I chose:
Clover, because she is a youngster like me, and grows as fast as I do, and she is so cute you have to smile when you just see her.
Jack, because I laugh when I read his blog and I liked it how he dressed up his crazy humans!
Russell, because I feel a connection there... It makes me smile to see how he wiggles his way into a household. Just like I do here!
Yao-Lin, because maybe then he will be nicer to Baby Mao. And he makes the maid fall of her chair a lot, laughing. Which makes me laugh!
Congratulations to your award !
I love the picture below you both look like James Bond !
Congratulations on your award. I think I can guess what you and Baby Mao have in common. You make me smile, too.
Congrats! You guys deserve this award because you make us all smile!
Opus and Roscoe
ps. Did you know that we gave the "Be the Blog" award?
Hooray for you Emil! Concatulations!
Horray for you!
Congrats on the award! Great pic!
Congratulations on your award! You guys make us smile, too.
Hey, Karl - I got your package the other day. Thank you so much. That was very cool. Mom and Dad really liked the card, too. :)
Hi Emil!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for giving me this award! I feel very honoured! :)
Love Clover xo
Congrats on your award, it is always nice to receive on of these. You do put smiles on all of our faces. Oh, I was visiting with Beau today and he isn't feeling too good. Thinking if we all could visit over there and let him know that he is in our thoughts and prayers this might make him feel better. Beau mentioned that he needed healing prayers. Thought you would want to know.
Concatulations on your award Karl. You make us smile too!
Congratulations on your award! Oh, I see you met Clover, too. She is one of my new friends.
oh, you cats with your affinity..honestly it is all rather distasteful to me ;-)
Thank you for the award but, sadly, it won't encourage me to be nice to my brother. He is far too smelly and annoying!
p.s Mao received his certificate today. I will be posting my thoughts and opinions on this matter tomorrow. x
ConCATulashuns on yur awardie! You kitties at the Cat Realm make me and the Ballicai and Momma smile, too! You are such sweet and wunnerful and fun kitties.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Congratulations your award Karl! That is excellent. You always make us smile!
Congratulations Emil (and Karl)! We are very curious about your shared affliction with Baby Mao - we'll have to try and figure it out. You all at The Cat Realm make us smile, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Wow, an award for my bro! He says thank you so much. I'll definitely let him put it up soon.
Congratulations Emil. That is quite a nice award. Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you're having um litter box issues.
Emil, congratulations with your award!!
You make me smile too, even if you won't tell me details.:)
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