glad that you fixed your problem. We could get to your blog, but we couldn't comment because the word verification refused to show up for us. We hope you had a very relaxing time at the spa.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Congrats on the awards!!
And welcome back from the spa!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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