Thank you everybody for participating - we hope you all had as much fun as we did.
We will do it again next year!
I am so sorry that I have not mentioned this earlier:
Full credit for creating these beautiful Red Carpet Buzz badges goes to our most talented Opus and Roscoe!
And after all the excitement of the past days - Trip to Venice, Red Carpet Buzz, aCATemy Awards, Mikes visit, Ruis' typist surgery (Friday) - Ruis and I decided to take the weekend off and spend it at a Spa. Good thing we have a world class one right here in Tucson, so Ruis teleported over...

No, I have NO idea why Ruis brought that much luggage...

A SPA! Oh, we'll hafta get mom to book us a room there. It looks lovely and furry relaxing.
Da spa wuz da best part!
No touch the computer and miss the grand opening of Black Cat Pub? Okay...
My, oh my. I can't begin to tell you how much I would love a spa day.
The champagne looked yummy too!
That looks like a very fabulous spa vacation! You two deserve some rest and relaxation. I hope the lizards did not bother you while you were there.
Have fun!
wow that looks like the kind of place a cat can really relax. I love the turban! So cute! x
You are missing my Italian birthday party! I wonder if someone will give me a gift of a visit to that spa though? Looks very nice.
What a fun relaxing time you two must be having. I wish I were there, maybe we can plan an executive spa weekend and and work on a little business. Sorry to see Mike had to leave, I enjoyed seeing the little guy. When I am not not too busy maybe I will have Mike visit and we will head to Chicago for a weekend.
I heard about this - what fun, what relaxation!
Message to Karl.
So while you are away from the computer...I'll leave the message for you to read when your return. You look very comfortable and relaxed. Have a great weekend.
I just had to tell you Mike's package of souvenirs came today. Thank you so very much. You didn't have to do that, but it was a pleasant surprise, and Mom Bean and I really like the little mementos of Mike's trip.
Oh, and when you have time I gave you an award...come see when you get home.
you are so knowing well how to relax yourself~!!!! We are deserved to be treat best.
The Little Production Crew is the busiest hardest working clan of cats I know! I am ever so proud to have been selected by my very own peers (whatever those are) to be runner up in the red Buzz Carpet Gala! Thank you for your tireless (does that mean you have a few flats?) work in the CB to make us happy with one fun event after another. Without you all we would be bored to death and just sleep all day.
I must say that I love the Saguaro cactus and they look fantastic with glasses, oh that was the prickley pear right? I just love cactus. I live in the desert too you know, but we only have sagebrush up here in Washington.
You really know how to show your company a good time. Mike must be very happy and have lots of stroies to tell Gretchen when he returns home. Wish I could come for a visit and gather up some cactus blossoms for mommy...she loves the bright fuschia ones and the papery oranges.
Thank you ever so much again...I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Your devoted fan, Miss Peach
Wow, that looks like it was a great trip. Lucky would love to go swimming with Ruis. Maybe we shouldn't encourage them. I think I would like a massage, and warm air blowing on me. instead of all this SNOW!
Don't forget the caviar!
Skittles, The Huntress
Hey guys, that spa looks grrrrreat! I would love a spa day too, with turban and cucumber eye patches.
You guys sure live an action packed lifestyle, I feel quite mundane in comparison. I will just have live the celebrity lifestyle vicariously through your blog. Love FAZ
same with Faz, those extravaganza life has been a favourite daydreaming furr all of us here at Meaouwy Troops; finally our beloved human make a special blog furr us, after we share our opinions how important furr felines themselves to speak up publicly.
Oooo, that spa looks like a great place. What a perfect way to spend the weekend!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wowww...sure looks like you guys had a good time! That's wonnerful!
Thanks for leavin' a comment on our blog! Yes, Felix seems to be doin' better...'specially since he ain't allowed to eat no dry food. Seems like that's been part of the prollem. Thanks for sayin' prayers for him...we love him so much...he's the man of the house!
Hope you git rested up from your spa!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
What a wonderful relaxing vacation.
What fun for the both of you :-)
I am so happy you two found eachother. That makes me happy
It looks like the two of you are having a grand time. That spa looks very luxurious.
It looks like the two of you are having a grand time. That spa looks very luxurious.
Ohh, Princess and Miral won at the red carpet buzz... It was so great to see two white Cornish Rexes in a dress. Miral wants her prize to go to Prinnie, an award is enough for us and we put it up at our blog as soon as our typist can help us.
We hope Karl and Ruis enjoy their R&R at Spa...
Wow what a great weekend! Here's me just plotting how to get my paws on the Stork and you're enjoying pampering and luxury at a spa! It's gotta be nice for some cats... ;)
Hi Ruis and Karl - looks like you had a great idea after that party! (my human has been to Canyon Ranch and says it's one of the best experiences she's ever had!) live it up, boys, and stop over at Momo's mum's party!
It looks like you are having a great time at the spa. Mom is very jealous. She wants to go there.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hi Karl. Mom put a picture on the blog just for you. You will know it as soon as you see it.
Thanks for venturing out of your spa paradise to come to my surprise party for SS. Great having you there! I also had an interesting conversation with the kitties at kattenpraat yesterday; they have taken over Ruis's chat room with magnificient aplomb
I don't know about anyone else but I miss Mike.
That looks like a great spa! I can see you're both getting lots of relaxing in.
I look fowawd to seeing you and Emil tomowwow!! I will keep doing my weseawch, cause I think it would be wondewful if I could help all the fuwwkids evewywhewe!!
Awe Karl and Ruis still at the spa??
If you talk to them, pleea give them my love!
smoochie kisses
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