We are abandoned. (But at least we got out of that jail!) And guess where the maid is - probably partying wildly with Asta's Mom and no one helping us blogging and visiting.... We'll hopefully be back May 2. Don't forget us.
Have a nice trip mommy! Don't worry guys! We love you all and we will miss you a lot! We will be waiting for you okay! By the way, this picture is fantastic! Purrs from Brazil Luna and mommy Léia
I hope your mommy has a great time in the city! My mom said that we live very close to that place and that she sometimes has to go there for work. It will be a great week to be here -- it's supposed to be very warm!!
Well lucky for all of us this week is almost over. I cannot believe that the majority of us on the board were dumped for this whole week. See you at the wedding at Asta's place.
We won't forget you!! Have a nice time off!
Your FL furiends,
Oh no! How could they leave you?
Glad you're out of jail, but hate that you all are abandoned.
I was so hoping you would sneek into the suitcase..I'm pouting now
smoochie kisses
We could never forget you guys! See you when you get back!
Have a nice trip mommy! Don't worry guys! We love you all and we will miss you a lot!
We will be waiting for you okay!
By the way, this picture is fantastic!
Purrs from Brazil
Luna and mommy Léia
This shot is COOOOOOOOOOOOL :)
Afcourse we don't forgot you !!
Have fun............
Again! This is getting out of paw! Thank you for voting guys. We'll see ya when she gets back!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I hope your mommy has a great time in the city! My mom said that we live very close to that place and that she sometimes has to go there for work. It will be a great week to be here -- it's supposed to be very warm!!
Haff a nice rest. See you all soon.
Thank you for wishing me happy birthday!
Don't get into too much trouble while you're abandoned! We want a full report in May!
We will be waiting right here for you! Enjoy your rest!
We can't believe the maid ran off and left you! We'll see you all when she gets back...
Don't worry, we won't forget you. How could we? hahahaha!
Good thing you got bailed out first.
We hope yur Momma has a furry fun and safe trippie! And we kould nefur furget you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Poor abandoned kitties... we'll be looking forward to your return in a week or so.
We could never forget you all...we'll be happy when you return!
We'll miss you! We hope the maid has a great trip.
How did you get out???
On noze. Be back soone!
Oh no! You were abandoned too! I am so glad my beans are home and I hope yours are home soon to spoil you like crazy.
yep - thats where she is. I just saw her picture - she's giving Asta treats!
your pal, Morgan
See you on May 2n, have a good time and a nice weekend.
Is it something I said?
Well lucky for all of us this week is almost over. I cannot believe that the majority of us on the board were dumped for this whole week. See you at the wedding at Asta's place.
We promise not to forget you! Thanks for your visit.
I'm glad all of you got out of jail, too. Jail is not where any cat wants to be.
Belated Happy 2nd Blogoversary :-D
What will the maid think when she gets back and finds out that you guys ran off to Asta's sister's wedding! That will teach her!
Big hugs to you all!
Opus and Ollie
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