last night at 2:30 am EST.
Thank you all for your purrs.
Please purr for our friend Timothy.
He is very very close to our maid's heart - long story -
but he lives in Auburn, Maine now.
He couldn't move his hind legs and in the hospital they found that he has a blood clot in his artery. We need your purrs to help dissolve this a.s.a.p.! There was talk of having to send him to the bridge if this doesn't dissolve within 48 hours...... He is only 10 years old!
Please send you purrs and good energy to Timothy!
Thank you!

We're purring for Timothy!
We hope the blood clot will dissolve. He is to young to leave for the bridge.
Oh, oh, I am purrrrrrrrrrring furry hard for dear Timothy.
Oh no i'm praying and tesla and hans are purring!
We are praying for Timothy!!!!
Timothy is in the boyz's and my thoughts.
So many of our freinds are sick, PUUUUUURRRRRR
That sounds furry serious! I will purr an' purray real hard.
W00F'S Cat realm, me iz crossing me paws and mama will prayer Timothy will b ok soon...
b safe,
Poor Timothy. We are sending purrs and thoughts his way immediately.
He's a very handsome cat. I will send my purrs for him to get well.
We will purr very hard for Timothy.
We are purrring for the clot to dissolve quickly!! Purrrrrs, purrrrrs, purrrrs!!!
Your FL furiends,
We're purring lots and lots for that nasty blood clot to dissolve and for Timothy to get well!
Gypsy & Tasha
Blood clots are no fun at all. I am keeping Timothy in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that the clot dissolves quickly and that he recovers completely.
We are sending huge, deep rumbly purrs for poor Timothy and his humans. He's a beautiful fella and ten is no age for a cat to go to The Bridge.
Whicky,Angel,Oliver,Gerry & Mum
Our strongest purrs to Timothy!!!
Siena & Chilli
Oh no! We will send purrs Timothy's way for sure!
We are purring our hardest for Timothy! We hope everything works out and that blood clot dissolves.
Oh noooess we got here too late! We is sorry he had to leave fer the bridge. Purrs, headbutts and (((hugs))) fer da beans.
I is Jake!
Thank you for the raffle purchase.
Mommy Bean Laure
We are sorry for the loss of your
dear friend Timothy. Jewelgirl
We are so sad to hear the news about Timothy. Please pass our purrs and prayers along to everyone who loved him.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey
Purrrs to you all for the loss of your dear furiend Timothy!! ((((hugs from our house to yours!!))))
I'm so sorry your friend Timothy had to go to the bridge :(
We are sorry Timothy left for the bridge. It is so hard to lose a beloved furry.
Soft purrs and quiet tail wags for your maid and Timothy's family.
We just read the update on the CB and dropped by to say how sorry and sad we are that Timothy went to The Bridge, poor fella.
We send rumbly purrs to you as his friends and also to his family
Whicky,Angel,Oliver, Gerry & Mum
We are so sorry to hear that Timothy went to the Bridge. We're sendin' purrs and love to his family and your maid.
I am so sorry to learn the sad news about your friend Timothy.
We're so sorry to hear about Timothy - we purred our hardest. Now we're purring for his family and your Maid, he was too young to go across the Bridge.
We are so sorry to learn of your friend, Timothy's passing. We are sending comforting purrs to you and Timothy's family.
Sweet Dreams, Timothy. We'll meet you at the Bridge with Cloud Chaser and Samantha.
Purrs and love to Timothy's family and everyone that loves him.
We are sorry ta hear about Timothy. Our purrs ta his fambly...
I'm so sorry to hear the sad news.
Timothy looks so sweet in the photos...Hugs Ariel
We are soo sorry to hear about Timothy! Purrs and purrayers for his fambly and your maid.
We are so sad to hear the news about Timothy. We're purring for his family.
Run free dear Timothy.
We will purr hard for your family :)
We are very sorry to hear about Timothy. Our thoughts are with his and your families.
Many purrs for Timothy, it is hard to loose a pet.
We are very sorry to hear about Timothy. We understand as we went through that with our furcousin Skye(TeamTabby)a couple of years ago :(
Purrs for his family!!
We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry that Timothy went to the Bridge. I am glad that it was peaceful. Now he is running and playing with all the other Bridge kitties. My word verification is "nommy". Do you suppose that means that Timothy is getting some really good stuff to eat right now?
We were so sorry to hear that Timothy went to the bridge. We know that he was surrounded by love when it was time to go.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Shrek, Tom, Jerry, Shaka and Sheba
(and their beans)
Cape Town
P.S. We are so sorry to hear about Timothy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Be strong Timothy!
Merry Christmas, friends.
Love, hugs and purrrrrayers to you all.
We're sorry to hear about your friend Timothy and his travels to the Bridge. It is hard to have a loved one go to the Bridge, especially near a holiday. Peace to all of you and to Timothy's family.
Cliff & Olivia
We are so sorry that Timothy had to go to teh Bridge. We know ha is running with Wizard, Cloud Chaser and Skeeter and all teh other beloved friends there. Send out love to his Mom and yours!
We're so sorry that Timothy went to the Bridge. We're sending gentle head butts to the Maid, and all who loved Timothy,
Gypsy & Tasha
I'm so sorry for your loss and thinking of you all. Sending a big hug to you from across the miles...
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