As you might know we left Ruis surprise birthday party yesterday evening to go to an unknown destination for the weekend. And Sassy was nice enough to pre-pack a suitcase for us - with strict instructions to ONLY open it at our destination....
We flew all night - it was very comfortable on the nice big carpet - and in the morning we arrived in Cairo!
Our arrival on the flying carpet drew quiet some attention, it seems not many of those are flying around anymore!

Karl was a bit anxious... he thought those camels were REALLY big and he doesn't seem to do so well with heights if it's not connected with trees.

Little did we know.....

... and you can imagine our surprise when we saw what was hidden in there! Poor Sassy, Momo, Opus and Asta where trapped in the suitcase for two days!

Just imagine how things could have turned out if we'd opened that suitcase right after arrival.....

This is just a super, super adventure. Worth the two days of darkness in the suitcase. All the same we would have loved to have gotten out long before.
We think they deserved to be left in the suitcase. Lucky you opened it at all. ~S,S & C
What exotic travels you all have!
Oah My~!
Awesome Birthday Trip~!!!
Just love it~!!!!!
The view is outstanding,
and I can see you are all enjoy~!!!
What an adventure! Hope that all the suitcase stowaways are ok!!
Looks like a fun time was had by all, at least after some got out of the suitcase.
Oh man, yoo guys were haffing a great time but, sheesh, effuryone else got stuck in a suitcase fur two days!
OH wowowow and double WOW!!! What an adventure!!! hahhaha My Momma was giggling so hard!! You guys are THE best!!!! What a celebration and what a how very beautiful the rose petals in the pond!!!
Just pawsome everything!!!! hahah We thought yesterday was wicked... today is off the radar!? Hahah can you tell we are excited!?!!
Ohh and and mega big p.s.
HAPPY MEGA FUN BIRTHDAY!!! to your umm maid...? ;p hehe we hopes she has a wonderful day!! Today is the bestest day to be born on I rekkon! :)
O my gosh! I's surprised they didn't STARVE in there! But you all had fun anyway, rite? What a grate purrthday party!
Mrs. Oz, yur story bout no food an closed stores... dat's just awful an if I tell Nina, she mite haf nitemares! We always has extra food just in case, rite Mom? Mom?!
PS Stop by tonite an we'll share. Der's always a 3rd food dish.
First I must tell you that it was ALL Sassy's idea! Hehehehehe! Second, I will say that we were not here to spy on you guys, but rather to snoopervise. We wanted to be sure that you were safe and sound!
But what a great trip! Well except the two days inside the suitcase. Good thing that cats have big bladders (or at least we do)!
I think the next time Sassy comes up with a "great" idea, I will pass!
Kitty kisses,
Your Bestest Man
Wow, I'm not even adventurous to go out in my own backyard and you guys are flying around the world! Amazing!
Rumor has it that you knew were in the suitcase. I don't believe that you would have left all of us in there for several days while you and Ruis lived it up in Cario. No you wouldn't have done that would you?????
Anyway thanks for the nice meal and outfits. . . I still cannot stop thinking about all we have missed. Oh well, better luck next time I always say.
Sorry we missed the party, it looked like a great one. Hope you have a good time on your trip. We won't be around for a while cause our typist is having surgery tomorrow but hopefully we will be able to catch up on the details of it all when she is feeling better.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
WoW! What an awesome trip! Sounds like you all had a ton of fun ...after everyone got out of the suitcases.
I'm so glad to be oiut of that suitcase..I was getting kind of klaus-tro fobik..I should know bettew than to go along wif Sassy sissie's ideas, hehehe
But I must admit, it was loads of fun in te end
What a gowgeous place
smoochie kisses
I hear that magic carpets have gotten very expensive to operate, which may account for less frequency of flying lately.
Great vacation! You certainly are more adventurous than I.
Paws 'n Claws,
Wow! What a super cool birthday trip :-D
Thanks again for the great part, pillows and post card from Cairo. You really know how to throw a party, always something new going on at one of your gatherings.
Next on the ticket, CCSI IV!!
What a great adventure! And the suitcase was certainly a surprise! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
We and he is home!
I don't know what you did with him, Karl, but since Ruis came home he is sleeping non-stop.
Oh boy, the party you organized for my brother was already incredible, but this trip... except for poor Sassy, Momo, Asta and Opus, hahahaha, the photos are AWESOME!! Thank you, brother!!!
Pfff, I want on a trip, too... (Hey Karl, do you know if Mrs. OZ... uh...does she... you know what I mean...?!)
your brother-in-law, Bubbles
ps - the typist was wondering who's idea it was that Sassy, Momo, Opus and Asta were in that suitcase. (i know, she is not always smart...) Now she knows for sure, hahahahahahahaha.
That looks like a great weekend. We are glad you finally opened the suitcase. That might have been disasterous. We love reading about your adventures.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
PS - happy birthday to the Maid
Wow, you guys are having a fabulous trip! I love the pictures.
Thank you for helping make my Gotcha Day so warm, wonderful, and happy!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Hehehehe! Good thing you finally checked your suitcaes!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!
Your FL furiends,
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