I am so excited about this whole endeavor - I might have had a glass too many of the Chateaux Nip last night.... And today is my boyfriend Ruis' birthday! Don't miss to congratulate him!
And who cares if I look a bit hung-over - I am still THE Mancat...
Love your cute little tongue!
You, Karl, are the manliest mancat I have ever seen (even manlier than my catbro, Merv)!
Goober love,
Poor Karl - sleep it off dude!
Oh Karl you're starting to look like Tigmut'hep after d'nip last week! ;)
It looks like yoo had more than a glass too many last night, but if yoo enjoyed it, that's the impawtunt fing.
We're going to wish Ruis happy purrfday now.
Um, yeah, you look like you might have indulged a little too much :-p Just keep your glasses on all day ;-)
You're ready for Hollywood
you silly boy! too much nip! woo hoo...
smiles, auntie bee
You look very very comfy there
taking a well deserved nappie!
That is one cute picture Karl! We are exited about your CCSI episode!! Tigger is going to play Santa Claus!!
Have a great nap!
Your FL furiends,
Oh boy, hangovers are hard...it's good to leave yoor tung hanging out, kinda help wif da spins.
You look worn out. But it was one of those weekends.
Gemini is all excited about being Mrs. Claus... Sigh. Will I ever get any rest?
I feel your pain, those nip hangovers area doozie! But you deserved it for your hard work, can't wait to see the production!
Wooh thats some good nip!
You like tired! Spend the day sleeping, you've earned it!
You really do look like you just passed out, Karl. I hope you have a great snooze.
I can tell you been working hard! I have to go practice for my part now. I am going to be Donner!
Hee-hee, we can see your tongue Karl! You do look all nipped out. Have a good nap!
Hi Karl!
I have an official NOMSS Friend - Hendrix! I will try to figure out how to make a badge. Thanks for introducing me to so many cats - I have so many new friends!!
Love Clover xo
hey my lovely Karl - I hope you are well! i am sorry my lazy Bean has not helped me blog much lately, i have missed you.
you look so...chilled...in that picture ;)
oh and I love your santa outfit - very fetching xxxx
Are you catchin' flies?
So what kitties are in the cast? We are wonderin!
Ohhh, Karl... I also read on Sassy's blog you were on the Chateaux Nip last night, a WHOLE bottle!! Hahaha... and now you're having a hang-over -- in Dutch I should have said: "De Kater komt later!" Maybe the butler can translate it... oh no, I do it myself: A "Kater" is a Mancat in Dutch, but the word is also used for a hangover, so I said "The hangover comes later!" But the Dutch version would be more fitting in your case.
Anyway, I don't care you are a Mancat with a Kater. You are MY sweet, my boyfriend and in this photo you just look sooo cute.:)
Big Hug
Hi Karl. I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode of CCSI! You look funny with your tongue sticking out.
We fink you are manlier than our mancats, luffs Amber & Indigo
Oh Karl I just love your three pork open sleigh!
KarlYou cewtainly awe the MANCAT!! a little hungdovew is sometimes OK..you've been wowking so vewy hawd on the new scwipt, you cewtainly desewve a little dwinkie.
Thank you so much fow giving me the backgwound of my chawactew..sounds pawsome...I hung awound Julliawd, and the acting studio, but I nevew ackshually got to attend classes, but I hope stuff wubbed off,hehe
smoochie kisses
You wear your designer sunglasses even when sloshed. Now, that's class for you!
I can't wait for the new show!
Karl, you're a real mancat, and a real mancat can handle his 'nip. I'm starting to think someone slipped you a Mickey...
Hi, Karl,
Thanks for stopping by to meet us. Percy is looking forward to working with everyone in the cast and crew on Sassy's latest production. The rest of us are looking forward to seeing the final cut.
Your new friends from Jan's Funny Farm
Thanks so much for coming by to show your support. But, Karl, Talking Christmas Trees! I am so impressed by your talent and imagination. Can't wait to see the show. This is going to be one great show.
Wow, you are some kinda nipped out, Karl! I think I need to have a talk with my human artist about regulating our nip too strictly.
Karl, Willow and I are so excited to be in the new show - we got the word the other day. Hope that you are feeling better by now!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
That must have been some serious nip!
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