Mrs. OZ Ode To Spring
Simple Siamese has organized a Spring Contest because everybody is waiting for it to arrive! And Sammy & Miles still need help and while everybody is still helping with project HAM and the other great contests that have contributed, Simply Siamese wanted to do something special for their very devoted friends and for every entry Latte's Mom is going to donate $1 to project HAM. This contest is for ALL cats, not just meezers so please tell your friends to join us and spread the word!!!
P.S. This picture was taken a few days ago and then yesterday IT SNOWED again. And as we live in TUcson you can imagine that snow is a very rare occurrence here.....
That's a great photo of you enjoying the sun, Mrs. OZ. We are very happy we've had a mild winter here in Munich, with no snow, and daytime temperatures above freezing almost every day!
Good thing you have your sunglasses, Mrs. Oz! I need to figure out my contest entry soon.
At least you had some sun! We are still waiting for our sun, although the snow is gone... maybe even for good but I'm not counting on it this year!
What a cute photo! Don't feel bad guys... though there is no snow here, the temp dropped about 30 degrees in just one night. Feels pretty darn cold out there!
Will be checking out that spring contest!
Opus and Roscoe
It snowed here last evening, too! (First time this winter!) But today everything is back to sunshine.
Jan's friend in Phoenix told her this morning they are having a colder than normal winter. And Jan tells us we're having a warmer than usual one. We don't like the cold so we think she's joking.
Hang tight. Spring is coming - eventually.
jans funny farm
that is a lovely spring like photo - really conjures up warm images.
oh my gosh! snow again! hehe - the weather has been weird here too - got really warm and beautiful then wed-fri was COLD and did snow near hear on weds night.
Mrs. OZ sunbathing... This is a beautiful and sunny photo!!
Here it is -8 C at the moment, but the clear night full of stars makes it up for the freezing cold.
Warm nosekisses from me:)
What a beautiful photo of you, Mrs. OZ! Oh yes, the sun feels so good on the furs, *smile*. And what a wonderful contest Latte's mom has organized!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Hey, Karl,
We didn't really get showered in awards. We were just behind in posting them. But thanks for the nice comment.
jans funny farm
That is a great picture, Mrs. Oz. We were doing the same thing today, except it was probably warmer where you are.
Roxy & Lucky
Hey there!
That is one great pic!
And yes, it's all very sad about Bruno and Baby. But Bruno hasn't said anything about raising money yet... I'm sure he'll write it in his diary if he needs help though. We'll be sure to post it on our blog if he does.
And we'll add Bean the pit bull to our prayers too! So many furries need everyone's help.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Wowie, that's a beeyootiful pickshure! I'm lookin forward to Spring. I love the way sunshine feels on my furs!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That's a lovely Spring photo of Mrs.Oz sunbathing. It has been sunny here furr the last week, but it's still cold, so we will still be using the firewood.
Mrs Oz, you look so pretty in that 'Spring' sun. But snow!!!!!!!?
WOW! We need to tell Mother Nature that we have had enough and it's time to turn up the heat!
Purrs Mickey
We're back! We wish spring would come a little faster too!
The trip to Venice looked awesome! We have so much to catch up on!
We're still trying to narrow down our choices on Spring. Good thing you have sunglasses, the glare from the sun off the snow can be wicked!
Ack on getting more snow :-/
We are kinna surprized there has not been any snow here (to meow about, anyway). Some cold times, there has been snow as high as our upright tails! We are hopin the Warm will come soon!
Wonderful photo of Mrs. Oz.
What a day for the weather here where I live, all of the snow is melting cause we are havin thunder storms. Before the thunder storms we had freezing rain, then rain, then it is going to change to snow and freezing rain. Wow, what a day to just stay in and be lazy. Am gettin ready to celebrate Presidents' Day as ya can tell by my Lincoln hat I am wearing. I have a photo of Honest Roscoe Lincoln and Opus Washington. Too cute they are. Then I will have a photo, not published yet of the four greatest least known presidents at Mount Mushmore. Be sure to stop by later for the photos. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention Sassy Ross, she was asked by Washington to make the first flag of our great nation.
It is crazy weather all over the place. Nice photo and nice pink shades!
Dear Karl and Ruis, you won the Best Kitty category! We're finishin's hte post now but I had to tell you!
Hi you cool cats - glad you got the award! You deserve it; you always have the hippest photos!!! (I was going to stop by and let you know this morning, but I'm running late because I had to finish off the ham, and we all know how important ham can be!)
licks & slobbers
Be sure to stop on over and check out a little bit of history.
Thanks for supporting our contest! I love this entry and it doesn't seem fair that it would snow right after that.
OHHHH, SWEETHEART, you won in the Who do you love contest!!! I am sooo happy you're one of the winners!!
love and nosekisses to my love
ps -- I already have had contact with the Federation Starfleet... :)
I'm really glad that you're on the way to getting spring sun and all, but that means that MY summer sun will be going away... I wish everycat could have the summer sun all the time.
We thought we would let you know Baby is home. We don't know who Bean the pit bull is but we're glad he/she is has been found too. We added Bean to our post for anyone who knows Bean. Thanks.
jans funny farm
Hi! Jasper's mom here...did your comment get blocked? Or did the comment box not come up? Please let me know. We have comments today, so I'm not 100% what going on. Please let me know if you have problems tomorrow.
Thanks - Jeni
woofies cat Realm, me wants spring too....we just had snow one time this winter, so it not been to bad,,,we got a lot of wet stuff to catch up on...
b safe,
Mrs Oz looks very warm and snuggly in that sun.
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