Unfortunately Karl had a bit too much too fast to eat and got really sick... (see picture) or maybe it was the Tequila?
I am sure he will be better tomorrow and then we will visit everybody who came for a personal thank you note!
And who brought that Tequila? I have a dog of a headache myself - it did not go well with the nip....

Perhaps you need "a hair of the dog that bit you" to chase out the remnants of that tequila?
Love the psychadelic barf ... It looks almost like a Pucci print! My hairballs NEVER look that artistic.
Dude, chew your food! Those lizzies look almost like they did going down! I sure missed one heck of a party! I totally meant to be there but then I decided to hop on my bike and head to Brazil. Your party must have been the event of the season! I'm there next year! Oh, and the tequila? Damn! Never mix tequila and nip! MOL!
oh dear! poor Karl!! I hope he feels better!
We are so sorry we missed your bbq! We are gonna lecture daddy and mommy now about how terrible they are for going away like that, so that we can't get on the computer! Next time, we make sure to attend your bbq!
Omigoodness! I *think I'm sorry I missed the BBQ, too!
Oh poor Karl...that looks bad. He did have way too much of the tuna puffs. It would have been a wonderful party for me, but I was too lonely there without my beloved ALICAT, so I just snuck out early...hope you will still invite me to your next one.
Love Miss Peach
Karl - we hope you feel better soon.
We are sorry your sick and that we missed the party but we were in lock down because of a stupid dog.
Haven't you heard the saying nip before liquor never been sicker? Its the mixing that gets you mixed up. Hope you're feeling better soon.
I just wanted to let you know about some of the cool things going on over at the US Blogs Community at Bumpzee. There is an RSS Feed which will give you snippets of every post in the community, both on blogs and in the community itself. Also, you can get a US Blogs button and a list of links to all the blogs in the community. As of now, we're up to 40 blogs, and it would be awesome if we could get the number doubled by the end of the month. It might seem to be daunting, but we've gone from none to 40 in the space of three weeks, so it's definitely possible. Be sure to tell all your blogging friends here in the States about it :)
Poor poor Karl! I have to admit that I laughed when I first saw that photo. I hope you are feeling better now.
ps: I think the pink one still looks edible.
I have never seen such colorful yak!
Well done Karl, but never mix the nip with colored lizards and tequilia - well, you know that now, don'tcha'!?
Mmmm, it sure was a yummy BBQ -- them lizzards were delishus!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
It was a marvelous BBQ! Thank you for being such delightful hosts. And I'm so glad the tuna puffs were a hit!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Da BBQ wuz grate, what fun we had. Maybe Karl shoodent mix liker wif nip next time. Oh, it's not wishful thinking, Zippy wayze 6 lbs. 2 oz. and mom can pick her up wif one hand, but we don't mess wif her cuz she's tuff. Dad calls her da Mitey Mite.
I hope you have another BBQ soon because this one was way fun. I can now add lizards to my list of things I love!
Sorry about your hangover Karl! We had a blast! Thanks for inviting us.
Luf, Us
hahahahaha ... i'm laffin an laffin! wutta colorful barf.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Oh gosh, what a brite barfy! Fanks for invitin us. And yeah, yall's maid kin use the letter to the spammers. She can efun translate it to reel bean talk if she wants.
Good Grief, I missed a lizard barbecue??? Doggone, I really like hunting lizards. Did you get to hunt them before you barbecued them?? Only trouble is Mom rescues them before we even get a taste of them. Sure can't understand why she would want to rescue an ugly thing like a lizard. Oh well, maybe another time, hopefully.
Oh my! The lizards were yummy. Thanks again!
These things happen when someone eat up too much.
Was catnip in the BBQ? Muhahahaha!
It was a GREAT BBQ. I could get quite fond of those lizards.
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