Helpful hint: watch for the sunglasses, hahahahahahahahahaha!
The biggest difference between Luna and Notty: Notty has long hair, Luna short. They do have the same mother, and possibly the same father, and you can see the familiarity in their faces!
Ruis of course is from Kattenpraat, not The Cat Realm, but as he is my husband he needs to be included.
We can always tell Karl by his glasses! HE HE!
cool! We gets confused easily, here!
My mom has trouble keeping all of us straight, so this was helpful since without it she would be hopeless.
That you for straightening that out! Now, maybe I can keep up.
Thanks, we can figure out which one you are Karl but when you are dressed up it is a bit more of a challenge. We go with the sunglasses then.
Miz Mog and Meowza
I know who's who! You awe all so famous! and bootiful and handsome, and have excellent taste in eye weaw.
I'm so glad that Ruis was thewe fow the family photo.
I miss all of you.It's been way too quiet awound hewe
smoochie kisses
Thankies so much fur clarifickashun! Momma has been so bad about helpin us Ballicai blog that we didn't efun know about Notty and Luna! Welcome to the kitty bloggiesphere, you two!
You are all such beeyootiful kitties at The Cat Realm, and yur glasses are kool, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You have many cats but I now who is who.... I think HEHE
Kareltje want also sun glasses purss purrss =^.^=
its so cooooooooooool !!
You all look great in the kitty roundup picture. The sunglasses are so cute.
That chart is cool! We knew who was who though - the sunglasse do the trick.
Very cool and cute graphic and it does help :)
Thanks for the tutorial! We never noticed that you all wore different glasses...
Oh good, this helps!
Awesome shades! This way, no one will get confoosed!
Oh, so that's how you tell them apart. But what about those who have a short memory and won't remember who wears which sunglasses?
This was most helpful, Although I think I knew all that.
Great chart. We love it!!!!
That is a cool chart. You should keep it posted on your sidebar.
That definitely helps us tell you apart. You look very cool in your sunglasses.
Rumor has it that Sassy has talked to you about my lack of blogging for her. Well, it is true. But in fairness to me I haven't been blogging for myself either. If you do a look see you will be able to tell that her place has more posting than mine. Think that it might be time to change that. She will still be near but maybe not so up front about it.
Love to all of you.
Oh, by the way I liked the who is who chart. That makes it so much easier to keep all of you identified. Of course, since you are such good friends with Sassy I already know who is who.
Moth & Doth
Oh what fun. A chart.
I'm sorry I haven't been by to visit in a long time. Mom bean to dang busy to let me put my paws on the keypad.
You all look good and happy.
I know you all of you lovely kitties and love your sunglasses too. Thanks for dropping by the blog and your kind wishes dear furriends. Hope you are all doing great in the sonoran desert! Take care and lots of love to you all :)
I did not know the new members of the family. You are more every time! We will dominate the world soon!!! Muahahahahaha!!
Nice Easter days to you all!!!!
That was a nice help. Maybe we should print it out and hang it next to the computer!
PS: Our human's been very lazy helping us commenting. We're sorry.
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