Friday, September 14, 2007

One of Anastasia's Old Posts

This happened in June and Anastasia had enormous fun writing it down, just never got around to posting it - so, here it is:

You won't believe...
...what happened this morning: Karl fell into the pool!

The maid and I had breakfast on the porch when we saw him coming across the parking lot. We almost didn’t recognize him, he looked like a rat. We couldn’t stop laughing.
I sent the maid to check the pool, and sure enough: his glasses were still floating where he had fallen in.
Meanwhile I snatched a picture of him, he was very embarrassed and only allowed it after I gave him my glasses to wear. He always wanted to wear them but I had never allowed it so far! I was still laughing my cute little butt off.
But then the butler said he could have died. That sobered me up.
I am really careful when it comes to water and I do not like to get my paws wet. One day my glasses fell into the tub and I had to fish them out, I hated it!


LZ said...

Aw Ana what a great post we're glad to have been able to enjoy! Sorry Karl, I can only imagine how unfun that was.


MaoMao said...

It's so great to hear Ana! What a funny post -- her spirit shines through. I'm sorry you fell inna pool, Karl! But I love you sharin' these posts of Ana's. Sendin' love to you and the Staff, my furriend.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Karl, I'm glad that you are okay. Thanks for sharing Ana's posts, it's real nice.

The M's said...

It was probably as funny as when Munchkin got into the beans rain box, except that Karl could have been hurt.
I was good to hear from Ana...your BIL Monte

Samantha & Mom said...

That was great, except the part about you Karl falling in the pool. We are glad you made it out safely and that Ana let you wear her glasses. That's a cute picture of Ana trying to get her glasses out of the tub!
Purrs and ((((hugs)))) to you Karl and to the maid & butler.
Your FL furiends,

sammawow said...

Karl, we are sorry that you got all wet but glad you weren't hurt - except your pride a bit. That was really nice of Ana to let you wear her glasses and she looked adorable fishing the glasses from the tub!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ashahaha excellent story. I am glad you were OK but i can imagine Anastasia laughing her socks off at you! ha ha aha

Daisy said...

It must have been very scairty to fall into the pool! I like to dip my paw into running water, but I would hate to get all wet.

Hi Anastasia!!! Can you hear me?

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

What a great post about Karl falling into that pool! We are happy to see Ana's post - it makes us smile to think of her! Karl, poor thing - good thing your sweet sis lent you her glasses for that photo.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
ps. Karl, we tagged you for a meme! Come see if you want to play along!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Anastasia is laughing right now from that post..thanks

Starbuck and Torrey said...

I'm glad you posted it! Looks like you both had fun!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

thanks for posting this karl...

hugs, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

Ew.. Karl, I am SO sorry!

The Furry Fighter said...

thank you for sharing Ana with us some more xxxx

Lux said...

Oh Karl, how awful about falling into the pool - I'm so glad you were okay!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Karl it was furry nice to hear one of Ana's old posts that she had preepeered. We are sorry yoo fell in the water, but we can just imajin her laffing.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a wonderful post. So very bittersweet. we really miss Anastasia.

Purrrrs to you, sweet friends

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha I'm glad we could hear this story. Poor Karl, water is just so awful. I'm glad you saved your sunglasses I can't imagine you without them.

Hey, I know you've been going thru a lot, and probably aren't ready, but I wondered if any sparks flew with you and Ruis at

I was just over there today and Ralph went over the Bridge.

La pandilla said...

She waa so beautiful ...
Thanks a lot for all , we search to Mielito but he dont comeback ...
A big hug for you...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Ana is very very cute and adroitly, I am so glad to know more about her~!

JT said...

Thanks for sharing Anastasia's post. Karl, we're glad that you survived your fall. Ernest has fallen in the tub before, so we can only imagine how bad a POOL must have been!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Once my Uncle Tiger fell into the pool. He didn't think it was funny ... but we did! Thanks for sharing one of Ana's old posts. We miss her.

Mickey's Musings said...

Finding Ana's post is timely.It's her way of saying "Karl' I'm watching over you".
Just like we know she watches over all of us.She IS Sunday sunshine.
Thank You Anastasia

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing one of Ana's old posts! It's wonderful to hear her voice, *smile*.

And I'm sorry you fell into the pool, Karl! That must have been very scary. I don't like water!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Tara said...

hehehe...sorry Karl, I can't stop laughing, it sounds so Kavan!

Great to hear from Anastasia!

Parker said...

Oh Anastasia - I'm so glad to read one of her stories! Even at the expense of Karl!
We laid on the deck today and enjoyed Anastasia's warmth and light!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karl,

What a great post thanks for keeping
Ana's spirit alive she's forever in our hearts.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Thanks Karl for sharing this post! That photo of you sure made me laugh (sorry). I sure was nice of Anastasia to let you wear her glasses till you got yours out of the pool!

What a fun trip down memory lane!