plus: I was asked to make a "We accepted the challenge" button for blogs with several cats. You find it here. Yao-Lin asked for a tiara instead of the wig, so I gave him one. Let´s see if he will wear it and post a picture!
Gosh this is fun! This is our first Wordless Wednesday EVER, and we love it 'cuz it totally legitimizes napping all day. Not that we need permission, of course. Laura & Furs
Oh, Anastasia, we had the most horrible thing happen to us tonight! Mom made us take your challenge without the advantage of Photoshop! Oh, the indignity! You must come visit and witness this travesty.
Nice camouflage! You blend in quite well with that blanket!
How cool!!
Happy WW!!
Wow ! what a very chic lady !!
wow ... wutta pikshur ... wutta poze ... va va va voom!
luv--yer frend--jh
Yikes!!! dat's exsullent kammerflojj.What a kyootie.
That is a great picture! Wow, you look awesome. Very Hollywood.
Thanks for the button. Mommy will figure out how to put it up soon.
Great pose. Perfect backdrop.
All I can say is WOW.
we is sorry we didnt' wear the wig - our free trial of photo shop pooped out. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You are very photogenic, Anastasia! Cool background. Happy WW!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
GREAT PHOTO! Fabulous!!
You are very glamorous!!!
Nice pic.
BTW: no matter what I do, the background still comes up black.
Now darling where did you get those glasses? ;-)
That's a beautiful picture! Matching furs and fabrics!
Luf, Us
Wow, you almost can't see you cause you blend in so good.
I'm sure Yao-lin will wear the tiara. He is royalty after all!
You're all coordinated - looks great!
We don't think it will take much persuasion for Yao-Lin to wear a crown!
Our Mommie got the button fixed, she had to reopen it with her photoshop and re-save it.
Now she is going to cafe press to make a button of Monte.
You blend in really well. I love your spotted tummy. Thanks for understanding about the wig.
ah, thank you my friend!!! I shall adorn the tiara later tonight and will post it shortly!
Thanks again xxx
Monte's Cafepress is up.
Gosh this is fun! This is our first Wordless Wednesday EVER, and we love it 'cuz it totally legitimizes napping all day. Not that we need permission, of course. Laura & Furs
Karl and Anastasia, I am awarding you the Schmooze Award for blogging community involvement. You can read about it on my blog!
Wow! Anastasia you are glamour kitty extrordinaire!!! I will have to see if I can get Samantha or Bebe to try on your wig too.
Wow, what a beautiful picture, Anastasia! You are a gorgeous girlkitty, and so very stylish, too!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
What wonderful fur patterns!
Oh, Anastasia, we had the most horrible thing happen to us tonight! Mom made us take your challenge without the advantage of Photoshop! Oh, the indignity! You must come visit and witness this travesty.
Looks like a good fit.
Wow, love this picture! You blend in purrfectly to your background! :)
That's a great photo, with your texture in perfect harmony.
Thanks for stopping by today, keep in touch.
-Amar and Luna
That good blog here .i have added my URL To the box .
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