Monday, October 22, 2007

Please Sign The Pettiton

An artist had a dog starve to death in the name of art! Despicable!!!!
Read the story and take action
here, thanks.
Tell your nomss friends.


xxx said...

Thank you for stopping by and passing the news :-) I am a fellow cat, but I like (friendly) dogs as well ;-)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

This has been posted on the Cat Blogosphere and on the Pet Prayer and Praise Blog.
I located the graphic and you might want to copy that to your blog also.
And everyone, please, please sign the petition.
ML (Mary Lynn)

MaoMao said...

Oh no, how horrible -- thanks fur lettin' effuryone know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Karl for letting me know. This is very upsetting. I am gonna head over and take a look at the petition.

Meowers from Missouri said...

dear realm denizens: we started to leave a comment, but it got out of hand. it didn't belong on your bloggie, so you can read it on ours. we thank you for posting about this at the cat blogosphere, even though it has cost us much pain . . .

Boy said...

That's so howwible!

The Crew said...

This is just terrible. That man belongs in jail.

In today's paper Mom read about animal cruelty in Puerto Rico where dogs & cats were tossed off a bridge and left to die.

What is wrong with some people?

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

That is just awful. Mommy gets so upset by these stories. The recent business in Puerto Rico and the tragic treatment of those poor animals there is just killing her and now this! Thank you for making us all aware of it.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Gattina said...

They should do the same with this "artist" !! Let him starve to dead I even volonteer to draw him at the end !! Desgusting !

The header looks very nice on your blog ! I found out how to do it alone because I have a lot of time to try things out but once you know it it is very easy ! Happy that you like it !

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Skeeter and LC cried to me about this, so I (The Big Thing) investigated it a bit. I wanted to alert you to the follwing Snopes "Urban Legends" article

They are currently "undetermined" as to the truth of this claim, so we might want to be cautious...

Surely, if it proves to be true, we should be outraged and take action. But something about this makes us suspect things are not what they seem.

First, I doubt such an exhibit would be allowed. Second, I also doubt that every visitor who saw such an exhibit would not act to save the dog. Third, I could not find it confirmed by any reputable original source...

Forgive me, but in this case we (Skeeter, LC, and I) will wait to see if it really happened...

If it did, we will join in the outrage. But we are wondering if it really happened.

The Big Thing, from Skeeter and LC

Kitty Cat Cast said...

Hi cat lovers,

I just can’t get enough of these loveable giants called the Maine Coon Cat!

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