Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fashion Friday

This is the Halloween costume contest team entry for The Cat Realm!

Do not forget to enter the

noms costume Halloween contest !!!!!

We do already have some great entries - but come on - let's get some more!

Enter now!


Cat Naps in Italy said...

WOW! You guys look great! Too bad that Halloween isn't such a big deal in Italy. Maybe we will just have to head back to the States to visit for the holiday!

Good luck in the contest!

Opus and Roscoe

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a fabulous group Hallowe'en photo! :) You all look fabulous! :) Great team entry. :)

Stanley said...


Your staff is kind of scaring me, man! Great costumes, though!

Goober love,

Daisy said...

That is a fantastic entry! I was a little bit scairt though. I love Halloween. I just submitted my entry, too. It has been so much fun to see all the great costumes.

Parker said...

Team Scary for sure!!!!

The Devil Dog said...

We entered. We entered. I hope we do well.

Roxy & Lucky

As long as we are not competing against you guys, we might stand a chance. You guys are awesome.

The Wanderer said...

you have some greats posts this week. We loved the manic monday video, very cool you gets to play with Emil! And that cuddly picture was very nice for wednesday. So sweet and innocent for one moment in time anyway..hehehe.

Anita said...

100% terrifying. I like it!

LZ said...

Love it!! Its so much fun to see all of the entries.


Anonymous said...

What a great group photo and really neat costumes. Even Mrs. OZ is getting into the act!

LEA said...

SPOOK-TABULOUS !! We are diggin' your photo and just love Halloween!

Treats, and scary creatures galore!!

MuuuHaahahahahahahaha.....D'Avian, just had to get that out of her system.


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Great Halloween photo! Very scary!

Tybalt said...

That was kind of scary! Great group picture. Perfect for Halloween.

Boy said...

Wow! Awesome costumes!


wow what great costumes. YOu all look fantastic. Good luck in the contest tomorrow.


DK & The Fluffies said...

Fabulous costumes all!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

oooooo scairy! Yoo guys look grate! Dis is a really kewl contest, we love seeing all da scary, cute, weerd and wacky costumes.

Sunny's Mommy said...

You're all so scary!

Anonymous said...

I already saw this picture at Halloween site and I was soooo scared. I told and showed the staff and they laughed and laughed. They said there was nothing to be scared of, "this is Karl's staff and Mrs. Oz and Karl and Emil."

I don't see you, Karl, or Emil. But oh guys, if Halloween is about the most scary thing than this team picture of you all is a winner!

Shaking purrs from me

Laura W said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Karl - I wasn't sure if it were you and Emil. The staff said you were all there, but I didn't see. Maybe I was still too much shaking -- it was so scaring...

But now I see you and Emil.:)

I am still thinking about entering the contest, but...uh... you made me blushing with your comment.:)

~blushing Ruis

None said...

Oh MY! This is a very spooky picture! I think I will have to go find a corner to hide in until this scary holiday is over...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We are workin on sumthin to wear as a costume, but we just hate cloths on us. We are thinkin we might try a really temporary costume though...

Skeeter and LC

Mickey's Musings said...

Wow, that is scary.It's good too!
I can't let Mom see this, she hates spiders!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh did your humans decide to dress up too or do they always look like that. The woman looks kinda like Momma does in the morning.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Cool costumes, Cat Realm! We plan on entering the NOMSSF contest but mom hasn't been able to help us yet. She will work on it this weekend!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...

What should I be?!

Anonymous said...

Karl? KARL??

They pushed me to enter the contest.:'( No thinking about it, no asking me again, no no, the staff just photoshopped the whole thing together and published it on that site.

I am so embarrassed...

MaoMao said...

Oh, wowie kazowie, all of you look fabyoolus! Thankies so much fur yur sweet komment on my bloggie -- that's neat I curl my pawsies like Ana did!

I hope you have a superduper weekend, Karl, and me and alla the Ballicai send lotsa love to you and the maid and the butler!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

That is fabulous! We are very impressed--you are sure to win the group category. We didn't do so well with our costumes.


P.S. We are on our own this week.

zevo hussein calamari said...

you look spook-tac-u-lar!
we will enter the contest soon... waiting on the pet human to pay attention to us!
zevo & nubi

sammawow said...

You made such a terrific group photo! You just have to smile when you see it! We love it!!!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

P.S. They are still trying to get costumes on us - it's not working so well!

MaoMao said...

Hiya, Karl buddy! I hope you and the Staff are havin' a great weekend. I'm gettin' itchy to post but Momma says wait one more day -- she's such a pooter hog! At least she's lettin' me do some visiting!

Love and kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Eeeeeeeeks! This is a bit scary but I suppose that's the idea, isn't it? Halloween is not a big thing here, so SS is still thinking about what to do with me.

If you are not too busy please join Charlie's tour of Berlin (
It is great fun and Charlie's owner is positively homesick for the place.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, goodness! Those are some eye-catching costumes!

Gattina said...

Hahaha you look great ! I would love to participate at this contest I will think it over !

The Furry Fighter said...

hahahaha i loves that picture so much! it is full on mental-fun! your beans are very creative and i bet they are a good laugh to live with! hehehe, it makes me chuckle so much! xxx

Christine and FAZ said...

one word - SCARY! FAZ

curator said...

I can't get the Museum staff to wear costumes! Poop! But you all look very cute.