“I Dare You All to Dress Up Your Staff. Dress up your humans in the most ridiculous, silly, weird, comical, insane, funny, humiliating, splendid, outrageous outfit you can imagine, post their picture on your blog and put your name and the link to the post in the Mr. Linky box below.”
And please, Dare your nomss friend and if you don’t have one, make one!
Finally you can get revenge: Let your humans experience what it feels like to be dressed up for public display!!!
As an added incentive I, Karl, decided to give a Value T-shirt of your choice from the watgog store to the viewers favorite!
Everybody can vote on their favorite picture next Friday and Saturday (November 9 and 10). One vote per animal. Our picture is not eligible for voting.
I put the Dare up today, on the Day of the Dead, in the hope that Anastasia’s spirit might come and dare you herself! Questions? Help? Email us!
And here are the maid and the butler, dressed up according to the written instructions Anastasia left behind:

Use of Photoshop and similar programs is strongly discouraged but if you have humans that absolutely go wild when you try and dress them up – you can use image editing as a last resort of course…
If you like the T-shirts they are wearing you can purchase them here.
If you accept the Dare you can pick up your button here.
What a great dare, Karl! :) It will be fun to pay tribute to Anastasia this way. :) Your staff look very cool in their outfits.
Hmm, I wonder what I can dress my humans as?
Ohh...if I could get the Awesome Man to do this.....that would be so much fun!
Oh gosh! Wonderful dare! Now genius me is pwotting ways to get mine Mummy into something. Hohoho
Revenge!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!
Oh Mooooooooooooooommmmmmmmm.....
Yes!!! Now she will find out what it feels like!!! Great Dare!! So fun! Opps! We might have put our Linky up to soon!! Sorry, you can remove it and we'll put it back up when we get the picture!!
Your FL furiends,
Oh wow! We will try to talk our beans into doing this and letting us take pictures of them all silly! Good dare!
Oh, I am still laughing! What a wonderful dare! Anastasia would be proud.I don't know if it will be sweet revenge with our mommy, though. She doesn't mind dressing up. Hmmmm . . . .
What a wonderful dare! That Anastasia was such a bright cat! We wish we could have gotten to know her.
Not sure just what we will do to our humans, but you can bet we will do SOMETHING!
Opus and Roscoe
Hahahaha! I wonder what I can get my Mommie to wear! Too bad she cannot fit into some of my outfits. I need to think about this for while...
This is a great dare. I will have to think about it as I haven't dressed up in years.
Hahaha, we'z gonna make mommy put on something stoopid and den we'z gonna post da piksher fur effuryone to laff at! Not cuz we let her dress us up but because dat would just be sooooo funny.
oh my cat. I LOVE this dare. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha I LOVE it!!!
we wove that dare! Buts sigh, momma says nope uh uh no way!! sighs, momma is such a spoil sprort! She deosnt even has any photo shopings so we can't force her to be pretty dressedys up.
Oh you have topped yourself Anastasia! Hummmmm I wonder what I can come up with for the mommy here! I will be thinking allday on this! Oh how fun it will be to do this. I will also get my pip of a pal Jackson to dress up. He is my NOMSS buddy!
Love Miss Peach!
ps the letter verification is really interesting. it is {ntwmcat} I take that to mean {not with me cat} hee hee hee hee
hehe thank you anastasia for this marvellous dare! i am going to try and gte my bean dressed up - but she is very busy next week so i may have troubles getting her to donate her time to this!
i love the pictures of your slaves - they look like fun people!
Hahahaha! Yeah!
I wonder how I can trick the Man into doing this... the Investor will be easy.
Payback time!
Hmmmm, mum is good about NOT making me wear costumes and such. I will have to see what I can do.
Oh wowie, what a great dare! That sounds like lotsa funsies. Ana must be grinnin from ear to ear at the Bridgie!
Us Ballicai are gonna have to give this dare some thought... we want Momma and Daddy to look real silly!
Yur Staff look hilarious! hehehehehe
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, I think we can do this! And you're right, Mom's Halloween flapper outfit does NOT count. We think that her outfit should include that crazy pink wig. We shall see.
Oh heavens to Betsy - your humans really got into the spirit of the thing - I can tell! :)
I'll have to figure out a way to do this (to mine)!
Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun, but my humans are anti-camera. I don't know why, but they just don't like it at all, so I'll have to skip the dare this time and do the next one. I hope that is alright!
Waaahooo! Now to get the Mom_bean to cooperate. She said something about not needing to dress up to look like Jabba the Hutt... whatever that means ;)
Oh my, oh my... I am *GIGGLING*... what a delightful dare!! That precious Ana, what a wild and mischievous and fun spirit she is! We Ballicai are going to have to put our fuzzy heads together and try to come up with something really good....
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
We have received the DUYS dare from Anasasia. Our staff (aka The Big Thing) has visitors comin all next week, so he is kinna (desperately) busy. But he is a pretty good sport an has agreed to do his best if we come up with the ideas...
So we (provishunally) accept the challenge! At least, we are lookin around the cave for stuff to make a REALLY SILLY costume from (an OOOH do we haf some ideas...)
Besides, we figure it is not a gud idea to have Anastasia haunt us, so we is REAL motivated.
Skeeter and LC
Anastasia’s spirit came and dare us... Ohhh, the staff's faces were priceless when they read the dare...
Karl, they cannot say "No" to me, and also not to you, and "No" to Anastasia is really not done.
The staff came just home from their family trip, and now they are laughing, but I think they're gettin a very heavy week -- haha
Loveje, Ruis
What a great dare! Unfortunately, my Mum doesn't put her photo up on the internet, so she's going to have to pass on this one, but it looks like there will be plenty of humans taking part! :D
A dare to boggle the mind! Anastasia surely is smiling her luminous smile at the Bridge.
I had coaxed my Mommy to dress as the Dead Musician, one that required facial hair. Actually, I just love playing with a fake goatee...it was an excuse to have a new play thing.
Your Staff look quite comically gorgeous!
I'll have to put thinking caps on for the dare but definitely i'll be in it for all the hounding she did over the years with that flashy box of hers.
I am not sure if we can do this dare. It is very difficult for me to get Lynettea to do anything. She is a bit of a spoilsport in this respect.
deer anastasia ... can u heer me?
dis izza grate idea! i jus know i can convince mi mom (an maybe even mi dad) to dress up like sumthin reedikyoolus!
wutta grate dare!
i miss u.
It funny to see adult humans dressed up isn't it? Sometimes I think that they are just big kids. Hope to see you at the parties this weekend.
Haha This should be funny! We will tell our mum she has to do it when she gits home.
It's good to hear furrom yoo Anastasia, we miss yoo.
hahaha! this is great! we've got The Lady and 3 teenagers to use as our victims. we dunno if we can get all of 'em, but we bet we can get the Allergic Girl for sure.
WOW! Revenge indeed! What a great dare! We can't wait to sumit our beans to the shame and humiliation they have attempted to inflict on us - mwahhh hahaha!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
This is great. Mine is up but I'm afraid it owes a lot to photoshopping because I'm so stylish I haven't got any silly clothes (ha, all my clothes are silly, lol!) and I seem to be a bit busy at the moment so I've used an image I made earlier! Anastasia, you can haunt me anytime, I miss you:) xxx
Muhahahahaha! Revengue! Yes!
It was difficult to convince them, Karl. But we won, we did it!!
Hugs and Love
Your Ruis
Hahahahaha! We done it! We took the dare!
Hello staff, especially the maid,
Our staff also fell almost on the floor when they read I called them Karl's "staff-in-law". But Karl and I talked about the text for the post after Bubbles emailed the photo, and because we are very serious about our love and relationship we thought we could call it that way.
The staff and the other kitties at home are very curious and would love to meet Karl. So if it is okay with you, he comes soon after the road trip to the Netherlands. Very soon - I can not miss him...
Just wanted to stop and invite you all to our pizza party. It should be a great time, on come in and grab a slice or two.
Opus and Roscoe
Hey, stopping in today real quick to remind you of Opus & Roscoe's pizza party today. Don't forget to drop by. Also surprise from me to all, my picture is posted!
I'm gonna try an' talk my mom into that!
Oh that Ana! She cracks me up! I bet she loved seeing those sour faces on her help.
My staff can be very obstinate about allowing photos being taken of herself. I might have to trick her with some Brie. She'll do anything for that stuff.
This is a great IDYA! My hooman girl hates dressing up as much as I do, but let me see if I can sweet talk her (or trick her) into doing it.
Thanks for keeping it spicey on the blogosphere!
Goober love,
Hey Karl! I'm answering your comment from Kat's Cat. Kitties submitting pix usually have to be 1 year old, but I have posted kitties that were 7-12 months. So, maybe when Emil gets to about 7 months. Gosh, I've missed so much. Two new additions to The Cat Realm...congrats!
I just had to honor Anastasia. It seemed appropriate to post something about my human's relatives, who have rescued many cats--and dogs and birds, as well!
I did it! My mom's not too happy though.
The Meezer Brother's accepted Anastasia's Dare! Thanks for including us in your dare! It was fun!
OK Karl I accepted the DARE and have my photos up on my bloggy! Hee Hee this sure was fun to do. But the beans made me dress up too!!!!! Hope you like it! Love Miss Peach
Jijijij all look so funny jijijiji :D prrrr
Can't we have till AFTER the weekend for the cutoff date. Please!
This is a gurreat challenge! Unfortunately, mommy and daddy wouldn't go for it. :-/
I think Ana would have liked the photo I posted of mommy and daddy. Mommy is wearing a wig! I hope this makes you smile.
Hello Karl,
My name is Clover, and I heard about your NOMSS Friend dare from my friend, Stanley (Henry Helton's NOMSS Friend.) I was wondering if any other kitties were looking for a NOMSS friend... I am a 5 and a half month old pug puppy. I am a very happy and playful girl - do you think there are any kitty matches for me?
Love Clover xo
Alright, I'm not sure my entry counts but I wanted to participate in the spirit of the fun!
I really am trying hard and have actually got the costume for SS but there is no one to take the photo! Darn, I can't work the flashy box and SS's sister is working over time every day. I definitely will enter but I'm afraid it will not be in time for judging
Karl, we Ballicai are still workin on the Dare! We can't get our beans to dress up cuz they don't have no real good costumes, so we might have to resort to photoshop! But we want to accept the dare in the way we can, to honor Ana.
bwahahahaha... look out Ballicus Beans!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Our stinking human forgot, but we didn't! We will get you a photo first thing tomorrow!
Opus and Roscoe
oh boy i hope my bean can get it together to join in! she is beyond busy at the moment though...she will try tomorrow! love stormie! xxxx
Your staff looks great!! I'm sort of a new kitty on the block, so I didn't get to know Anastasia. But I sure appreciate that she included me in this dare! You shoulda seen my bean when she read the dare! Woohoohoo! It was so cool to think about what I was gonna do to them after all the indignities they've made me suffer throughout the years...
I overheard The Blonde One say something about how she used to think it was gonna get them in trouble to dress up us cats until she saw all your blogs! Then she said something about bein' country when country wasn't cool, whatever that means...
Good fun that but I can't see Au dressing up :-( He's a conservative cat.
Love the blog and will visit you often.
Karl, I miss you too... I know you don't get much computer time with the dare going on, but do it for Anastasia, it was her last dare... She is enjoying it so much!
I dream of you every night, I miss your soft paws around me... We will meet again soon...
Love and Hugs
Your Ruis
we're going to do this dare for sure, but we're not going to be in time for the contest. we're good with that though - we just wanna do it cause it's a fun idea and we wanna do it fur Anastasia. we'll have it up this within the next couple days - our people usually slow down a little at the end of the week and then we'll catch 'em.
I finally wrangled mommy into an outfit, Anastastia! I hope you enjoy it. ;)
Our pet humans have cold cooties so it was too hard to dress them up.. but they both have red noses and kleenex hanging everywhere.. does that count?
Karl, what a great dare. Trust Anastasia to have such a cool idea. My staff have just returned from an extended vacation so I will try and get them back into line but it won't be easy. They have been letting me down quite a bit lately. Hope you're all in fine fettle? FAZ
Oh Karl...I took the dare!
Oh we are going to have ours up on friday!!
I am almost out of time but I am getting my Dare up tonight! I had a few problems getting my Lap Lady into her outfit!
Purrrrs, China Cat
I did it. I got one of mum.
I did it...my pictures of my Lap Lady are up now! Whew, I really thought that I would not make it in time!
Thanks for all the fun, Anastasia!!! I'm so glad that you are here in spirit!!!
Purrrrs, China Cat
Re: NOMSS friend
It's Charlie the Collie dog (http://charliesdogblog.blogspot.com) Have to get around to getting the badge thingy up and inserting her photo. Actually, I have than than one nomss, Momo the dog is another one.
Karl, great big huggies to you and the Staff! We're so glad Ana would have liked our entry. hehehe! We wanted to do the dare especially to honor her. We love you and your staff, and we love and miss sweet Ana. She will always burn brightly in her fun and radiant spirit, all across the Cat Blogosphere and in all of our hearts.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai!
We're dressing up the boy next Friday for BBC Children in Need, so it can be for a good cause too! :)
My momma looks really good in the costume I thought up for her, so I hope you're watching somewhere, Anastasia.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I finally got my humans in costume! :)
Oh bother, we did it and forgot to say so here, but we did get it in the linkies. Good fing we didn't botch it all way.
Hey Karl, I don't know if you take nonimations or ideas but I have one. Momo the dog had a nice picinic going on Thursday my time and Opus and Roscoe-Cat Naps In Italy came all the way over to be with us. What makes this worth mentioning is that their mom had to be on the puter at 2:00am Italian time so they could be there. I don't know of too many moms that would do that and thought you might want to know. Pretty neat huh?
Sorry we were so late. There were Bein visitors at the cave all week... But we got The Big Thing to really make a idiot of hisself!
We think we're missin somethin about the autolinks. Advice requested...
Skeeter and LC
Just in the nick of time!! We got 'em! What a great last dare! Sorry it took us so long! Mommy and Daddy have been so obsessed with the blurpy thing this week that it's been darn near impossible to get them to do a photoshoot.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
the staff looks adorable! nice job!
smiles, auntie bee
All that I can say is "wow" ...
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