Friday, October 12, 2007

Fahion Friday

Here are the results:
The Gucci glasses won with 34%, closely followed by Chanel (29%).
Many of you remarked that they really liked the color of the Oakleys - so I decided to give Mrs. Hissy OhneZahn (Mrs. OZ for short) the Guccis in the color of the Oakleys. And keep the Armanis for special occasions.

Emil might be only four month old but he knows what he wants: Jean Paul Gaultier, he said, end of discussion. Nevertheless, the butler had gotten him the cutest red round (no designer) glasses already. And I really liked those, so Emil agreed to keep them for special occasions too.

I guess now I need an extra pair too.....

Any suggestions?

Do not forget to enter the
noms costume Halloween contest!!!


ZOOLATRY said...

Hope you guys gotss lots of wipies n spray stuff to keep all them glasses sparkly clean!

Daisy said...

All those glasses look fabulous! I love the expressions on Mrs. Oz's face, she is so cute. And Emil looks like a natural sunglass model. Those round red ones are neat-o. And of course Karl, you are the original!

The Devil Dog said...

The glasses are great! You guys are so cool. Lucky and I entered the halloween contest. I am so depressed abot my costume though. sheesh. parents.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo all look grate in yer glasses.
Gerald the goat's blog is called Animals with Opinions
He hasn't sed he will deffernuttly be our NOMSS furrend yet but he has visited our blog and left a comment and he left a comment furr us on his blog, so we got our paws crossed.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Mrs. OZ looks superb in her fashionable glasses! Emil looks sehr cool! You look as always, completely fabbie~snazzerific.

We have an awardie for you on our blog :-D

Purrrs, Prinnie

LZ said...

So many choices!!! I think you're all rocking them all.


Anonymous said...

I think that you are a far great connosieur of fashion than I am! I just picked up the first pair that struck my fancy and that's what I ear! I should take lessons.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You all look fabulous in your glasses! Very nice. :)


We love all of them! you guys look so cool.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Gurreat glasses! I think Emil's red round glasses are very cute!


Lucas said...

Hi Karl! The halloween costume contest sounds like fun! I'm not sure if I get to have a costume this year. If not, I'll make a virtual costume for myself. Teehee!:D

Parker said...

Emil in the red sunglasses = perfect! You all look wonderful!

Mickey's Musings said...

No suggestions.I'm a typical Mancat with no taste ;)
However I do like color,if that helps.

zevo hussein calamari said...

You all look totally fab in those!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Those are good choices on the glasses! Emil is adorable, and I'm glad you and Mrs OZ are tolerating each other. I wish my humans would get me another cat. It's quiet around here since Whisper went to the Bridge and it's just me and Persephone.

Fresh nip, huh? You're going to be Persephone's new best friend I think. She's a kitty-crack whore!

Since your Gotcha day is in Oct, and now so is Mrs OZ and Emil's, will you three be some of our special Gotchaday Guests of Honour?

Thank you for the first blogoversary button. I will have to get the technical support staff to help me put it up. It will have to be in a few days though. Technical Support is also our Party Chef!

Can't wait to see you at the party!


Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks FAB!! You all have great and cool glasses! (No design for me, I had to paint my own glasses, remember...?:(

But the good news is, Karl, that the staff understood your message really good. We are now in discussion about me as reporter and the paying.:)

Anonymous said...

Um, exactly how many cats are at your house now, Karl? I am confused!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You guys are absolutely hilarious. Karl, is of course phenomenally cool with his wig. However, I would dare SS (my secretary/slave) do that to me! She dies.