Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Scary Encounter!

Karl escaped the big bad bobcat again!
No one really knows what happened: Karl doesn’t want to talk about it and I didn’t see it because I was hiding. But I heard the butler telling the maid that he saw the bobcat chasing Karl! So the butler chased the bobcat and then Karl showed up at the stairs where we all were a while later.

His heart hammered! And he looked around a lot and then he hid in the shed for the rest of the day.

We don’t like bobcats. They killed a friend of ours and ate him! That is horrible…
We asked caricature who writes that fabulously educational Blog about
cats if he could post something about bobcats – but we don’t know if he will have time and do it…


Anonymous said...

You were chased by a Bobcat? That's scary.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

dis is another reason to stay in da howse. Somecats think dey is reely tuff and go outside all da time (Zippy) but dey don't know dat it is furry danjerus. It's good yoo eskaped!

Daisy said...

WOW! What a scary thing that happened to Karl. That bobcat sounds vishus! I am glad that Karl is safe now.

The Furry Kids said...

Yikes!!! That is very scary. I'm very glad you posted this because Earl Grey needs to see that it can be very dangerous outside without adult supervision. Got that, EG?


Anonymous said...

We have bobcats here. Cougars too. I have come face to face with a few of them but they always run awaY when they see me. Do you have a dog? They don't like dogs, especially the large ones.

Anonymous said...

Very scary. We are indoor kitties because of coyotes and owls. Bobcats are scary too!
-The Unplugged Six

The Lee County Clowder said...

Karl escaped a bobcat, AGAIN? Sounds like Karl is something of a slow learner. :-)

After the first time, we would stay in the house. We'd probably stay under the bed for quite a while.

Glad he escaped.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Um. no offense, but maybe a leash is in order. We don't want to lose another friend especially to something that awful.

I'm glad you got away. It sounds like that bobcat has targeted you for a meal Karl....

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oh Karl! We are glad that you are ok and safe from the big bad bobcat.

kuanyin333 said...

Anela sends her prayers that the bobcat moves down the road! What a scary adventure!

Samantha & Mom said...

Karl you must keep away from the very, very, very bad bobcats. We don't want anything to happen to you. So glad you are safe. Too scary!!!
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Ali & Fiona said...

We are very glad that Karl escaped. Hey Mr. Bobcat if your reading this, Our friend Karl is not a tasty snack, please find another food source.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! How frightening. I'm so glad Karl is okay!

The Meezers or Billy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! How terrifying! we is so glad Karl excaped.

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you so much for your support!
The maid and the butler would love for me to stay in the house - but I just can't do it. I always was an outside cat and it feels like bad prison if I have to stay in....
I do come in at night because of the owls... And if I don't come the maid and the butler go and look for me and bring me in!
Let's just all send NASTY thoughts to the bobcat!

Anonymous said...

"Oh" my that bobcat sounds horrible.
I'm glad Karl is okay.Thanks for visiting my blog.I added you to my list of friends.

Anonymous said...

You know its taken me 3 days to figure out who the maid and the butler are, lol.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We are so relieved that karl is safe. How frightening yikes!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Hi Karla and Anastasia! Now see what I just wrote?! My mombeans name is Karla MOL!
Karla I hope you go to Caricatures bloggy because a long time back he DID a post about the smaller wild cats that include the bob cat. (look I did it again!!!)
Thank you both for being such sweet furrrends when you come over for a visit...
Much love Miss Peach

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hi Karl and Anastasia! Thanks for visiting us, and we love your names. Karl was the name of our grandpa and Anastasia sounds to dignified. Our secretary (Mom) isn't the greatest so she's really behind in adding friends to our blogroll, but she should get around to it eventually.

Where do you live where you have bobcats? We both like to go in and out, but now that Bathsheba retired from hunting, she stays in the house mostly. Karl, you might want to rethink your love of the outdoors since Mr. Bobcat seems to have targeted you. We don't need to lose another new friend.

Our mom wants to visit your compulsive bloggers blog. This is addictive, isn't it.


Lux said...

Yikes!!! That dude looks serious.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

bobcatz ar disturbin ... espeshullee if dey eet yer bes frend.
be careful karl!
we don't hav da bobcatz heer ... but dere iz a disturbin black an wite cat hangin owt in mi backyard latelee.
luv--yer grate frend--jh

The M's said...

Our beans have seen a bobcat out in the country close to town. We do not go out unless we are on a harness. We are glad to hear that Karl was not hurt.

Tara said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds really scary!


snowforest said...

Of course I'd post about Bobcats ~ I already did ~ Karl I think the best advice would be to stay indoors if there is a Bobcat in your locality:

Trapping Bobcats is not easy - Killing them is not right - Keeping them out of your neighborhood may not be possible owing to their great agility and climbing abilities!

Keeping a dog (not a small one - since the Bobcat may kill it!) may help. Contacting the local wildlife officials and asking them to relocate the troublesome Bobcat may also be a valid option depending on where u live!

Stay Safe :)

Anonymous said...

that is totally crazy! i'm glad that karl was okay! where i live, we have coyotes, so we leave the cats inside at nite so that there are no 'accidents'

LZ said...

Oh no, how terrifying!! That just seems so wrong that a cat would eat another cat.


Ingrid said...

It's very nice that you played, but there are some little rules to respect which you can find on my blog and also let me know if you wish to be a member so that I can add you to the blogroll.

The Ginger Darlings said...

Your big cats look more dangerous than ours as ours are only the ghost echoes of cats who lived here centuries past. Run fast and make sure you do not become the big cat's mouse.