"noms Halloween costume contest".
The price is the newly designed nomss friend T-shirt!
Skeezix gave me the idea (Thank You Skeezix!) and it is very easy.
Everybody in the Halloween costume contest who is dressed in a different species costume is eligible (one entry is already there: a cat as a bat!).
Go here to participate, where you also find the rules. A panel of judges from different species (I will announce the names later, I am still awaiting some confirmations) will decide on the winner. Deadline 10/28/2007.
This looks like a lot fun. Of course we don't where we would find Cat Halloween costumes in Italy. They just don't seem to be very interested in Halloween like are in the States.
Don't be mad about the Cat Nip comment Karl. You know we were just teasing! You might have to teach how to make our own cat nip as there isn't ANY in Italy. Thank goodness for us that our family back home "smuggles" it into the country for us.
Opus and Roscoe
Wow top idea. I will have to think about this one. FAZ
Happy Gotcha Day Karl! :) Your costume contest is a fabulous idea! :)
Happy Gotcha day Karl. Grate ideer bout the Halloween contest.We're going to be offline furr three weeks furrom the weekend, but we'll try and look in when we can.
What a fine idea Karl! I'm getting rather excited. I wonder if Gemini would have been eligible if the Woman had gotten her the dinosaur costume?
Happy Gotcha Day!
I'm glad you're still posting (it's tough though isn't it?). The little outfits are so CAT TOWN - can you get yours to wear them? : )
Happy G-Day, Karl! You've got a great life, and your contest sounds like fun. Enjoy!
What a fun way to celebrate!! I will have to work on this one...the other two have it all figured out but I'm pretty slow still.
That is really a funny idea!!
Happy happy gotcha day Karl. Hope you get lots of treats.
I think Pixie might be able to participate in this contest! How exciting!
Karl...you are one lucky mancat to be so loved by your staff in your forevfur home! conCATulations my dear!
Love Miss Peach
oooo I'm totally into this. So, you have a new sister huh. Congratualtions. Ana will always be our sunshine, but now you have "Hissy" to help you hunt and snuggle with.
Can I enter as a bat if my costume is different???
hehehe, that sounds really fun! None of us Ballicai ackshually wear clothsies, but maybe Momma's photoshoppin' skills will be up to snuff -- we'll prod her a li'l bit!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Gotcha Day!! Great contest idea, too!!
Oh my, I am really gonna have to think about this one. What should I be???
Happy Gotcha Day! Great contest!
This is undisputedly the cutest thing i've ever seen! THanks for posting this!
Happy Belated Gotcha Day Karl! Wonderful idea for a costume to be noms. Mom got an outfit on me sorta the other day. Maybe we'll use Tigger for this one. Hummmm let us think!
Your FL furiends,
That's a very good idea, but I am afraid my cats can't participate except maybe Kim she is a natural Halloween cat the whole year, lol ! I don't have photoshop and dress my cats would bring me to the hospital ! But Rosie helped me with some Halloween decoration, so come and have a look !
ooooh I think I can enter this one too!I am a stinky skunk!
Baby Mao xx
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