My mott' is “If they be rich enough t' own it – they be rich enough t' share it. Whate'er it is.” And all I do is help with the sharin'…
I am sailin' under the flag o' legendary pirate queen Mad Anne Kid, patron saint o' all pirates. E'ery pirate is a little bit crazy. Mad Anne Kid, though, was more than just a little bit. And e'en though she was not always the traditional swaggerin' gallant, her steadiness and plannin' made her the finest and most cunnin' o' all pirates. Arr, argh!
Thanks Meowers from Missouri!
Be sharin' with me, will ye now mate?
Hey, Karl!
I just read that today is "Talk Like a Pirate Day." You crack me up. I have nothing else to say.
Goober love,
Ahoi me matie, this pirates stuff if kinds fun! :)
Yo ho ho and a bottle of nipitini.
Walk the plank you old sea dog (sorry for using that word).
Aye, Captain Jack Flint, ye be a mighty fine pirate, gar! Yer pirate photo be bonnie, arr! Yer flag be mighty bonnie too!
AAArrrrrr! A fine ship ye' got there!
oh my dogness! pirate cats!? wut cud be skarier?! i am writing to you all becuz there is a new cat blog i thot you wud want to check out. news from the cat ranch belongs to sum cats i know.
arrrrrr. woof. pirate dogs are way skarier than pirate cats! tee hee!
luv ivy
Ye be havin' a bonny ship there, matey. I'd sail under ye any day.
Aye matey
Grate ship and I'll hoist a tall one to yu.
Arrrrgh Cap'n Flint!!!! The rich best be shar'in the booty!! a toast wit toona joose!!!
yarrrr! ye has a right fine ship, matey, an' ye has collected a right fine lot o' booty!! we be proud that ye jined up w' our flotilla today!!
Arrrrr Cap'n Jack Flint, yer a fine figger of a pirate to be sure.
Meargh! You's got yerself a mighty ship thar, Karl.
Avast thar...what a fierce lookin' Pirate ya do make!
Aye, we be raidin' at dawn...make dem scallywags walk da plank!
Be sharing with me to, eh? Not being a good pirate, I don't share though...
Ahoy, this is a great day for eatin' and pillagin' all o'er the Kitty net world, gar!
Yer FL mateys,
Ahoy Captain Jack Flint. Do ye got a mug of grog fer a matey?
well arr to you too honey!
smiles, auntie bee
'Ello poppet....Arrrrrr!
Where be all ye rum, now?
Ahoy and ye be a fierce one Cap'n Karl! We go a'raidin now. Arrrrrrrrr
M' "treasures" have already been taken!
Captain Jack, you be a mighty fine pirate, and very sparky, too. When I was aboard me own sailin' ship, I did see the legendary pirate queen Mad Anne Kid!!!
ahoy there matie - that's some serious loot you got there!! arrrrrrrrrrrrr
Shiver me timbers!! Tis a pirate life fur me!
Happy Pirate Day!
Aye - that be a very excellent motto!!
I too am a pirate today, albeit a stylish one. You can keep your plunder, I will be heading to the tower of london to claim back my jewels! xx
Ahoy, me hearty, that be a fine motto. Sail wit' ye we certainly would.
Aye, purrrrs, China Cat an' Willow
Ahoy! Tis a fine treasure ye gots there, Cap'n. You'll nefur find me pirate booty! You'll taste my blade afore you'll taste my Temptations! Argh! :-)
hehehe, I like yur motto -- yur a mighty fine pirate, Karl! Arrrgh! Pass the toooona grog, yarrrrrr!
Kittyhugs, purrs, and GAR from MaoMao!
Oh, look at that treasure chest of jewels!
Got some lobster in that booty?
yohoho and a bottle 'o toona joos
Avast and ahoy from way down under! Captain Cook says to come on down!
ahoy there me hearty!
ise totally forgot it was Pirate Day - and meowmie hs been crap and forgotten too! What a useless bean she is sometimes!
Thanks for sailing by Capt'n to our port. You make a fine looking pirate. We's had fun taking lotsa booty too.
Moe & Mindy
Aye, we all be a bit mad, we pirates! But we gets the booty, e'en if we has t'share!
Yer Pirate name be like unto mine!
~Pirate Jack!
Ahoy Matey's! Me buried treasure you'll never see unless you go sailin' the seas wif me. Arrrrrr!
Ahoy, thar, Cap'n! Ye be a mighty fearsome pirate, and may ye enjoy your booty!
Your buddy, Grog-master Jim
Amazing picture!!! You look like a very dangerous pirate indeed!
Oh, man ....! Dunt tell me yer outta RUM!!!!!!
Captain Jack Flint~!!
You talk like a pirate, let me learn many things about pirate~!
Thanks. Arr, argh!
Arrr! I be a bit late, but I still be piratey!
Meargh Cap'n Jack!
Love the picture!
Great pirate post and photos :)
Happy (belated) Pirate day. I missed it, though I have a skull and cross bones collar, I just refuse to wear and the feeders din't notice it was Pirate day until too late.
Thanks for visiting us, we are indeed upon the Upper West Side - I started n Harlem so I'm slowly moving dowtown...but not more upmarket!
May you Shiver your timbers!
Ye seek an adventure in salty old kitties eh? Well ye come to the proper place! Savy?
Very good Meow Like a Pirate, Karl!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
You're a great pirate, Karl. Our Mom wouldn't help us participate in pirate day.
Karl is that you under there?
Wow, your maid and or butler know how to use there artistic skill! I'm impressed with the pirate detail with the picture and the story.
I've been away for quite a while because my mom has been using our computer for other things. I appreciate your visits to my blog.
aaaaarrrrrrrrrrr she blows! when mommy & daddy were in the carry-bean for their honeymoon, she bought a pirate sticker that says "the beatings will continue until moral improves." This picture reminds me of that.
great ship there captain jack flint. shall we get some toona grog?
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