Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thirteen Facts about my Pet

I had so many questions about my pet yesterday that I decided to do a Thursday Thirteen about him:

1. He does not have a harness or a leash, I walk him around the house every morning. He heels pretty good and he follows word commands

2. He sees a vet on a regular basis and had all his shots

3. He does not eat the greens in his cage, those are HIS pets. He gets vegetables from the garden, just to the left of his cage. He has a main staple of rice and veggies, some meat, fruit, and instead of Temptations he gets dark chocolate.

4. He only has to be in the cage when he misbehaves (rarely!) or for his own protection – say, when IRS would come (whatever IRS is, I don’t know, but it seems that beans have a natural fear-and-flight response…)

5. I didn’t need to capture him, no butterfly net needed. He seems quiet content to stay in the vicinity of the house. And me.

6. He is well trained and knows a lot of tricks!

7. He requires almost no mainttenance as I have trained him to take care of himself.

8. No stroller. I did allow him one of those loud, stinky machines with wheels that beans seem to like and he operates it by himself – no freaking way I go into one of those!

9. Those glasses are his own. No one is allowed to wear Anastasia’s glasses. Neither why she was here, nor now after she has gone to the bridge!

10. No, I will not provide him with a mate! I do allow him time to himself and whatever he does then – I do not even want to know!

11. He is not an exotic. Plain old domestic paleskin.

12. Yes, he has a litterbox, though it looks somewhat different than mine…

13. He is legal and has all his papers!


Parker said...

He sounds like the perfect pet - even litter box trained!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

It sounds like you have a good pet, Karl. You clearly take good care of him!

Daisy said...

I wish I could put my Mommie into a cage when she misbehaves. I would put her in there ALL the time.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo haf got a furry good pet Karl, and yoo haf made a furry good job of training him. Well done!

LZ said...

Hmm....I think I must be mistreating my pets but I guess they will just have to deal with it. You're a great pet owner!



It sounds to me like you have done an excellent job of training your pet well.


Anonymous said...

He sounds like a really good pet and is well trained. I think we have a couple of those at home too.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaah I am laughing over number 10 ha ha. I think you have a very good well trained human there in fact, the best I have yet come across! I wish mine would stay in a cage, she is always out and about annoying me.

I think the IRS is the same as the Inland Revenue (tax people) here in the UK and yes, my humans have an aversion too! ha ha x

The M's said...

I will admit he did behave himself when I was over for a visit...Monte

The Furry Fighter said...

i hope your pet uses the luxuries you provide him with to make your life easier Karl! xxx

snowforest said...

What a funny picture of your bean ~ I'm glad that you are back blogging ~ sending you lots and lots of love and purrayers from myself and the snowforest clan :)

The Wanderer said...

Omg so cute!! We loves that you has a pet!
Did you see our little brother's pic on Daily Kitten? We is SOOO proud!!!


Samantha & Mom said...

We are going to take lessons from you Karl, our Mom err Pet is a little on the sloppy side. You trained yours well.
Your FL furiends,

MaoMao said...

Wowie, he sounds like a good pet! And I wish I could put my momma inna cage when she won't let me jump onna countur when she's cooking.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

I have my mom well trained, too -- I am sprawled on her lap right now as I am visiting blogs and commenting! The only thing I'd like to do with regard to her further training is to let me up on the counter while she's cooking...

Both MaoMao and me are counter cats! *giggle*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WE have two and we let then run free here in the house. Sometimes they get out! So annoying. We say no-no and they just go out!

YOu are a good pet owner!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Are you going to write a book with tips on how to trane our pets?

Zinger said...

that's quite a well trained pet you have! my mum is not so well trained. i voted in your poll and it looks like we need more rabbit bloggers like me!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

What a facinating pet you have there, Karl! He seems clean, friendly and sort of sweet. Thank you for sharing.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
p.s. We agree with Zippie, Sadie and Speedy that you should share your training tips!

Anonymous said...

those are fascinating facts about your pet Karl. Wow. I'm impressed!

Mickey's Musings said...

You have him trained?You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

It would be really cool if I could put My Lady into a cage. I would love that!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Ooooh - oh we wants to see him do tricks!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah, Wowww, it seens he is a very good pet~!

Karen Jo said...

You have your pet very well trained, Karl. I am glad that you can take care of each other so well.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Karl, yes yer rite, we did tag yoo furr the middle name meme on ourAugust 20th. Post.We haf put the link but don't know if it will come out rite, cuz yooshully when we publish links, half gits left off.

Starbuck and Torrey said...

I love that cage pic!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey, Karl, I'm waring yer buttun today!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

lovely pet karl...

smiles, auntie bee

Kat 3 said...

Wow! He sure is exotic. How much was he? Or was he a stray?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

It seems that you have your pet very well trained. Please tell us how you did it, cause we're not havin much luck!

Skeeter and LC