Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Here we go again! 13 things about yesterday's picture...

1. The poor squillion was abandoned and put up for sale ($1.-!) at a local thrift store. The maid had never heard of squillions, let alone seen one, before I started blogging. But having been exposed to them now she felt that she needed to rescue it. Which she did. I immediately gave it some glasses (also from the thrift store…) so it fits in. No name yet. Suggestions anybody?

2. No, the cat in yesterday’s picture is NOT ME. I think
Dragonheart was the only one to actually realize that. But it is understandable - even the staff has problems…. We look VERY much alike!

3. His name is Emil, after
Emil und die Detektive.

4. He is almost four month old, really big for his age, and already neutered.

5. Mrs. OZ and I had informed the staff that we will agree to tolerate each other, stop with the hissing and be amiable but most probably there will not be much wrestling, chasing, or cuddling in our mutual relationship.

6. I should have known that was a bad move…. A day later Emil arrived….

7. It seems the staff is determined to have a wrestling, chasing, playing buddy for me again.

8. How do they come up with all these cats in need??? Apparently Emil was born to a feral cat who rejected him and his two sisters, so a friend of the butler raised them. And was of course looking for homes right when the staff realized that Mrs. OZ wasn’t working as a play partner….

9. Emil prefers to play with the staff. Probably because he was raised by beans he takes to them more than to other cats. With one exception: Mrs. OZ, can you believe it!

10. So here is the situation: I wouldn’t mind playing with Emil, grooming him and maybe cuddle a bit. But he doesn’t really let me.

11. Emil would love to socialize with Mrs. OZ, who HATES him! (You should hear the hissing!)

12. Mrs. OZ only wants to sit on the staff, maid or butler makes no difference to her.

13. I hope it will all be sorted out. But if they add one more cat I will emigrate!!!
I mean it!!!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh brother! Maybe if Ms. Hissy keeps hissing at Emil he'll decide yoor da better bet.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, the maid got a great deal on that squillion! :) So Emil is yet another addition to your family! I hope you, Emil and Ms OZ (my mom giggles everytime she mentalls says her name in German!) all learn to get along.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My dear Karl it seems your household is growing at the seems:)
Do give things time to simmer down into all the right places before you make a harsh move! Oh thank you so much for the nice visit and you conCATulations on my winning the pretty Rose Medallion. I am just thrilled about it! Like winning an Oscar really. Does my old kitty heart really good this time of year too.
Remember that you are loved by me...Miss Peach

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have the purrfect name for your squillion! How about Kalle Blomquist? You know I live in Sweden now...

SiameseOriental said...

Emil is a big cat for his age!! I hope you get to do the male bonding thing soon - I'm sure you will end up the best of friends! Perhaps you could disguise yourself as Ms Oz somehow and trick Emil into giving you a cuddle?!!

Parker said...

Hooray for Emil! He's joined a great family!

ZOOLATRY said...

Hello Emil... Welcome! Note to Karl: you'll always be FIRST in the hearts and minds of your countrydom (kingdom)... patience is a virtue we are told. Hssssss.

Ramses said...

Good luck with your new brofurr! :)

Daisy said...

Karl, I am so excited that now you have Ms.Oz and Emil, too. I think it is good to have a brother and a sister.

Maybe you could name the Squillion Shades.

Christine and FAZ said...

Wow, your guys sure have a complex household. My house is just me, the girl human and the boy human - finita. Thank you so much for your help with the linky, the girl human has made a note and will give it a try (claws crossed). She has more confidence than I do, I have seen her attempt this sort of thing before and it ended in tears. FAZ

Mickey's Musings said...

Yer family has suddenly grown.
Welcome to Emil.Welcome Ms.Oz
I hope thing settle down for you Karl. It's always hard with the newbees at first.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Our mommie has a kitty named Emil after that story too. She loved that story! emil was burmese and he was a very wonderfull kitty. She had to give him away because her apartment restricted kitties and she was just a poor med student back then.

We love Emil and we love you and MissHissy too

LZ said...

Cool, a squillion and a new kitty! I bet you'll like him eventually. I even ended up liking Kaze (she is useful in some ways...).


Hot(M)BC said...

Oh wow, what a story! Yore maid founded a Squillion and yore butler founded a brofur! I hope your brofur learns to play wif yoo soon. (I mean, since yoo wants that n all.)

ASTOR CATS said...

Wow, first Ms. Hissy now Emil - your family is growing. And a squillion too. That's a lot for a guy to sort out. Hang in there.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Goodness!!! well, welcome Emil! We hopes that you like Karl and let him play wif you.

Moondancer said...

I'm rolling laughing here. Nice TT.

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope it all works out. Where would you emigrate to? Do you think Dragonheart would help you get a German passport so you could there?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that they will not stop bringing home kitties. Your house will be taken over, Karl. I'll help you look for a new place if you need to leave.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh dear oh dear..another cat!!! he will eat the food you know, steal the laps and generally be annoying. trust me, I know! x

Anonymous said...

So they are sneaking in extra cats huh? You have every right to be outraged. Is Mrs. Hissy the same as Ms. OZ?

We think you should name the new squillion "No More Cats".

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh I forgot to say, I don't know what happened to ali and fi, I just assumed they gave up blogging but now you mention it, there has been NO word whatsoever in ages. I will send an email and find out!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh dear, maybe Ms. Hissy needs to get more comfy to stop hissing.
Great job rescuing that squillion! I wish I had one.
You have to remember, you're your beans best boy and they love you lots. Don't emigrate!
I can't wait until mommy decides which costume I should wear for my entry in your contest. It'll be so fun!

The Furry Fighter said...

i don;t really know what squillions are...not sure i have seen them in the UK.

it is such a shame that your Beans plan for a playmate for you isn;t quite going to plan - maybe you can just watch the other two fighting? xx

Anonymous said...

It was not you!?! That was a big mistake of me...

But Karl, I am so happy Emil joined your house! I am sure everything sorts out great and you become one happy family.:)

As for the squillion I like to suggest a Dutch name: Bart.

The staff is still under the weather so I posted again. Not sure the beans are happy with me doing it, but I just love those events...:)

Hug from me.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We spect Emil knows yer the boss an he's a bit wary of yoo furr the minnit. He'll probly like yoo when he gits to know yoo.
Guess what. We had a reply furrom Gerald the Majestic goat who we asked to be our NOMSS furrend. He's been moving and offline furr a while, that's why we nefurr heard furrom him befurr. We fink he is going to be our furrend.

Just Ducky said...

You rescued a Squillion? Good for you, now it has a good home. Virginger sends her love.

Why don't you name it "Nifty Thrifty"?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yer Squillion and Emil look furry content.

The Devil Dog said...

My goodness. I hope you get that situation with Mrs. Oz and Emil worked out. As for the squillion, mom's brain is mush so all she came up with was million the squillion. Told you her brain was mush.


The Devil Dog said...

Although dad would call him Sparky (pronounced SpAHky)or Zippy or Chumly. Dad is weird like that.


Tara said...

Oh my...another one! Can't wait to see how this all works out!
Happy Gotcha Day a little late!


Zinger said...

sheesh Karl it seems like the staff has really gone crazy adding to the household. i hope you're able to all make friends. sometimes it takes time. i'm STILL not impressed with Big Dumb Puppy but Mum says give it time

Samantha & Mom said...

Congratulations on the new family. It seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. We have company for a few days and don't get to see everyone and wham a rescued squillion and a new brother who looks like you. Hope you all bond quickly!
Your FL furiends,

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said... he one of the Kinder Von Bullerbue...I know I didn't spell that righ. Do you remember that series in Germany of the Swedish town where the children were always getting into such fun troubles?