Monday, February 11, 2008

Toes on Tuesday - Golden Paw Award

My wonderful fiance Ruis, the sweetest cat in the universe, created this award, using his OWN PAW to make it!

It is given to cats, dogs or any animal or human bean that have lent a special helping paw/hand to another cat, dog, animal or human bean.
You may give this award to as many individuals as you want to thank for lending you a helping paw/hand. If you don't need it now, save it, and you can give it when needed.

And he gave the
two very first Golden Paw's to our special girlfriend Sassy and me and my maid!
Thank you so very much, Ruis, it means a lot to me and I will treasure this award for ever! The maid actually got leaky eyes, she was so touched by this! And she thanks you from the bottom of her heart!

There are so many who have lent a special helping paw and over the years I will probably give this award out again and again!
Today I want to pass it on twice:

Tyler, who not only lent us a special helping paw but actually had green papers in that paw for the animal communicator, so that we could have some kind of closure to Anastasia's death.

And to
Benjamin Fuzz's Mom - who sent me two pages of instructions for Mr. Linky when I was just starting to blog and didn't know how to incorporate him into my blog.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

That paw award is almost as wonderful as the paw I got from Bast as her Right Paw!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a wonderful award! Congratulations, Karl, it is very well deserved!

Ingrid said...

That's the sweetest cat award I have ever seen ! As I am bad (my cats not at all) I would say a diamond ring is missing...

Daisy said...

That is a really great award. Congratulations! And you picked some great cats to pass the Golden Paw on to.

Anonymous said...

Gattina is very funny, but we agree, a little Bling is nice too. Congratulations on your Golden Paw.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, Karl, congratulations to you on receiving such a well deserved award!

Purrrrrs, China Cat

Tazo said...

Congratulations on your award!!! Ruis has a very handsome paw. :)

We, at The Furry Kids, seem to have a secret admirer mystery on our paws and we were hoping that maybe CCSI could check into it for us? The details are in our 2/11/08 post. The only other thing we know is that Jeter and Kaze got the same sort of secret admirer card. What do you think? Could CCSI help us out? Thank you!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Congratulations on your wonderful award!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That's a great award and it's so wonderful that you were honored with it. (And yeah, I had trouble understanding that Mr. Linky thing at first too!)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you like the award!! It is very well deserved, and you chose two wonderful individuals to give it too!

your fiance

Jan Price said...

Wonderful award, Karl. Congrats.

jans funny farm

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ruis is such a wonderful guy. We recounted and we beleeve there are really 13 cats and 4 dogs in dat gondola, not to mention da gondoleer! It's a wonder no one fell overboard!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

The picture of all of you on the gondola below is soooo wonderful!
This is a wonderful awardie for you!
Well deserved!


The Devil Dog said...

That is a wonderful award. Congratulations. You are very deserving of it.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, what a great award! Ruis has a cute little footies!

caspersmom said...

What a great award, a golden paw. A very personal award. Karl, you are very lucky. We want to thank you very much for your encouragement on our site. It means so much to us. You asked how old we were: Gizmo, Patches and I are 13 years old, Cleo is two years. Patches came away very lucky. She didn't have to have testing or her teeth cleaned right now. So all the purrs and prayers worked. I hope they work for me as the Vet is asking for me to go back with Patches for her check up. You have a really neat site here Karl.


Anonymous said...

Very sweet award Congratulations :)

Lux said...

What a wonderful award that is! Congratulations!

Around Your Wrist said...

wow karl...that's a great award! you certainly deserve it.

mom's never gotten award before. they usually come to me, lucy, or went to suzanne. mom feels pretty special!

mom toni

Islay said...

Great award - wow, a golden paw! Is that like a golden goose, or a golden retriever? Great photos of Venice, too, guys, that was a blast!


MaoMao said...

Awwww, that is a superduper awardie that Ruis kreated, and how proud you must be to receive it! It is furry well-deserved! And you picked great cats to pass it on to.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Congradulations on your award. You definately deserve it!!!

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on your Golden Paw Award, Karl. You certainly deserve it. You picked some great kitties to pass it along to, as well.

Tigmut'hep said...

Cool looking award! :) It was nice seeing you all here yesterday, thought I fink I've over done the 'nip... :S

The Furry Fighter said...

my lovely Karl! you deserve this award and such good nominees too :)

now, I will ask my bean to explore the Red Carpet Buzz thing tonight or tomorrow and see how best we can take part! xxx