Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Conclusion Is On The Air!

Once again: feel free to take and use this picture!

At the Little Studios : "CCSI - The Santa Caper"

Executive Producer: Little Productions, Sassy
Producers: Opus and Roscoe
Director: Ruis
Writer: Karl


Anonymous said...

This has been a great story. I'm gonna go and see the conclusion now. I had fun seeing you yesterday for Part II.

Jan Price said...

Hey, Karl,

Wonderful conclusion. I borrowed the poster for Part 4 for JFF. It's almost sad to see it end, but at least it is a happy ending.

Jan's Funny Farm

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great script, Karl! Three cheers for the writer! The production team did a great job and you should all have a party and celebrate for a job well done.

Kitty Cat Cast said...

Great job, Karl, we really enjoyed reading this...well our daddy read it to us.


Simba and Persia

PerfectTosca said...

Geeze I hope some day I can hang out with all you movie doogs and cats! I mean I'm a Collie and don't hold Lassie against me ok? I wouldn't mind a job helping cats. I love cats. I have three of my own. Well ok, I am not the boss and I don't exactly "Have" them, they have me.

I could like maybe give them rides around the studio when they need to go someplace. I promise not to get a lot of hair everywhere either.

Sassy Kat said...

Thanks for lettin me use the photos for the CCSI show. Added a nice touch to the series. We did it! What a great team. Would like to work with all again!!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What an excellent story Karl! Nicely done--even if Gemini was in it.

Asta said...

I can't congwatulate you enough on an absolutely pawfect was touching, and mystewious, and funny and visually exciting..and what a pawfect ending..I am so gwateful to have been a pawt of it..Thank You fow the oppowtunity!
Smoochie kisses

The Meezers or Billy said...

Karl, what a fantastic story!! we is so honored to be part of a great show!

Anonymous said...

What a terrific story. I really liked the happy ending. The acting, costumes and scenery were great!

The Furry Fighter said...

thanks for this wonderful story - great pictures and a super-wonderful cast :) xxx

Sassy Kat said...

Applause to my wonderful writer of CCSI II The Santa Caper. aka: Graphic design crew too. Thank for all, ya helped make this one heck of a show!!!!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

A great ending to the story!!!

We really thought Sandy Claws had set up his kit-napping, but we is glad we were wrong...

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Bravo Karl! Bravissimo! What a wonderful job you did with this story! We LOVE how you used all the characters from the holidays and the happy ending!

We raise our glass to you!

Can't wait to work with you again. We had such a wonderful time.

And now for New Years....hmmmmm (or maybe a break first).

Opus and Roscoe

PB 'n J said...

It was a great show, thanks you guys!

Juno said...

Karl!! Congratulations on the success of CCSI!!! Pinot and I were honoured to work with you and wanted to say thank you for your hard work!!

Momo & Pinot

Sassy Kat said...

Stoppin in again to say I cannot do CCSI without my crew. You are officially hired as was Karl, Opus & Roscoe. You have a job with Little Productions now and forever, as long as you want. It is I to thank you.

Jan Price said...


Just stopped by to tell you how much we enjoyed working with all of the crew and cast associated with The Santa Caper. It has been fun.

Jan's Funny Farm

Boy said...

Gweat show!

Sassy Kat said...

Couldn't wait any longer, as the humans like to say "The cat is out of the bag now.", ha, ha, ha. CCSI is moving and I have posted the latest information about that new news. Thanks again for everything.

snowforest said...

Wow what a wunderful storee - concatulations to all the CCSI team for making such a great series :)