Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mancat Monday

I very much apologize for not being around that much but the staff has "things going on" and is under the impression that that justifies cutting back my blogging time....
Any suggestions for staff punishment will be greatly appreciated!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Excellent photo! Sorry to hear that your staff have been too busy to help you blog! That is unacceptable!

Hot(M)BC said...

Mom hates when I bite her toes. Maybe you should try that?
I didn't get any of the sammich, though. She moved too fast for me to catch it. *sigh*
your bud Pepi

Parker said...

I find that turning my back on them when they enter a room is good. Flinging our crystal litter all over *ell's 5 acres has been effective as well.
There are many things. Be creative!

Anonymous said...

Training staff can be so difficult. I feel for you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh look, yoo gots a mini-me! Did yoo try smothering them? Sadie finds that walking around whining works. Follow them everywhere, including the human litter box.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We like to punish our parents by playing Thundering Herd at 5am. If you do not have the energy for Thundering Herd, meowing loudly in their ear at the same time works as well!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh My - suggestions for punishing the slaves...defrosting the freezer? Scratching the furniture? Kicking litter all over the carpet? Leaving poo prints all over the counters? chew some meat and then leave it to fester in a spot nobody will find it, bunnykick the human's leg when he or she isn't looking, leave fur all over a pile of clean laundry, pretend you want cuddles and then sink your teeth in to the exposed flesh (wrist works best, most painful). Enjoy!!


Daisy said...

The Bitey is always a good punishment. Or just for fun.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...Karl, you look SOOOO handsome on this picture!!

I am sorry your staff has "things going on", I know all about it, I have a staff too...:( But maybe it is an idea that you come over to me, we then can spent time together, and you can also use our computer!?

Hugs & Love

Zinger said...

yes, much like thundering herd, any bunny construction, warren remodeling, litter box "cleaning" at 2am is fair punishment around here! get em Karl!

ZOOLATRY said...

Spec-taculars are critical against those lazerbeams...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Yeah, that is the excuse we are getting here as well. Something must be done. Mom decided to put up the fake outside tree for us to sit under... she knows it's early but I think she feels guilty!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

All da beans seem to be furry bizzy dese days. Great picshure!

Leona said...

Im thinking put the bitey on your staff. Love your picture!

Mickey's Musings said...

Love the pics.Great Mancats.
I get the same "busy" line too.
I'm still working on punishment ideas ;)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Well, if your staff is busy, let's make them slower, go hug their legs~!!! At least to ask them take some breaks~!

Lux said...

I can empathize, Karl ...

Here's an idea: eat all their food. This has the added reward of a full stomach.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sit on their faces at night when they are asleep - always upset them to no end. It seems staff problem is epidemic.

Anonymous said...

You could just go with the old stand by and bite them.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Karl, do not worry. We have also been trying to teach our beans about priorities this week. Seems to be a very busy time for beans. You and Emil look so handsome there. We agree with Pepi that nipping at their toes and ankles (especially in the wee hours of the morning) can be very effective. If you want to be particularly pointed in your message, Mr. Chen recommends clever positioning of your ahem, well, nether regions in direct contact with a staff member's face upon waking. This is a real attention grabber!
Mr. Chen & Ollie