Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sad News

With very broken hearts we have to inform you that Emil is gone.
He was last seen Saturday, June 21 in the morning and never came home.

Unfortunately in our environment that means that he has crossed to the bridge with the help of either coyotes, bobcats, rattlers, or owls.
We have very few neighbors (who all know us) and no garages to be locked in.
We know that some of you don't understand why we are not indoor cats in such a dangerous environment but we all came out of the desert and hate to be locked up.
We are glad that our staff does not try to make us indoor cats, even if they would rather have us save 24/7.
The maid is back but she and the butler are heart broken. We try to comfort them as good as we
can and take comfort ourselves in the fact that Emil had the best of lives, enjoying every minute of it.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh no. :( We are so sad that Emil has gone. :( You have our deepest condolences on your loss. Sending lots of purrs and hugs your way.

No, we don't understand why you aren't indoor cats. Even if you hate being locked up you would get used to it in time. An outdoor run, like Forty Paws and Ramses have, would allow you to enjoy some time outdoors while being protected.

Our thoughts, purrs and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad news, I'm so sorry. I'd like to suggest that you retain a little hope that darling Emil might return, but you guys know your environment. Emil was a very beautiful cat. Sending you all love and big rumbly purrs xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! We are very sad to hear this awful news. At least Anastasia was there to meet him.At the Bridge he can run free and happy with no fear of predators. We are sending you purrrrs and (((((((hugs)))))))

ZOOLATRY said...

It is sadness for humans, yet freedom forever for Emil... he'll be running wherever his heart desires. Blessings to all.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry to hear your sad news. Emil was a free spirit, running with the wind. Now his spirit lives on to run on the wind.

Our thoughts and purrs are with you.

Snuggle with each other a little bit more today.

~Goldie, Shade and the PM, Danica

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are so very sorry. we are sending lots of purrrrss and hugs to you.

Emil, we will not say good bye, but we will say "until we meet at the Bridge..."

Parker said...

We are so very, very sorry...
The Bridge has a new, very bright star.

Daisy said...

I am very, very sad to learn the heartbreaking news about Emil. My sincerest condolences.

Babs (Beetle) said...

We are so, so sorry about Emil. It is very scary for kitties in America.

Our thoughts, purrs and prayers are with you

Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi xxx

Poppy Q said...

Oh I am sad to hear the news about Emil. I will be thinking about him and all his friends at the bridge.

Poppy Q

Mickey's Musings said...

I am so sorry to hear this sad news.
Purrs to Karl,Mrs Oz and the Maid & Butler
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

We are so sorry that Emil is gone! He was a very bright star and we will miss him! Purrrrs, purrrays and ((((((((hugs))))))to you Karl, Mrs. Oz, the Maid and the Butler!
Your FL furiends,

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh no, I am so very sad and upset that Emil went to the Bridge. It is indeed a scary world out there. I am sure that he is hunting and playing with no fear at the Bridge.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Crew said...

So sorry to hear your sad news. We're purrin' for you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are very sorry to hear about Emil. purrs to you and your family.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so very sorry. Purrs.

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Oh, we are so sad that Emil is gone. Our hearts go out to you.

We understand why you aren't indoor cats... our Hannah Bears would throw a FIT if she couldn't go outside, and no matter how hard we tried to keep her in, she would always find some way to sneak outside. She was hit by a car. Her death was indeed a horrible tragedy that could have been averted, but we let her live her life the way that she wanted it (because she refused to have it any other way!).

Anyway, I digress. Wanted to share that story to let you know that you and Emil aren't alone when it comes to that sort of thing. Emil is a very beautiful cat and we offer our sympathies and condolensed.

Kellykat said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Emil. We didn't get to know him very well but are sad none the less. We will be purring for you and your family.
-Stryder, Scotchy, Sugar & Kelly

Anonymous said...

we're so sorry for your loss. we're still hoping though, that purrhaps Emil has just run off to Hollywood to photograph the bad behaviour of the Stars. we'll be on the lookout for him out here. purrs and love to all of you.

Dma said...

I am saddened to hear about Emil. My heart goes out to you.

The Furry Kids said...

Rest in peace, sweet Emil.

Anonymous said...

Sending purrs and nose bumps.

Asta said...

I am heawtbwoken to heaw this news..My pwayews go to you and youw Maid now, that you find comfowt...I know you will always miss Emil, but I know he had the bestest life's not the lenght , but the quality Mommi says...I'm so glad to have known him and wil miss him vewy much
sad , teawy smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Emil, you had the most beautiful life a cat can wish for.

Maybe short, but adventurous and full of life and love. You became the first feline paparazzi photographer and not without success. You were the best brother to Karl and Mrs. OZ, and the sweetest mancat for the maid and the butler. Maybe the Bridge wanted you so soon for all those wonderful skills...
Thank you, dear brother!

Purrrrrs, headbumpies and nosekisses to you all at The Cat Realm.


admin said...

our heart is broken to learn about Emil has gone...perhaps he found our mommy Bunyu somewhere out there

(((purrs & hugs)))

meaouwy troops

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

This makes us furry sad...We still hope he's just off on an adventure but...(((hugs)))

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
:: sniffling :: I shall miss tha wonnerful Emil ever so much. hims was one of my bestest furriends when him helped reveal Missy Blue Eyes' secret admirer. i shall never ever forget him.
it is my second birfday today an we will all raise our glasses for a toast to Emil, our good furriend.
Love, KC

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no...we so hoped this would not what happened.

Sending you all lots of purrs and purrayers.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh Emil...

Sunny's Mommy said...

I am so sorry. I was hoping, and kept checking to see, that he would come home. My condolences to all of you. I know this is very hard for all of you.

Unknown said...

We are very sorry to hear about Emil...

The two of us completely understand about needing your freedom. We couldn't be happy without the outsides... we were feral for too long. (We just have to worry about coyotes and snakeses here though)

We want to send all our purrs and headbumps to every member of The Cat Realm, kitty and bean alike. Please know that we are hoping against hope that Emil is just having an adventure and will return ( we know its a very slim chance, but aren't miracles grand?)

much luv to ya'll,

Rossetti and Kirara
The Kiaton Empire

Purrageous Pirates said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Purrageous Pirates said...

Words cannot express how sorry we are. This is just awful...soft purrs coming your way from all of us, and headbumpies too.

MaoMao said...

Oh no, we are so so so sorry. We're sendin huge purrs to yur fambly. We know you will miss Emil so much, and we Ballicai will miss him, too. He was such a fun-lovin feller, and he will always live in your hearts.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Dorydoo said...

Oh, no!!!!!! *tears*....I'm so sorry, and I'm so sad that my rockin' Burp Buddy is gone. :( I can't help but hold out some hope that maybe he's out on an adventure.

I send you lots of love and comforting headbonkies to you and your family and I will always remember my rockin' Burp Buddy Emil.

Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

Brainball said...

We Ballicai are so sorry. I'm sending lots of rumbly purrs and floofy headbonks. Emil was a fabulous mancat and will never be forgotten.

Love from Brainball, the Alpha Ballicus.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. My heart goes out to your family. I will continue to hold out some hope for Emil's return... but I understand what you're saying about your environment. Nonetheless, I will purr for a miracle, and I will purr for all of you at the Cat Realm at this difficult time.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Motor Home Cats said...

We will be thinking of you and purring for you in the coming days.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh no no no. It makes me vary sad to heer abowt Emil. We will keep yoo in owr thots and purrayers.

Deb Cushman said...

We are very sorry to hear about Emil. We send you our deepest condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Team Tabby said...

We are so sad and sorry to hear that Emil has not returned home. Our thoughts are with you all in your loss. We'll always remember him fondly.

Purrs and hugs,

Mindy & Moe

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are really sorry. Emil was so much fun and greatly loved.

We send special purrs and lots of tail wags to all of you.

Anonymous said...

i totally understand why you guys are outdoor/indoor cats - it's what you want but there are risks. i am SO SORRY to hear about Emil. it's horrible to hear. but you can take heart in knowing you gave him a GREAT LIFE for a time and he was happy and content. i'm so sorry he is gone :( hugs woofs and nose bumps for you all

PB 'n J said...

We are so sorry to hear about Emil, and even though we shouldn't we do hold out hope that he is still out there.

We understand about wanting to go outside - every time that Mommy lets us out she says a little prayer that we will return safely. But she knows that in our hearts we are wild creatures and need our time in the wilderness.

Purrs and gentle headbutts,
Pearl, Bert and Jake

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so sorry that there is no longer hope for Emil's safe return. When we heard he was missing we purred very hard that he would come home safe and sound. Now we will purr for you because we know you are very sad that he is gone.

We understand about being outdoor cats, we would miss going outside so much if our humans didn't let us. We know Emil had a happy life and knew how much you loved him. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We alls are sorry that Emil has not returned. All our hearts are with you alls and the beans too.

Victor Tabbycat said...

We is so sorry! Emil was wif you such a short time... it's nefur long enuf. Poor guy. I shure hope yur wrong an he turns up after all. He'll meet Anastasia and all the ofurs at the bridge. Uh-oh, Karl! They'll be talkin bout YOU.

Karen said...

we are sad to hear this.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

::sniff:: We's so sad about Email bein gone.
Alla Us

Islay said...

I won't believe it! Don't give up on Emil!!! I know he must come home!

licks & slobbers

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so so sorry to hear about this :(
Sending you my biggest purr and prayers >"<

Rosemary B❤️ said...

this is really sad terrible news. My heart is breaking for all of you.

The Devil Dog said...

We are very sorry for your loss. We will send lots of pug snorts your way.

Roxy & Lucky

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you on your loss. Emil was a cool cat.

Sassy Kat said...

I was afraid that this would be the news that we didn't want to hear. As I type tears are running down the cheeks of the mom of the house. We all love Emil and we will all miss him greatly. Our thoughts are with you while you are going through this difficult time.
Too sad, so sorry.
Sas & Momo

Unknown said...

We are so saddened to hear about Emil. Before Mom had me or Mica, she had a cat named Moki on Hilton Head Island, SC. Moki disappeared and she feared the worst - snakes, an alligator right in the backyard, hawks. But after 3 weeks, who should show up? We hope and pray that Emil is on a jaunt (we'll keep an eye out for him here in New York). But if he has gone on, we know he'll have our sweet Moki and Maui waiting there to keep him company.

Lots of love,

Your pals, Petey and Mica

The Island Cats said...

We didn't even know Emil...and we are so sad.

Purrs and prayers...

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

and purrs and all our love.
we are so sad!

Anonymous said...

Too bad for Emil that his humans don't understand that it is their job to protect you, that means enforcing the hard decisions.

River said...

What a beautiful kitty. We are so sorry to hear that he is gone.

love & sad wags,
River & mom & pack

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Farewell, my tabby brother. Emil will sure have a lot to tell Anastasia about what's been going on at The Cat Realm!

Tyler said...

Oh no! Not again! I am heartbroken to here this news. I've been missing my Kali so much today for some unknown reason. I'm now all leaky eyed again. Gosh darn it! I don't judge you for your choices, I just wish your babies didn't have to go. This is just awful. I'm more than willing to help you speak to the same lady again.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Although we did not know Emil, we are so sad for you and your family. We are sending healing licks and paw hugs.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Lacy said...

sad woof's cat realm...i thot i already came and gived u my condolences, but mamas mind is not that great..i am sooo very sorry fur ur loss...he iz gonna b missed, prolly at the bridge playing wiff my sissy lacylulu...she will take care of him...all of u are in our thots and prayers...

a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama...

Tara said...

I'm so sad to hear this. Thoughts and purrs are with you all.

Tara and Kavan

Buckwheat Snapp said...

Oh no's, (I just noticed that I posted on Ruis' page first, oops) this is very sad news and I see now why you think he is not coming back. I still think there could be a chance of his return, anything is pawsible. I have kyotees and bad guys like that around here too, my Mum warns me about them efurrytime I sneek out the door. I am very sorry to heer that Emil is likely to be gone, this is very sad.
Luv, Willie

Karen Jo said...

I am very sad that Emil never came home. I was afraid of this when I first heard he was missing, but I kept hoping and praying for his safe return. My heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow.

Gretchen said...

Mike and I are so sad about Emil. We are sad that he has left you and sad for the maid and the butler and the sorrow they are feeling right now. We are purring for you all and sending huge ((((((hugs))))))

Hugs...Gretchen and Mike

CRIZ LAI said...

Oh my... I'm afraid to get this news. Here's some comfort from the J Kitties over here. We will pray for a miracle. We hope things won't have to end this way.

Hugs... purrs... rubs...
Criz & the J Family

Anonymous said...

Just came by to give you some (((hugs)))....

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

We purray and hopes that it does not turn out this way. Our warmest and sincere condolences to everfurrdy and beans.
Hugs and kissies,
Felix, Garfield, Jawsy & Mach



I am so sadden to hear about Emil and want you to know that you are in our hearts and purrss....

Isis said...

We are so, so sorry to hear of Emil's passing... I've just lots my Grandmakitty "Bella" to cancer, but at least she was 11 years old and had seen so many of her daughters and grand-daughters have kitten families of their own... Emil was far too young to cross over, but we understand what a wild environment can do to a kitty... At least the died the way he wanted to live and was well loved during his life! Far too many cats and kittens are not this lucky...

Our purrs are with you at this time...

Isis, Ramses & Tigmut'hep

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear about Emil...
Hugs and Purrs Ariel

Kaz's Cats said...

We're so sorry for your loss - we'll miss reading about Emil and his antics. Our hearts go out to you all, human and feline at this most difficult time.

Purrs and headbutts

Gypsy & Tasha & Kaz (Mum)

Ana said...

OMG, we are so so sad! Poor Emil! The world out there can be very cruel at times!

Anonymous said...

All of us Good Cats and their humans are sorry to hear the sad news about Emil. We are not giving up hope yet, though, and we are sending come-home-soon vibes to him.

Clover said...

Hi friends,
I am so sorry to hear about Emil. I am sending my condolences, and lots of puggy hugs and kisses to you all. He will be missed.
Love Clover xo

Lux said...

I am so sorry, though I'm still going to hope he will surprise everyone and show up.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Oh no . . . we wuz hopin' he would return . . . well, he will always be home in yer hearts. Farewell Emil . . . see ya on da other side.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh no...first Anastasia and now darling Emil. This is too heartbreaking to understand.

I completely understand that you guys are outdoor desert cats but it doesn't make it any less painful. I am so , so sorry to hear about this. Emil was adorable but I am sure Anastasia is looking after him. xxx

Kodak the Eskie said...

I am so sorry that you have lost your Emil. He is very beautiful. We hope that a miracle happens and he will come back to you.

Hugs, Kodak

Kodak the Eskie said...

I am so sorry that you have lost your Emil. He is very beautiful. We hope that a miracle happens and he will come back to you.

Hugs, Kodak

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh no, this is so sad. who will take photos of Bendrix's antics now? sniff.
maybe you guys can go out in a cool outdoor enclosure or something, that way you can explore and be outside, but no wild predators can get you.
we are so sad for your butler and maid. we are purring and praying for them.
now when I see lightening flashes, I'll think of sweet Emil's camera flashes. he'll be meeting all the Hollywood stars who've gone before and getting the scoop on them!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oh purrrrrrr :( We are very, very sorry. We will miss him. I have a great desire to be in the OUTSIDE myself but my momma is hyperparinoid. I get little supervised trips to the back yard, sometimes with a harness or in my playpen. It seems so great out there I forget that momma rescued me from out there and I was cold and starving with 2 little mouths to feed. We will be purring for your hearts to heal. ~The Royal Kitties

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We don't unnerstand why you isn't indoor only cats either. You live in an environment that scares mine Mommie ML, she wouldn't live in it, much less hers kitties.
But we never ever doubt that your beans love you very very much. That comes across loud and clear.
We's just hopes Emil returns, camera in hand, to show us some really neat photos.
Love and Purrs,
KC and the Sherwood Bunc

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and sending you all our love and headbumpies...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Emil had such a wonderful life while he was with all of you. No cat could have had a better one for sure. No matter how long or short his life was, he was loved and he was loved!
I am so sorry he is not with you tiny heart is sad about that. Take courage knowing you loved him and gave him back to where he came....
Hugs from Miss Peach

Leslie said...

I am so very sorry. Purrs from the topcatrules girls and sad hugs from me - Leslie.

Willow said...

Oh dear, China Cat & I just found out about Emil when we went to wish Maxime (at Ruis's) a happy birthday. We were so sorry to hear about Emil. We are purring for your whole family in this sad loss.

We are sending lots of love to you,
purrrrrrrs, Willow

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

OOOOOOOOHHH No... We are so very sad by this news. We are sending big hugs and many many purrs to the entire Cat Realm and the maid and butler, too. Please be careful out there!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

We are purrin fur you... Sweet Emil. We will miss you.

The Katie Katz

jenianddean said...

We are so sad for you. It's not an easy life as an outdoor cat sometimes, but it is the life some choose, and that comes with good and bad. We just wish there was a way for things to be just a little safer for you guys, because it is so hard, and so sad. Purrs for your entire family...
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie

Nomi said...

I am really saddened to hear this news. Sending all my purrs and hugs to ease your pain and loss.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We just heard the news! This is so sad. Our thoughts and purrs and with you. Moki is a miracle kitty and as such, he said that he will pray deeply for a miracle for Emil...

While the odds may be against Emil, Moki says he wont give up hope!!!

Bogdan, the editor said...

This is too much. Ana... now Emil. It breaks my heart. Purrs to you all at The Cat Realm. You are in our thoughts.

- Bogdan and The Morning Scratch staff

Dorydoo said...

Oh, I'm so sad, but I just can't give up hope. Emil, my burp buddy, PLEASE COME HOME!!!!!!!!

My heart and my purrs are with all of you at the Cat Realm.

Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

Black Cat said...

I am so, so sad for you all. Karl, stay inside, don't break Ruis's heart! Love and (((HUGS))) :) XXX

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Just came by hoping fur some good noos... i won't give up hopes that Emil will return...
love and purrs,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We add our sorrow about Emil. The dangers of the outside are many, but the pleasures are great too. We know that Emil had a full rich life enjoyin the outdoors that he loved...

snowforest said...

We iz soooo sorry about the loss of Emil ~ life can be tuff for a kitty in the outdoors and there are always risks. We hope he and Anastasia are having lots of fun across the rainbow bridge...sending you guys many comforting purrs...

Jans Funny Farm said...

We were just looking at the pictures again and Emil was a handsome boy - a big handsome boy. We know you miss him.

purrs and tail wags

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am not a boggerr but a friend of JFF, and keep up with some here and there, I am so sorry to hear of Emil - but dont give up hope, My Lil Girl was gone 6-8 weeks and returned-
But if Emil has gone to the bridge, I know he and My MistyDawn are haveing a great time, and watching over us always
" Emil--you will be missed, be at peace sweet kitty "
AKA Gentleannie2

catsynth said...

We are so sad to hear that Emil is gone. You have our deepest condolences.

Those photos are so full of life, and that last one is very sweet. Brings a tear to our eyes.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. We will miss him dearly and will remember him with great love.

Opus and Roscoe

Maya and Kena said...

Oh no... this is really sad news.
We are really sorry to hear about Emil being gone.
You are in our thoughts and prayers Emil!
But know that you are safe and sound at the Rainbow Bridge!
Lots and lots of love,
Maya and Kena

Boy said...

I'm so sowwy to hear that! I'm sending all mine purrs to your famiwy. I'm sure Emil is enjoying himself at the other side of the Bwidge now. We'll all meet one day.