I want to thank each and every one of you again for your wonderful support! Special thanks to Skeezix for the Blog Blast for Anastasia. I will never forget it.
And special thanks to Daisy and Miss Peach, and Yao-Lin, they all awarded us with Skittles Blogging Star Award.
I want to award the Blogging Star Award to the Cat Blogosphere itself, they deserve all and every award that is out there and that will come!!! The Cat Blogosphere and it's hard working members are the heart and soul of our great community, I can not thank them enough!
I also created a blog for Anastasia where you can find her life story, her awards, pictures will follow, and I got an inkling as if she might post herself there once in a while, thanks to Oscar's wonderful example. You can also click on her picture in the sidebar to get there.
Your friend Karl

Karl, Is it true? Are you really back? You have no idea how great it was to see your comment. Clyde and I think about you all of the time. We have been hoping that you were okay. I hope Anastasia does decide to pop up and let us know how she is doing on the other side of the Bridge. It will be very exciting to hear from her again. I'm so glad that you are back, Karl. It hasn't been the same without you!
Oh Karl! We are so glad to see you back!! We returned online just after Anastasia went to the Bridge and we were very sad, and we couldn't talk to you. Now we are back!
We are glad that Anastasia is willing to blog from the Bridge! That will be very exciting. Has she met our angel kitty big sis Missy yet?
~Donny, Marie, Casey
Karl! ((((((((big huggies to you, my furriend!)))))))) I'm so glad you are back -- we Ballicai have missed you so furry furry much and we've thought about you efurry day.
And I'm so glad that Anastasia has been talkin' from the Bridge -- what a wunnerful thing that she can let you know how she's doin' -- I'm gonna go check out her bloggie and say Hi!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao, and sendin' lots and lots of love.
Oh we is soooo glads to hear from you again!!! We all missed you and anastasia very much! Wes look forwards to hearing from her from over the rainbow.
Ps. Did we tells you about the story our Momma wrote for HRH Yao-lin? Its on our bloggie, its 3 parts, buts its pretty cool! And we thinks its kinda uplifting too. :)
Oh, Karl! I'm delighted to see you back, my sweet friend! I have missed you so much and you and the Staff have been in my thoughts and in my heart. Sending huge ((((((((hugs)))))))))!
And oh, I saw the comment Anastasia left on Daddy Oscar's blog -- my eyes filled with tears of joy to read it. I'm going to go over and say hello to her on her blog. What a beautiful name for her blog -- forever Anastasia. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles and love to you and yours,
That's grate news that yer back Karl, we missed you loads and kept checking in to see to see how yoo were.We're going to Ana's blog now. It's a lovely idea that yoo made a blog furr her, and if she can make a contribyooshun furrom the Bridge, well that'll be grate.
glad to have you back karl... time will heal some more (i hope). sigh...
smiles, auntie bee
hiya Karl! ise so happy to see you back! and i'll be so happy to meet anastasia again too - i didn't really get to know her before. xxx
Karl, we are glad you are back and we will go check out Ana's blog and her comment on Oscar's blog! We purrrrred and purrrayed for you and the staff while you were gone. Have a great weekend!
Your FL furiends,
Yours welcome, and you never knows...there might bes a nother noncontest contest and the next winner wills get another story writtens by our momma! :)
ps we is glad this cheered your heart! :) :)
Good to see you again Karl. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Anastasia.My loss.Keep thinking of all the good times, and that will keep her memory fresh.It will not ever help the pain, but you learn to deal with it.
we're so very glad to hear from you! we heard your Maid on the Mo Show last week - what a sweet lady! (and plus we love her adorable accent) we're gonna go check out Anastasia's new blog now. that's a nice thing fur you to do for her.
Great to see you Karl. I am excited that Ana is going to be visiting from across the bridge, it makes her absence easier for all of us.
Can I teleport over tomorrow afternoon and have a niptini with you?..your bnl Monte.
Smile my friend! Anastasia says hello and mentioned in Oscar's post that she plans to blog!
I'm glad that you've renewed your connection with your sweet kitty. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my Oscar and thought about how I could still keep him here with me. It's hard to blog this way but I'll tell you, I can make his life as wonderful as I want it to be, this way. Do you know what I mean? I hope so. Smile and know that our kitty's love us as much as we love them!
Karl you are one great cat. You are very brave to be so strong right now. I am thinking of you and sending you good thoughts. Glad to see you're back a bit!
Welcome back Karl. Look forward to Ana visiting from time to time.
Hi there Karl!!! I'm so happy to see you, my special brother in spirit. My mom has been wanting to write your mom, to check in with you all, but she kept putting it off because of how busy she was with work. Now she regrets letting work get in the way of life. Oh boy, thanks for letting me know that Anastasia was talking via Oscar. I really loved what I saw on Oscar's page. It was SOOOOOOOO beautiful. I have to remember that our friends are happy over there. I keep on thinking they're sad just because I am. Silly me.
Hugs to you Karl, my tabby brother
Great to see you back, Karl! I've missed you, my friend.
We will love Anasatasia furrever, too, Karl! We're glad to have yoo bak!
It was sure great to get your comment Karl! (purr) And it is great that we will hear from Anastasia every so often!
Karl, I am so glad that you are back, and I think creating a blog for Anastasia is a wonderful idea! Sending you and your staff lots of hugs and purrs.
Welcome back Karl! We have been thinking about you and hoping to hear from you again!
Dear Karl~!!!
I am so glad to see you~!!!
We also miss Ana very much~! But we believe one day we will need her take care on the bridge.
Let's wish we will meet again, together.
What a cool photo of a cool cat.
Sara from farmingfriends
yes ... we will luv anastasia ferever!
i'm glad yer back karl!
i missed u verree much.
luv--yer frend--jh
::waves paws:: hey Karl! We's glad to see yoo back! It's cool Anastasia's been talkin to yoo from tha Bridge. And fanks LOTS for that 'ward for the Cat Blogosphere. Yoo know, the Cat Blogosphere wouldn't be the same wifout yoo and alla the cats, so we's all winners!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
DUDE. I'm so happy to see you back! ::purrs::
MomBean has somfin' for you, can we mail you a present?
Oh Karl, I am soooo happy that you are back. You have been missed a lot. It is so like Anastasia to peek out from the Bridge to speak to us!
Karl and Anastasia, thank you so much for the monkey magnet! We got it a while ago when mommy wouldn't let us online and we wanted to thank you but couldn't until now. We totally love it! And we love the bookmark too!! We wanted to play with both of these things but mommy took them away and put the magnet on the fridge for us to admire from time to time and said she is using the book mark for her books and magazines.
~Donny, Casey, Marie
Dear Karl, we just want you to know that we have not stopped purrrrrring for you and your family.
Karl, we are so happy that you are back with us. We have missed you dreadfully, and of course, dear Anastasia. We are thrilled that she can blog from the bridge.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
so glad you're back! all us furries here at my place know it's a hard time but it helps to be around all us furries that love you! nose bumps
Welcome back!!! Woof woof woof!! :D
good to see you honey kitty!
Hooray!!! Welcome back to Karl (and Ana from beyond). We are soooo happy to see you are posting again. We have missed you dearly and it makes our hearts happy that you have found some solace in your friend Monte and the rest of the cat blogosphere (and we're sure some niptinis help too)! We can't wait to see Ana's blog and the photos and look forward to reading her posts from the Bridge around the blogosphere!
Many many headbutts and purrs to you!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Welcome back, Karl. You look so cool in your glasses.
Welcome back, Karl!
I've been thinking about you and the staff there a LOT! Nice to know Anastasia is not completely gone.
Goober love,
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