Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mancat Monday

Here is a picture of me from a trip to New York. As you can see - it was COLD! Snow! So I am wearing my lion head to be warmer! And in the background you can see "The Gates"!


Tara said...

Mom was there when they were putting up the Gates! But she had to come home before she got to see them. She is jealous you were there!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, dat lion head must be furry warm. Um, are yoo suppose to walk thru dem gates? Cuz dey don't look like any gates we'z effur seen.

Gretchen said...

Oh, it's wonderful you want Mike to come for a visit. He visits about a week at a time. There is a special portal that he comes and goes from and you are number 7 on the list. So when it gets close to the time for his visit with you I'll notify you and you and give you his teleporting key and password. Everything else is explained there.
The Ballicai were our test visitors and things seem to have gone well there so far. He's due home in a few more days and then he goes off to Canada for about week. This was the only thing we could come of for Mike to visit other cats and places and and have adventures to write about. I hope I didn't make a simple thing see harder that it was. You can link to Mike's site from my sidebar and get an idea of how things go by watching what's happening with the Ballicus and other's he'll visit. We hope he gets to go around the world.

Things are pretty quiet here without him, but he's having fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You went to New York!
I just went to Venice on my blog. I was "investigating" something.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Karl, you look fabulous with your lion's mane! I've never been to New York, but my mom has.

Parker said...

You know, that lion head looks great on you!

ZOOLATRY said...

The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

ZOOLATRY said...

The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I remember seeing those Gates on TV.
You look very warm!

~ Napoleon

Rascal said...

Ah, so that's what lion's manes are good for. Personally I don't like snow and so think the best thing for it is a good long Cat nap.

Anonymous said...

We thought you was a real lion! Hope yore lion head kept you warm. Mom and dad have been to New York and say it is a really big place with buildings a squillion floors high.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! That is a great photo of you!

Anonymous said...

You look great. Now I hope today is an okay day for Eric and Flynn and Gemini and I to come visit. I think Eric and Flynn may already be exploring.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

What a cool picture of you. Did you enjoy New York?

Daisy said...

Karl, you look great as a manly lion! I am sure the lion's mane keeps you very warm, too.

Anonymous said...

You look very mancatly with that lion hat. Love it!!!
Have you climbed on all the gates?

My female human rolls around in her bed a lot, but I think she has some problems finding sleep. She dreams a lot. When she is awaken, she doesn't stand up like every other human, she rolls out of bed! My male human always laughs about that. :)

Aloysius said...

You look very relaxed. I want a lion head, too!

MaoMao said...

Karl, you look furry handsum, as always! I bet you liked New York, too! Momma and Daddy went to New York City on their hunnymoon ten years ago, and they loved it!

Happy Mancat Monday, my furriend!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mickey's Musings said...

Looking good in the lion mane!!
That's a lot of gates,heehee

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Karl, WOW! You look so manly with that lion head!!

Purrs & Hugs from me.

Anonymous said...

That's kinda a scary picture!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

New York is a cool place.... but... we have never been there.

You look very very mancatly, Karl!
We hope you had a super day!

Lux said...

I've never heard about these Gates. Your lion head sure looks like it would keep you warm ...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowwww, that is very very cool~!!!!
It looks a great festival~!!!!

And I love love love your outfit, that is extremely man man man~!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Hi guys - About our 10,000 Visitor Contest... We are taking 1 guess per blog (cause we didnt think it would be fair if some blog had like 40 kitties), so we are listin you guys as your 1st guess of Nov 2. You can change it if you want to.

Skeeter and LC

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Karl, that's a wonderful picture! You are such a stylish mancat! And how neat that you are inviting Mike to your place -- I think he will have a lot of fun with you and the Staff!

And Mickey being jealous? Nah. :) Mike the Fluffhead Kitty was fun to have as a visitor in the Ballicus household, but my heart belongs to my Mickeybear *purrrrrrr*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You look rather majestic in the lion mane. SS's niece in NY sent us pics of those gates so I recognize them. Mind you, I didn't and still don't think they look like any of the gates that I know. Humans!