After decades of military dictatorship, the people of Burma are not "jumping through the hoop" anymore and they need all the help they can get!
You can sign a petition here and an Appeal to the UN Security Council here.
This blog shows you the few pictures that make it out of Burma.
And here is a related story on BBC.
Thanks for the informative post. I'll have to run over there and check out the petition site and such.
Thank you for letting us know about the petition, Karl. The people of Burma are very brave.
Thank you for all the information, Karl. I read the blog and newsreport, then signed the petition.
thank you Karl for the petition and great post! Meowmie feels very strongly bout the Burma issue and her weeps to think of what the Burmese have had to endure...
You are one well-informed cat. I'll check out the petition and the blog. It's about time something happened, but I'm concerned there's going to be a military backlash. Let's keep the paws crossed that there isnt.
Take care, buddy.
Goob love,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention today, Karl! We will go and read and sign the petititon.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Cool photo! There are some really lovely looking cats that hang out at the Temples in Burma, they look kind of like Abyssinians in that their coats are ticked, but they have interesting markings too... A place with cats as nice looking as that deserves to be free! :)
When you see what happens in other parts of the world,why don't people appreciate how good we have it here?
It is so sad what is going on there.
We are with you on this! Our pet humans will sign the petition. Thanks so much.
Thank you for enlightening us further, we will make our humans sign the petition right away!!
Thanks for bringing this up to everyone.
Mom says it is a very serious situation going on in Burma. We will check out the blog and petition.
Hi Karl! Thanks for your comment. :) None of the food I eat has any grains in it, except a bit of rice in my wet food. My dry food is grain-free and my wet food is 75% fresh meat or fish, 24% cooking water and 1% rice.
Both my dry food and wet food are 100% organic, hormone-free, antibiotic-free. Pet food here in Germany is very tightly regulated, and must be made from human-grade ingredients. On top of that, I'm fed top-of-the-line foods, since I have a fussy tummy and just throw up cheaper foods. But thanks for all the information! It seems that bad teeth are just something Sphynx are prone to having. I even get teeth-cleaning treats every day, but they don't seem to help much.
Thank you for letting us know!
Thanks for the information Karl. Our mom signed the petition.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
thank you for the informaton. We too have been following this on the news.
Thanks for posting about this, Karl. We are going to go sign the petition now.
Great blog Karl. Love the pics.
Thanks for the comments on my blog too. I agree with them 100%. I have 3 cats that are also on the raw diet and they love it, well 2 of them do; the finicky middle one does some days, and others not so much. But my 18 year old and 1 year old love it, and their fur is so soft and shiny. Keep up the good work
Thank you for the information. Mom went right on and signed. She has been reading about this and it makes her very sad.
Will check out the petition after I finish this comment. Pretty talented cat in that pic you posted! Amazing!
MomBean signed the petition - thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Yes these Burmese people are brave and they need all the help we can provide - be it moral or practical - these monks are very honorable indeed.
Its a very difficults time over there rights now. :(
I hope the petition does some good. FAZ
Recpect one another, freedom, democracy.
Vrede is zo simpel..., maar waarom doen zovelen zo moeilijk?
We signed.
Recpect, love and purrs...
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