Thank you Ruis for making this lovely picture of Emil at the bridge.
P.S. we are in the process of visiting everybody who came by but it will take a few days to reach all of you. So bear with us - if we haven't been by your blog yet, we will be shortly!
That is a very nice remembrance. Happy Birthday, dear Emil, wherever you are!
Oh, this is just too sad. What a short, but awesome, life Emil had! Hope you're all doing ok over there.
Purrs Emil - may you find happiness and peace.
I hope you're having a happy day, Emil!
Purrs to Emil and to you. Happy Birthday and I hope every day was a wonderful day for him.
Sorry you didn't get to have him for his first birthday :( But he is probably enjoying a giant lizard at the bridge! Hugs to the staff
Purr and purr to Emil and all of you!
Happy Birthday to Emil, my dear darling!
Happy Purrday, Emil. Sending our love and hugs to you and ur fambly.
Happy Birthday Emil! I will miss you always, but one day we will meet again! That is a beautiful graphic Ruis made.
Karl, Mrs. Oz, the Maid and Butler, I put up a post for Emil at The M-Cats Club to Honor him today! Hope it was okay to do that! (((((hugs from all the M-Cats to you))))),
Mr. Tigger
That is so sad. I hope Emil is running free on the bridge, making lots of friends.
Purrs, Goldie and Shade
Emil, we will miss you very much. I am so sorry that you left us so young...
That was a very lovely remembrance.
Happy First Birthday to Emil at the Rainbow Bridge.
Emil Happy Birthday wherever you are. We will treasure our memories of you. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
a very loving memory graphic to celebrate Emil's birthday in the bridge, surely we miss him a lot....
meaouwy troops
Happy Purrthday, dearest Emil. We misses you so much.
We's also posted a tribute to our grrreat furriend, Emil, on our bloggie.
We's sending purrs and purrayers for his wonnerful fambly.
Missy Blue Eyes wants to say Emil especially touched her with his assistance in learning the identity of hers Secret Admirer a few months ago.
He did so much, touched so many, in his short time with us.
Love and Purrs,
happy birthday emil. you touched a lot of people in one short year...
::sniff sniff:: we are so sorry that you didn't get to be 1. We will meet you at the Bridge sweet Emil
Happy Birthday dear sweet Emil!! We hope you're smiling to your family over the bridge on this special day. One day we'll all meet!! Wait for us, ok?
Momo & Pinot
Oh Emil. We are so sad. We're sure you're celebrating your big Mancat first birthday at the Bridge with Ana, drinking niptinis and hobnibbing with stars.
How are you all doing?
Happy Birthday Emil, we're so sorry to have lost you. We hope you're having a wonderful time over the bridge.
We'd also like to send our love and hugs! And to spell the word "condolences" right, since we spelled it "condolenced" in the last response. Happy Birthday to Emil over on the Bridge.
P.S. Glad our last comments were of help.
Happy Birthday Emil! We hope you're enjoying a delicious tunafish cake with ice cream frosting!
Emil, I hope you take a few niptini's and celebrate this day with Anastasia, Ralph and Miral at the Bridge. Happy birthday, dear brother!!
One day we will meet again, until then know that we here on earth love you!
blowing a nosekiss to you...
That is very sad. Happy Birthday, Emil.
I'm so sorry to hear about Emil. He was such a young boy and now gone, just like my Fritzy. They are now running and playing and chasing all things furry. You have my sympathies on your loss - it's never easy but especially difficult when they're so young.
Chris, Abby, Rosie, Jack, Gidget & Lola
We are very sad that you didn't make your first birthday here. I expect you are having fun at the Bridge though.
Happy birthday Emil
Purrs, Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X
Happy Birthday, dear Emil. We hope that you are enjoying yourself wherever you are.
Roxy & Lucky
Happy Birthday, my friend and burp buddy, Emil! I will never, ever forget you, your sense of fun and adventure. We Ballicai miss you so much, and we're sending our love and purrs and hugs to your family.
I hope you are enjoying a delish niptini on the Bridge and that you are readying a mighty burp!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Here's to Emil. A cat who left us much too soon.
We're gonna miss yoo Emil. Hope you and Anastasia are having fun at the Bridge...
What a beautiful photo Ruis made for you and what a nice tribute to Emil. We know he enjoyed every moment he had here with us. We don't think there is anything he didn't do. We miss him, as I know all of you do. My thoughts are with you as you are going through this hard time. We just wish there was something that we could do to easy your pain.
Love to all of you.
Sassy & Momo
We are so sad to hear about Emil! Our purrs to all at The Cat Realm over this sad loss.
A year is too short, but a good year is a good year.
Happy Birthday Emil!! We remember all the fun we had with you and know you and Anastasia are having a wonderful time at the Bridge!
Your FL furiends,
We are so very sorry dat Emil iz gone to da bridge. We hadz no idea. Pleaze know we are happy dat he had a wonderfull life at your housee. You loved him, dat iz fur sure.. az he adored you.
We wishez him a beeotyful birfday in da heavunz above.
Dr TWeety & da Fab Five
That is a very nice remembrance. Happy Birthday, Emil, and our thoughts to your family.
Sending big puurs over the rainbow bridge to Emil on his birthday. There is no doubt in our minds, that he spent the day dancing with Anastasia and taking photos of our friends over the rainbow (even if they didn't want their photos taken, wink).
We miss you Emil, but we know that Anastasia and Miral are taking good care of you.
With love,
Opus and Rosoce
Have a happy purrthday at the Bridge, Emil. Purrrrrrrrrrs
We are so sad to hear about Emil. It is good that he had such a great life.
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Happy Purthday little Emil. May your times at the Rainbow bridge be full of joy! ~Queen Snickers, Empress & Renna
Happy Birthday dear sweat Emil! We hope you are celebrating it whereever you are in grand style!
It's so dreadfully sad, it really is. I love that picture, it's beautiful.
You are all in my thoughts and purrs zxx
We were so sad to hear about Emil. We have the same kind of country but we started off as inside cats except for Patches she spent half of her life on the outside. You couldn't get her to stay outside now. I think she likes the inside comfort to much now. All the outside cats around here started disappearing and Mom had to put one down because he couldn't hold his own anymore and got pretty beat up and blinded. He was around here for a long time. That was before my time. I think I told you this before??? So sorry Emil didn't get to celebrate his birthday. Purrs and Prayers to the family.
Casper and Crew
aw. so sweet and so sad. *purrs*
- bogdan and sara + staff
Happy Birthday and farewell, Emil. We hope you are having fun chasing slow, fat lizards.
Mindy & Moe
Thunder! Oh my cat, that is wonderful. From now on, when I hear thunder, I will think of Emil sounding a mighty burp from the Bridge! And you know what, I won't be afraid of thunder anymore, thinking of my friend Emil.
*sniffes* and ((((((((hugs)))))))) to all of you.
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Karl and Mrs. Oz
Don't be sad..little Emil gets to be wif Anastasia and you'll all meet again one day..I bet he's watching ovew you wight now
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess...I'm sad too..I loved adventoowing wif him, I'llnevew fowget the good times
woof's cat realm, wow, we had a pawsome celebration up here at the bridge, in honor of Emil's meowday...dat y me iz slow in making a comment...we had to all rest and catnap and pupnap yesterday...and that iz a bute ti ful remembrance of Emil, he loves it...
b safe,
angel Lacylulu;)
Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Emil. I am sure that you are having a wonderful time. My heart goes out to the Maid and Butler and Karl and Mrs. OZ, who are left behind in sadness.
oh Karl...this is so sad, i was hoping so much that Emil would come back. He will have many furrends to great him at the Bridge, including Anastasia and Stormie *sniff*...we send you many hugs and purrs and hope that you and Humans are bearing up *hugs hard*
Happy Birthday Emil...always remebered
Happy Purrday Emil!!!!
What a beautiful graphic Ruis made!! We wish we could have gotten to know you better, but are glad to have met you just briefly while you were here.
We are so happy that you had such a wonderful and well loved life here (even though it was so very short) We're certain you had a puffect 1st purrday at the Bridge with all our friends and family who are there!!!
We'll keep purring for Karl, Mrs. Oz, the Maid and the Butler as well. We know they're all still sad but happy to have loved you!!!!
much luv and purrs,
Rossetti and Kirara (and their Momma too)
~The Kiaton Empire
Bendrix and I want to extend a personal invite to our House Trashing party on Sunday. perhaps it will cheer you up somewhat. we won't be able to visit until mommy gets back, but you're in our thoughts.
What a great tribute. He didn't make it to his first birthday? How sad. But Mama wanted me (Hershey) to tell you that my older sister Bosco is waiting to meet Emil and will take good care of him - just like Angel Lacylulu is.
Hope you can stop by again since we are having the BBQ until Sunday. Mama says that Kaci and I can have another BBQ next weekend. What fun!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
This so sad. The picture Ruis made is beautiful. It is with great sadness that I'm taking down the "Have you seen this cat?" poster from mine bloggie. My heart goes out to you all. xxx
we are so sorry to hear this sad news about Emil. You and your people must be devastated. We send our love and heartfelt sympathy.
We just found out now.
We are so sorry for your loss.
We will miss you Emil and
we will be good friends when
our time comes to cross the bridge.
Purrs Spooky,Daisy,Aniwa,Shadow
and :( sad Jewelgirl too!
We Ballicai just wanted to let you know, we're thinkin of you and sendin purrs and love!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and alla the Ballicai!
Missing you and thinking of you and Mrs Oz a lot.
Sas & Momo
Just wanted to say you guys are awesome, great Cat parents because you love your kitties so much and we hope you are doing all right
Have a wonderful 4th of July from the whole family at Zing Shui
Karl - Redcoats are the British soldiers from back when America was fighting for independence. They were called Redcoats because their uniform had a red coat. :)
Hope you have a great Independence Day weekend!
your bud Pepi
Mom says if she made you laugh, then she has succeeded in her mission. Laughter is in too short supply now, and now is when we need it most.
Emil, please say hi to my sis. 1 year young. Hey maybe you can come back as a tiger!
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