Monday, August 27, 2007

What The Animal Communicator Said

The Animal Communicator said that unfortunately it seems that Anastasia has crossed over to the other side. Hilary could not get the sense of her heart beating, or blood flowing or anything like that.
Here is her story:

She said Anastasia was smelling some mice in a crevice, next to a tree with a grayish brown bluish big bird. Anastasia was preoccupied with the mice, then some animal, a hawk or an owl (Hilary thinks more like a hawk), came from above and then Anastasia saw nothing.

Now she feels surrounded by sunlight and feels very powerful. She feels very beautiful and she feels like she has become a star. Or maybe the sun herself. At that point the maid broke down again because this is our Anastasia in true form!

Hilary said Anastasia feels like she can go anywhere, and she all of a sudden doesn’t have to worry anymore, and yes, she is a bit sad that we are sad but she is very pleased of where she is.

Hilary said Anastasia is a very beautiful, strong and proud spirit.
We didn’t tell Hilary before what kind of a Royal Highness Anastasia is. But to think she might be the sun herself. That is her, right to the point!
Yao-Lin, you can be proud of your sister-in-spirit!
We are very happy for her to have moved on to a better realm than ours here – we knew it in our hearts that she had fulfilled her purpose and is feeling good at a better place.

We now will just have to learn to live with the huge void she left for us.

But I will keep her spirit alive here at The Cat Realm forever!

Thank you, Tyler's Mom for making this consultation possible through your wonderful generosity!


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Thanks for sharing this. I'll comment more when I get composed. Must put this on the Cat Blogosphere now.

Parker said...

If Anastasia is the sun, I will thank her and smile every time I feel a warm sunbeam.
Purrs and hugs to you Karl and your staff. We are so sorry that she's not of our Realm any more.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Parker, that is a wonderful thing you wrote. I will do the same: whenever we feel a warm sunbeam, we will smile and think of Anastasia and be thankful we had her in our lives.
Purrs to your family.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We will help you.
Just think about your friends here in Bloggerland, feel the power of love and caring surrounding all of you.

We are thinking that Ana is the sun. She certainly was a very bright light to all of us here in Earth... and now she happy and very very safe!

Purrrs and Headbutts and snuggles from Caesar and Princess

The M's said...

This may sound weird, but my Mom Bean told me as soon as we heard that Ana was missing, that a hawk or somekind of bird had gotten her. It is sad to hear that she has possibly gone on to the bridge, but we are glad to hear that she did not suffer much.
I love the sun even more now...your bnl Monte.

Hot(M)BC said...

A'course Ana's a star (maybe our sun the star). She always been a star. We's just sad for us n yall that she's not a star in a cat body at your house no more. So we'll send lots and lots of purrrrrrrrrrs for yall to be a lil less sad.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

sammawow said...

Anastasia was a very bright light in the blogosphere - thinking about all the fun we had with the very light bright pink wigs. We just want her to be happy.

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Lux said...

I will be thinking that all the sunshine coming in the windows is the essence of Anastasia.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i will remember her too, in her red hat especially, it's like mine...

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

I don't like the thought that she is gone. I guess I can accept it, but I do not have to like it. I'm glad to hear that you will go ahead and post the posts that she prepared and execute her last dare. I can't wait!

Henny and Marlene said...

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitets dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars

Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But we never forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Anastasia, now you are our light!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear that dear Anastasia is gone, but I am happy that she is happy. We're glad she wasn't afraid.

We all have golden archs around us and Anastasia will be making them shine like the sun. Take care. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.

Hendrix & Mommy Amy

Anonymous said...

Wow. We kind of felt from what you said and didn't say that perhaps she was gone--I think you knew all along. I am glad that it seems she knew nothing until being EVERYTHING!

We will sing for Anastasia tonight.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

So sad an' leaky for your loss.

MaoMao said...

((((((hugs))))) to you, my furriend Karl, and wowie, that's so sweet of Tyler's momma.

I shall think of purreshus Ana effurytime I think of the sun and feel its rays. Alla our hearts go out to you and your fambly and we will miss Ana but we know she will live forefur on your wunnerful Cat Realm bloggie, in alla your hearts, in our hearts, and as a bee-yootiful sun-kitty.

Love of love and kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Jimmy Joe said...

I am so sad that Anastasia has left us, but I am happy to think that she is shining even brighter now. Purrs and snuggles going out to all of you.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Around Your Wrist said...

i'm glad you got the message. even when news is sad, it's better than no news.

the sun was especially bright and warm here today. ana was helping me have a great day!

so much love coming to you from us!


The Furry Kids said...

Lots of hugs and purrs to all of you.

Daisy said...

Thanks for sharing this message with us. It is only right that Anastasia is the brightest star in the sky now.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't surprise me she now thinks she is the sun or a bright star...she already was! We are glad she is in a better place now!
Our thoughts and prayers are with and always.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are both very sorry to hear that Anastasia has left our world an crossed The Bridge. We mourn your loss.

An we will be watchin the sky more often.

Anonymous said...

We thought what Luxor said is lovely: "all the sunshine coming in the windows is the essence of Anastasia". That's how we'll think of her. Purrs and love to you Karl, and the maid and butler too.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommys eyes watered when she read this. That usually means she is sad so I wants to say that when the sun shines above so does our loved ones spirits.

Anonymous said...

Anastasia has always been a star, my dear friend Karl; it's just that now she is shining brightly in a new way. Know my heart and my love are with you and your family at this difficult time, and I am so glad to see you making rounds at the Blogosphere. I'm sure that is exactly what sweet Ana would want you to do.

Much love, purrs, and snuggles from Marilyn.

The M's said...

Karl, you will forever be my brother-in-law, that is what Ana would have wanted.
I am eagerly awaiting Ana's posts that she had prepaired before she went missing.

Samantha & Mom said...

Our eyes are leaking! Now when the warm sun shines on our furs we will always remember Ana is there watching over us! Our purrrrrrrrrrs and purrayers are with you Karl the maid and the butler and Monte during this time. We are so glad we got to know her and we will miss her, too.
Your FL furiends,

Meowers from Missouri said...

bless you all, darlings. ana didn't just GO to the light, she BECAME the Light.

we are truly glad for anastasia, but everso sad for you. we will think of her, and feel her warm hugs in the sunlight.

headbumps and soft purrs to you, dear karl, and to the staff.

--the meowers

(btw: m, m, & monte--it's furry weird, but that is the very same thing our mom said when ana first went missing . . .)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We are very sad to hear this report that the communicator thinks she has gone to the bridge but we are happy to know she did not suffer. We will feel the sun even brighter, even warmer now and when all us kitties are seeking the sunbeams we'll think of Ana. Sending so many purrs and love your way...
Mr. Chen & Ollie
ps. Ollie dedicated his Full Monty award to Ana.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Karl, she described the Rainbow Bridge!!
Like Parker, every time we lay in the sun, we will think of Ana.

Ana, keep watch over Karl and the maid and butler, shine your warm beams on them.

We will see you at The Bridge.

Mickey's Musings said...

(((((Hugs & Purrs)))) to Ana's family.Maybe that is why cats love to lie in the sunshine.

Tara said...

Mom and I read this before she took me outside in my harness. We both laid on the coolness of the emerald green grass and watched the sun go down. We were washed by her light, and were warmed.

Tara and Mom

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

That is so great, now everytime we lay in a sunbeam we'll be wrapped in Anastasia's warm embrace. What a lovely kitty hug that will be.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I am very sad to hear that Anastasia is gone, but her bright light will continue to shine throughout the cat blogosphere. I will think of her whenever I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

Karl, purrs and hugs to you and your staff.

Lucas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucas said...

Take care Anastasia wherever you may be right now. Lots of love and prayers for you and your family from me and my human.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

No wonder I look up the sun shine today, because we all sense from Anastasia.

I am so sad about this news, but I will always love the sun shine come to me, I never met Ana before, but, I could bless her and she could whisper with us everyday.

Ingrid said...

I am sorry but I can't believe in such things ! How long is Anastasia missing now, one week ?? Don't give up hope cats sometimes disappear for a couple of weeks and when you don't think anymore she would come back, then suddenly she is in front of your door ! One of my cats disappeared for 12 days, I had given up all hope to see him again and suddenly he was in our garage, just coming from nowhere ! We never knew where he had been because he wasn't hungry or thirsty. It seemed as if he had lived with somebody else for a while until he remembered his home, or somebody kidnapped him and locked him in. It will be for ever a mistery but the most important for us was that he came back. So please don't think the worst until you can be really sure !

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest friends....please come and find respite with me in the morning on my patio...I will take care of you all will be good for your souls

Anonymous said...

were very sorry she is gone but you can look to the sky when you want to talk to her. purrs and headbutts to you all.

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean an' I never know what to say at times like this. always afraid we're gonna flub up what we're trying to say. We're both so sorry about your loss. Now Ana can visit all of her kitty friends, and we all know a new kitty angel.

Would it be okay if we sent a little something to your fambly?

Anonymous said...

We are sad for you that your Ana has crossed the bridge. We will look for her and remember her in the sunbeams.

LZ said...

Thank you very much for sharing this amazing experience. Of course it is so sad but it also give so much hope. I'm glad you could talk to the communicator.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Karl - last year Magoo, Bella and Dolce's daddy did a Rememberance Day for all of The Ones Who Came Before. We think that a Rememberance Blog would be a great idea!

Tink said...

I'll light a candle for Anastasia again in front of my Bast statue. She'll be missed... I wish you all the best and a lot of strength to live without your precious Anastasia around. She'll be there, but that's just not the same, is it? Love!

Anonymous said...

I am still crying. It is hard to think that Ana is not of our Realm anymore. But I am happy that she feels happy now and I will da as Parker said: Thanking her and smiling to her everytime a warm sunbeam will reach my fur.
I have seen the shrine you built for her - it's beautiful. She will always be in our hearts.

Unknown said...

Karl and family,
we are sorry to know that Ana is no longer with us here.
we second a lot of what everycat has already said.

Still thinking of you,
Cyclone Cats and their mom

The Crew said...

We went to look at the communicator's page and it's very interesting all the people & animals she's helped. Sometimes not with the results they hoped for, but at least getting some closure.

Anastasia will live in your heart just as all my animals do.

Crew's Mom

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We're sendin' purrs and purrayers for you all.

Anonymous said...

Our love flows to you, like the sunbeams streaming in our windows.
Our Not The Mama's eyes are so leaky reading this. If we can do anything, please let us know.
Your friends from Purrchance to Dream,
Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, and Jazper

Phoebe said...

Dear Karl,

I'm so sorry to hear about Anastasia. I have not been around on the blogs for a while lately and so I didn't know until I just went to Pablo's blog. Monica and I will miss her creative ideas. We send our purrs to you and your staff.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Dear Karl,

Now that Anastasia is the sun it means she is watching your EVERY move. So you better behave! In actual fact, it is pretty appropriate really because now she can be worshipped by the whole world instead of just the blogosphere and her staff! I would love to co host the next dare in Ana's honour, I would be touched, in a snarly contemptuous way of course.

Purrs to you all at this sad sad time *sniff* xxx

HRH Yao-Lin xx

Unknown said...

I didn't know Anastasia well, but we did make contact a couple of times. Whenever the sun beams down on me I will think of Anastasia. She was a beautiful cat and will be missed so much. My Mum and I wish you well.

Karen Jo said...

Dear Karl and Staff,

Thank you for understanding my reaction to hearing about Anastasia. I have decided that it is foolish of me to try to protect myself from the possible pain of Karl also disappearing by not reading your blog. I would hear about it anyway, as I heard about this post. I have put you back on my blogroll and will be visiting.

Thank you for wishing that I be spared future pain. I won't, of course, as we all get our share and I have quite a bit coming down the pike, as does everyone who has elderly relatives.

I am glad that you were able to find closure in the news from the animal communicator. I am saddened that Ana is gone from this earth, but I will remember her. Your shrine is beautiful. It is really nice to think that she is in the sunshine and I will try to think of her that way always.

Tyler said...

I hope your heartache eases with each of Anasatsia's sunrise. I hope all of your happy memories bring you comfort in this awful time of loss.

I'm so sorry that she's gone. I am looking forward to her posts that she had filed away for the future. Please remember to be good to yourselves, staff and Karl alike.

Know that you are all forever in our hearts. I love what all the others have written about Anastasia and thinking of her with each ray of the sun. All of us here will do the same and we sure do worship that sun. Every spot of it is taken for a resting and enjoyed thoroughly. (sp?)
Hugs and kisses,

The Furry Fighter said...

i think i just screwed up my message by pressing return accidently...but ise just wanna say that even though i had only just got to know anastasia ise gonna miss her loads. i do hope her next place is as lovely as described...the sun shone today in london, i hope it was anastaisa sending me love. hugs to the staff karl...and to you xxx

Mr. Hendrix said...

just coming by to give you virtual hugs and good thoughts. the sun is shining bright in Ohio today and we're remembering our friend.

Oliver said...

I am furry sorry that Anastasia is gone. I am new to the blogs, but it is always sad when a kitty furriend goes away. Many purrs and snuggles to the kitties and beans she left behind.

MaoMao said...

Karl, my furriend, I just wanted to let you know, I devoted the bestest part of my Meezer Rule Wednesday post to purreshus Anastasia. We Ballicai miss her so much, and our hearts are goin' out to all of you each and effury day.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Amazing, such a short week for us since we heard and such a long one for you I'm sure. We hope that God has heard our prayers and yours and that someday your hearts will open.

zevo hussein calamari said...

May the sun shine down upon you with healing rays and we know that Anastasia's spirit is soaring above watching below you.

Sending lots of love and purrs. We are so sorry for your loss.

zevo & nubi and the gang

Rebecca Meyer said...

my eyes are leaking *hugs* sorry to hear anastasia has gone :(

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am so sorry to hear that Anastasia is truy gone....but now she is running free with no worries over the bridge. Sending you gentle headbutts and purrs.

Christine and FAZ said...

I am so glad Anastasia is in a happy place but we'll miss her lovely pictures on the blog. Purrs FAZ

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Gattina said not to give up. Cautiously, we agree. Tinkerbelle, The Cat Who Came Before, was missing for 2 weeks and she turned up released from a neighbor's shed who had been on vacation all that time!

While that is a unlikely event, sometimes surprises do happen. Hoping for one of those surprises... Just in case, you know?

Tears and comfort purrs,

Skeeter and LC

Kitikata-san said...

Yeah, Anastasia is now her awesome self, just like the sun that shines on us to warm us. She is having a great time playing over there, and getting all the kudos that she royally deserves. Kiss kiss to the new shining Anastasia.