Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Can't Do It Anymore...

Anastasia - Oscar - and then this morning I learned about Ubee - I am beat. I will take two days off.
I am sorry if I haven't gotten around to visiting you yet and extend my personal gratitude for your support - I just can't do it anymore right now. I know you understand.



Anonymous said...

I understand my friend.We love you
and send Hugs and Purrs to you all.

Daisy said...

This has been a very terrible and sad time. Take all the time you need Karl, we understand completely.

MaoMao said...

Awwww, Karl, we Ballicai unnerstand -- I'm sendin' you a big hug -- and know that we love you furry much.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Anonymous said...

Take the time you need, dear Karl -- know that you are in our thoughts, and we are sending love and comfort and purrs.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I do understand, completely.


Tyler said...

Karl, I do think we all understand why you need time to rest and take care of your wounds. I'm sending a lot of love your way. I hope God covers you and your staff with healing white light.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

honey take whatever you need. we all love you karl...

smiles, auntie bee

Samantha & Mom said...

We understand Karl!! Take care of yourself and the maid and the butler, and know we love you! Purrrrrrrrrrrrs and Purrayers to you all!
Your FL furiends,
and Mom

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Karl, we really understand. It's been a very rough week, and a squillion times rougher for you. {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your butler and maid. We love you all. take care friend and we will see you when you get back.

Mo and The Purries said...

we do understand

I'm dedicating my radio show tonight
to Ubee, Anastasia, and Oscar

The Mo Show
Blog Talk Radio
7pm to 8pm Eastern Time

Anonymous said...

Purrs and hugs. We can totally understand. Take as much time as you need.

DK & The Fluffies said...


Anonymous said...

I do not blame you. This is getting to just be too much. All of these were unexpected. We had no warning. I am too sad right now. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Of course you must take time off Karl. Take as long as you need, we will all be here waiting for you when you feel ready to come back.Purrrrs and (((hugs))) to you, the Maid and the Butler. Take care.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

this is for the maid: i so enjoyed hearing you on the mo show tonight and i hear how much pain you are in honey. i wish i could give you a hug. keep your chin up and know that we are out here and care about you...

smiles and hugs, auntie bee

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Karl, we understand. Take some much needed rest and try to just sleep and love your staff a little extra. It's been horrible news lately in the cat blogosphere for sure. We will keep sending you our love while you're taking your break.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah No....

Take your time.
Dear Karl, we will be all here with you~!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Yes, you do take all the time.
Bear, my 17-year old toy poodle, went to the Bridge in April during a week where we lost too many beloved pets. I couldn't take it, just stopped blogging for a while. Didn't think I'd ever really go back. But I did, it just took time.
This has been another of those weeks, unfortunately.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, and those of Oscar and Ubee, and all of us left behind who will miss them so very much.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karl,

I am sorry I haven't written by now to express my condolences. I have been crying too much to be able to type. I was so very saddened to hear that Anastasia may have gone over the bridge. She will be missed by many, but especially by you and your humans. She was a beautiful cat and had absolutely beautiful eyes.

Obviously she was needed much more at the bridge to spread her joy and sunshine around up there than she was needed down here.

I will will miss reading about her adventures.

Tara (not the cat)

Parker said...

I totally understand. Please rest and heal.

The M's said...

We understand, you must take care of yourselves first. We love you all.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

we totally understand. take your time to heal. we'll be there when you come back
hugs n puuurrrs K&O

Monty Q. Kat said...

Take as much time as you need, the heart heals in it's own time. We'll be here when you need us. ::purrs::

sammawow said...

Like all the others said, we too understand. We'll miss you and be here when you are back.

Love, hugs, and purrrrrs,
China Cat & Willow

Mr. Hendrix said...

We understand. There is so much sadness. I hope you feel our comforting vibes during your break. Take as much time as you need to heal. Your friends are here when you get back.

snowforest said...

Oh I just learned about the tragedy you have been through these past few days. I am so sorry - I have been totally out of cat blogosphere the last few days and just learned about it today. Sending lots and lots of love and prayers your way. Hope you find strength and courage in these terrible times. I once had a cat missing for two weeks and found him afterwards. I still hope for a miracle for Anastasia. I wish she finds happiness and peace wherever she is. All the love and prayers for all of The Cat Realm from us all...

Crystal Brulett said...

Sweet purrs and hugs Karl.


LZ said...

We completely understand! For the first time in a year we couldn't think of ANYTHING to write about last night. Its all just too sad right now. ((hugs))


The Furry Kids said...

It's been a rough week for sure. Take all the time you need, Karl. You and your family are in our thoughts.

Tara said...

Take the time you need. You will know when it is time to come back.

JT said...


Ernest and I are so sad to hear about Anastasia. We just found out because the Feeders haven't let us on the computer for a week. You and your family will be in our thoughts.

Fritz (and Ernest)

Tiger Lily said...

We understand. Take the time you need and know we'll be thinking of you while you're gone. Purrs from Jemima, Tiger Lily, and Ruckus.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Karl, please get some much needed rest and time off with the Maid and Butler.

Our love to all of you,

Jaya said...

Words fail.
Sending LOVE.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest friends in the realm of sadness....please come and stay with me for a while. My garden will offer you such much needed respite and I will tend to your every you tary and let your memories comfort you.
I will be waiting...we had a rain shower this evening so the patio is nice and comfortable.

Anonymous said...

I valued Anastasia's contribution to the catblogosphere. She was and is a very bright spot. It is very possible you will see her again in this life or the does not end at death. Just look for her bright eyes in every kitty you never know what you will see. Sincerely, Cato

Lux said...

Hugs to you,
Lux, Silky & Nins

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Purrrs, Karl. We're sorry for the loss of Anastasia, and we understand if you need a break.

We lit a candle for Ana and all the other cats, and we've added Anastasia's name to our Farewell-Friends post.

Jack and Persephone

Zazzy said...

Gentle thoughts from my Anastasia to your's.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i luv u karl.
u an anastasia alwayz made me laff an laff.
pleez come back to us.

Miss Sara said...

We really miss, Ana. I hope you are doing OK, Karl.

Love, the Morning Scratch gang

Just Ducky said...

Purrs Karl. Take your time to grieve for Ana. Come back when you can.

The M's said...

We hope you all are doing better. Purrayers and headbutts your way.

Daisy said...

Karl, I know you are taking a break and not thinking about blogging right now. But I wanted to let you know that I awarded you and Anastasia a Blogging Star award. I just wanted to recognize you both for all the great things you have done with the I Dare You All challenges to foster understanding and unity throughout the blogosphere. You do not have to do anything, or make any kind of post about it. I just wanted to honor you and Anastasia. I think she would be happy to be a Blogging Star.

I hope you are doing OK, and Pixie and I send you many {{hugs}}.

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh we really understands, Karl. Take all the time you needs. We'll be sending you lotsa purrs all along.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

snowforest said...

Karl and everybody at the cat realm ~ I hope you are doing okay. Sending you all love and purrayers in this difficult time...

love from Omer, Snow, Forest and the babies :)

Phoebe said...

Karl, Everycat understands how hard it is. don't worry at all about not getting around to the blogs. We will all just keep coming around to visit you here.

MaoMao said...

Karl, my furriend, I hope you are doin' okay. Sendin' love and purrs.

Mickey's Musings said...


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

My Dearest Karl,

I hope you are fine.
Just to send you a message and pray for your mood doing okie.

//hug and purr
michico & Adan

Starbuck and Torrey said...

Still thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Karl, I'm thinking of you! Sending love and purrs and snuggles to you and the Staff.

Anonymous said...

Just checking on you. Hope you come back soon.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Karl, we've been offline for two weeks and just found out about Anastasia. So sorry, we miss her very much, but we know how much you and your family miss her all the more.

We are thinking of you, while you are away. We only wish we could have been here for you sooner.

~Donny, Marie and Casey

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I am missing you Karl as you rest away Daisy, I have awarded you the STAR BLOGGER AWARD. I am sure Anastasia would enjoy having it to is a tribute to your hard work in outreach to the blog world.
I wish I could be there to hold and hug you...
Love to Charly from Karla & MIss Peach

Gattina said...

Oh I can understand that, I couldn't write anything either. I would hide in a little corner and moarn until I feel better. I didn't realize that you live in such a desert place which can be dangerous for cats. We only have cats and dogs around here.

The Wanderer said...

We keeps checking backs, hoping that a miracle has happeneds and that Annastasia would come homes. But the trues miracle is the love from total strangers. Hearts,souls, and pittypaws unite us all. Love to you, the lost ones, and to your beans.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Checking here~! I just wanna let you know, and still standing here be with you.

Adan & michico

Christine and FAZ said...

Just popped by to see if you and the staff are okay. We're thinking of you. FAZ

Anita said...

Oh, God... I have just found about the happened. I´m so so so so sorry... is a very bad news, I don´t believe it... I understand your pain and your sadness. You will take all the time you need... we understard you.

Purrrssss and all my love... I´m sorry so much... :´-(

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Just camedown to give you a big hug!
Love Karla & Miss Peach

Anonymous said...

Just droppin' in to say Hi!

Lucas said...

Hi Karl. Just dropping by to see how you're doin. I hope you're doin ok.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Just checking in and to let you know we are still thinking of you. (((hugs))) and purrrrs to you all.

JT said...

Ernest and I hope you and your family are doing all right. Come back and visit us when you're ready.

Fritz and Ernest

The Wanderer said...

We extends our love to yous again, we hopes your beans are leeking less often...but we's understands too. Healings takes a long long times.


Mr. Hendrix said...

just checking in to let you know we're keeping you in our thoughts and sending good, comforting feelings your way.
take your time healing. we'll be here when you're ready.

Distributorcap said...

my george says take all the time you need