Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lizard BBQ at The Cat Realm!!!

The lizard hunt was very successful and we are having a lizard BBQ!
Everybody is invited, so come on over and let's have a feast!!!


Daisy said...

A lizard BBQ? I am there! I am very impressed with the variety of different color lizards you caught. You are very talented and brave hunters. I will take mine medium-rare please. Hold the BBQ sauce. Yum yum yum yum yummy! They are good inside the tummy.

The Furry Kids said...

Thanks for inviting us to your BBQ. Those lizards look very tasty. We brought our catnip bubbles for after dinner.

Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

PS - I love your sunglasses. They are very fetching.

Unknown said...

ooo, we've never had lizard before! we like ours well done.

we been catching some moths at our houes today.....we'll bring some to share! They are tasty!!

Anonymous said...

whoa! excellent! thanks fur inviting us - this is AMAZING!

MaoMao said...

Lizzards? Oh, yummy, thanks fur inviting me! I'd like a coupla lizzards and a lizzard gizzerd, hehehe!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful cookout this is -- thank you for inviting me! What succulent lizards, and tasty BBQ sauce, too! Anastasia, I simply must get the recipe from you sometime!

And I hope everybody enjoys the tuna puffs I brought.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Forty Paws said...

Yummy!!! Tastes like chicken! Thank you for inviting all of us to the BBQ! We luf BBQ!! We brought lots of niptinis for efurrybody. Indulge! Eat, drink, take a nap!

Luf, Us

The M's said...

Thank you for inviting us to your bar-b-que. We will bring the junebugs.
Wow, the catnip bubbles are fantastic. Yummy tuna puffs, Marilyn. Thanks Forty paws for the niptinis, this is the life.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my, I have never been to a cook out before! The purple lizard looks really yummy, could I reserve him for me? I have a gallon of catmint tea and a a platter of salmon moose crackers to share. I am trying this new recipe out for when I hold my first High 'Kitty Kat Tea Party'. I hope ALICAT will be able to ocme, he has a housewarming this weekend....hope he can sneek away:) I can't wait for the fun to begin...

Samantha & Mom said...

Thank you for inviting us, so sorry to be late, Mom is having a vaction day and hardly was home today. Oh, the lizards look very good, I'll have mine with extra BBQ sauce says Samantha. I'll have mine rare, Tigger says. Very nice party.

Rascal said...

Yum! Thanks for the invite! I used to catch and eat lizards when we lived in North Carolina. BBQ'd sounds much better.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

luv to eet dem lizardz ...
lizardz dat i luv to eet ...
luv to bite dey tailz off ...
nibble on dey tiny feet.
pass da mousebrew. pleez.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we'll haf ours medium well, thanks fur inviting us. We brawt some salmon moose fur desert! pass us a niptini please, mmmm, dese are reely good.

Anonymous said...

Now, I'm not a lizard connosieur. Do those of different colors taste differently?

They all look so pretty though...Can I start with a taste of purple?

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Memphis-style or Kansas City BBQ? Either way, save me a drumstick!


Around Your Wrist said...

yumm-o! i'm extra hungry, cuz mom went out to dinner with uncle jerry. i'd really like a tuna puff and some of peach's salmon moose crackers. jeter's tuna joose and the catmint tea will go down nicely. mmm!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, I've never had lizard before! You two are very good hunters! All of those lizards look very yummy.

Hot(M)BC said...

Thoze are yummy lookin lizards. WEre they fun to hunt? mmmmmm

JT said...

Fun! I've never eaten barbequed lizard before, but sure is tasty! Thanks for having us over!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the invite.Those lizards smell great.I brought some lemonade and I spiked it with some nip.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Thank you for inviting me and my family to your lovely barbeque!
My new foster brudder, Ralphie, can't come (he's only allowed kitten food).

Should I bring anything? Cat Milk, and extra litter box, toys?

Anonymous said...

As soon as My Lady leaves, I am on my way. I can't wait.

Parker said...

Yummy! Never had a lizard before! Thanks for having me over! This was great!

Gattina said...

Thanks for the invitation !

What a chance that they are already roasted ! Once my first cat catched a lizzard and was very offended because it run away and left its tail in her mouth !
You are very welcome to Cats on Tuesday ! It's fun !

sammawow said...

Oh how exciting - we have never had lizards before! What beautiful colors they are!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, you's good hunters. Haf you got one that's till movin? I's surprised the tails ain't falled off. Fanks fur the invite! Good day fur a bbq.

Simply Siamese said...

Woo hoo! You sure you cooked enough for all of the meezers? Because I (Latte) can eat a TON!! Thanks for sharing your hunt, you guys rock!!

Simply Siamese said...

Woo hoo! You sure you cooked enough for all of the meezers? Because I (Latte) can eat a TON!! Thanks for sharing your hunt, you guys rock!!

Jaya said...

Oh swell... my 9 cat masters saw this photo, and now I have to spend the day lizard gathering for tomorrow's BBQ. A maid's work is never done! They also have me voting for you every day over at the 'Blog For A Year' contest. Jeeeeesh!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Thank you for inviting us to your party. We love a lizzard bbq and this one is quite wonderful. Wowie

Christine and FAZ said...

yummy, yummy, say my tummy. FAZ

snowforest said...

Sorry for being late. Did I miss anything. Have never tried lizards before ~ but this may be the right moment ~ considering the wide variety of colorful lizards on display :)

Ali & Fiona said...

We are so very sorry we missed the cookout but our parents had us locked up in kitty prison all day.

Aloysius said...

Lizards! I bet they were mighty tasty. I'm sorry I missed it; my humans had their own company and I couldn't get away. But do you have any catnip left? He-he!

zevo hussein calamari said...

We will bring tequila!
zevo & friends

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I am terribly sorry I missed your BBQ. I appreciate the invitation but I was dining with the Queen on Sunday and therefore didn't log in to check my blog messages. Please accept my apologues and i shall return the invitation to you some day.
