Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mancat Monday


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Karl! Yoor Gotcha Day is tomoro, is yoo gonna celebrate? Yoor looking furry manly there.

Lux said...

Almost your Gotcha Day - early congrats coming your way!

P.S. How much do you weigh now?

Tara said...

Oh my gosh, it is almost your gotcha day! You were furry handsome then, and are furry handsome now!


Gretchen said...

I was going to say, a picture of you without glasses. You're quite a handsome fellow. Happy Gotcha Day!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a wonderful photo of you, Karl! :) You look wonderful without your glasses. Congratulations on your upcoming Gotcha Day! :) I'm 7.8 lbs, so I don't think there's any "only" about 8 lbs, but I know everycat is different. :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww, That is a great day for you, Karl~!!!!
We will wait to congratulate you~!!! You were very light during that time~!

Parker said...

Karl, you look wonderful in your Gotcha' day photo! Celebrate!

Daisy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Karl! That is a very handsome and manly picture of you. I hope you have lots of fun and treats on your special day.

Laura said...

Oh Karl, you look so cute and young and meek and mild in that photo. My how you've grown up! Now you are mature and manly confident. And still cute.
Mosaic Cats and Lady

Mickey's Musings said...

Good looking then,good looking now Mancat! Congrats on yer Gotcha Day tomorrow.Gonna celebrate?

Anonymous said...

I like seeing you without your glasses on. Then I can see what you look like. Did you pick out the glasses for the new kitty yet?

Ramses said...

Happy "gotcha" day anniversary! :) Mine's at the end of next month, the day after the boy's Birthday! :)

LZ said...

Oh wow, your eyes are really handsome!! Congrats on your Gotch-Day, we're certainly happy to know you.


Anonymous said...

You are a very happy and lucky cat to have found such a nice forever home!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day! You are handsome and manly even then.

ASTOR CATS said...

Happy Gotcha Day Karl.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Anonymous said...

What a great gotcha day picture of you Karl. Are you gonna have a party or celebration?

Happy Gotcha Day tomorrow!

Samantha & Mom said...

That's a great photo of you Karl! You have great eyes! Happy Pre-Gotcha Day!
Hi 5 paw,

Wow, Karl, that is a very handsome picture of you! Your eyes are beautiful.

HRH Yao-Lin said... stepped out without your glasses?? Oh my, you were but a twinkle in the paparazzi's eye in those days I am sure! It's like a picture of a celebrity before he got famous! he he


The Crew said...

Even at only 8 lb. it was easy to see you were destined to become at Mancat, Karl!

Anonymous said...

Very Handsome...Happy Gotcha Day :)

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Happy Almost-Gotcha Day, Karl! That's a furry handsome pickshure of you! And hehe, yes, Brainball is just lovin' being acknowlegged as a Mancat at last!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Zinger said...

Con cat ulations on your Gotcha Day Karl! Great pic

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Very handsome, indeed! Happy Almost Gotcha Day!


Ivan from WMD said...

Happy pre-Gotcha Day, Karl! You were only little back then.

The M's said...

Happy Gotcha Day---I will try to come by tomorrow and visit with you...your bl Monte.

Lux said...

I weighed a little over 11 pounds about a year ago, but Mom says I've lost some weight. Now she's worried she's not feeding me enough (finally)! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Happy Gotcha day, Karl...! A very precious day to remember.

Skeeter and LC

Anonymous said...

Extraordinarily handsome mancat!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Look at you! You certainly are eating better now. I love a bigger tummy!

I like you with or without your glasses. You're one cool cat.

The Furry Fighter said...

what pretty eyes you have Karl! happy Gotcha Day :)
lots of love from Stormie xxx

La pandilla said...

wowwwwww i want all :D prrrrrrr , are nice :D

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

So good looking, Karl! Love those stripes an' your keen fur-sense!

Happy Gotcha Day!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Happy gotcha day, dude.

From your bud Bogdan

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Hey Karl! We're back!! That is a sweet first photo of you. Happy Belated Gotcha Day!!! We're sorry we missed it but we WILL NOT miss entering your new contest - waahooo! What a fun idea!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
P.S. How DID you get your glasses anyway?