Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Excuses

Thirteen excuses why I am not visiting other cats right now:

1. CCSI - I had to do re-writes.

2. CCSI - I am working on sets.

3. CCSI - I am working on costumes.

4. CCSI - I have more than a dozen emails every day and as soon as I answer one there are two more!

5. CCSI - I have new ideas that I have to write down.

6. CCSI - I get distracted by Ruis when we are together at the set....

7. CCSI - We have a black hole that swallows emails and creates time consuming confusion.

8. CCSI - I am working on some more sets.

9. CCSI - I am working on some more costumes.

10. CCSI - I have some more new ideas that I have to write down.

11. CCSI - I have to think about my Oscar acceptance speech.

12. CCSI - I got niptinied at Marilyn's party and lost time due to a hangover. I drank the niptinies to calm down from CCSI production!

13. The Maid - my typist will abandon me for five days to celebrate her birthday in New York.

And yes, those are really just excuses because nothing should be more important than visiting your friends! I hope our show - airing in four parts, starting December 14 - will make up for it.
And to tell you the truth: it is a whole lot of fun to be part of the production! I love it!!!


Zinger said...

can't wait to see it :-)

MaoMao said...

Wowie, we Ballicai are gettin so ecksited! We can't wait to see it -- we're sure it'll be way kool and pawesome!!

Kittyhugs and purrs frum yur furriend MaoMao and the Ballicai!

Gattina said...

And with all that you forget your cats ! I just wanted to inform you that today is a very bad day for little Rosie, she will get neutred. Think of her !(and me)

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Karl, there is no need to say you are sorry. We KNOW how much you have been working on this. At last we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we think the show is going to be GREAT!

Hope your maid has a wonderful time in NYC. Be sure to tell her tanti auguri e buon compleanno (many wishes and happy birthday).

Opus and Roscoe
ps. There is already an email waiting for you from us. Let us know what else we can help you with!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I am really looking forward to the premiere of the next CCSI! :) Blogger does seem to be sending emails into a black hole these days. Very strange.

Daisy said...

Karl, you are such a hard worker! I have been having some problems with e-mails, too, lately. This is very strange. Anyway, I cannot wait for the premiere!

Parker said...

This is getting very exciting!

ZOOLATRY said...

As part of the team (doing a wee bit of art and design) we fully understand all 13 of your points! But it t'will be worth it; so make sure your Oscar acceptance speech is not scratched on the back of a temptations wrapper... cause it'll be your Big Day... p.s. tell the Maid to enjoy the Big Apple.

Ramses said...

Oh wow, I'z know a famouse producer! :) I fink I'z star struck...


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see the next eppysode! It sounds like you have all been working hard on it.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You have been really busy. We cannot wait for the show!!

Tybalt said...

I can't wait to see the new CCSI! I know you are doing an excellent job.

Anonymous said...

"Wow" Karl your so busy.I can't wait to see it sounds exciting....Hugs Ariel

snowforest said...

You sound furry busy indeed ~ looking forward to ur exciting show...

Sassy Kat said...

CCSI has kept ya busy and here are thirteen reasons for having ya on the set. 1.So creative with your ideas. 2. If something needs getting done you see to it that it happens. 3. Willing to make script changes even at the last minute. 4. Working long long extra hours on the set. 5. Spreading your talents over into customes. 6. Sharing of the good cat nip. 7. Listening to three others while staying focused. 8. Not letting the puter win with putting CCSI information into its black hole. 9. Always being the professional but also a good friend. 10. Not letting other projects take ya away from CCSI. 11. Somehow always able to know what I want and need even if I cannot type the correct words all of the time. 12. Jumping in and filling a spot when something extra needs to be done. 13. Last but not least just being you, a wonderful, sweet, kind mancat that is good to everycat/dog that ya come into contact with. Thirteen good rasons why this Executive Producer of Little Productions loves ya! In a friend kinda love way.

PB 'n J said...

We forgive you - you're busy with very important things! We hope you staff has fun in her birthday trip!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well we certainly unnerstand how bizzy yoo are! Maybe after it's all over yoo need to go to one of doze spas dat all da stars go to...we don't know where or what dey is but if da it's good fur dem it should be good fur yoo.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow Karl yoo haf such a hektik skedyool. How do yoo manage to fit efurryfing in?

Lux said...

Sounds like you have *really been busy lately!

Happy Birthday to your typist!

Irishcoda said...

Yepm those are all good reasons! I'm looking forward to the next CCSI!

Jan Price said...

Looks like you are living the CCSI life. You do take time to breathe, don't you? Because we can't wait! So we don't want anything to happen to you.

Jan's Funny Farm

The Devil Dog said...

Very good reasons, Karl. Please do not overtire yourself. Ruis would not be happy if you got sick.


Anonymous said...

It's okay, Karl. You have a busy job with the new CCSI coming out.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We understand why you are so busy! And happy birthday to the maid - that is very exciting. So many beans have December birthdays (Ceasar and Prinnie's mommy, your maid, our mommy!)
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's OK, Karl, we all understand you are VERY busy on set and off. Best wishes to your maid on her birthday and hope she has a great time in NY. Needless to say, we are all waiting for the airing of the show with paramount interest.

The Furry Kids said...

Dude, you've got your paws full!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Oh Karl how funny! We just noticed that we are in the same sleigh (on our blog) as you! We must have googled the same image! hehehehehehe!

Now we just need to find some pigs so we can get moving! hehehehhee!

Sassy Kat said...

Hey guy stopped over to find Mrs. Oz and thank her for the glowing words she posted on Animal Internet. This is fantastic, I am beginning to think that CCSI produced by Little Productions and our cast and crew are famous! This is crazy.

Bogdan, the editor said...

We are looking forward to the show!

Anonymous said...

My sweet love, Karl,
I wasn't be able to leave a comment yesterday because blogger DID NOT let me!! The same at Sassy's site! This second production of CCSI goes with lots of mysterious black holes (wormholes maybe...?)

Of course I recognize and have almost 10 of the same excuses why I am not visiting and not blogging. And as for number 6, I have the same with you!:)

I am so exited..., the maid might be in New York, but I think we all together can make a big birthday party without her.:)

See you soon...

(((hugs))) from me

zevo hussein calamari said...

You are so busy and important........... good fortune!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Looking forward to the new episode. Sounds like you have been working very hard on it...